The Championship

After they get their bags, they started to walk towards the Library.

"Hang on, wait a minute. You guys ready?" CJ asked while holding the door knob.

"Just open the door you idiot" Brent mockingly answered.

Before entering the room all the way, they were confused about what they saw.

Because instead of five students the other team only have two.

"The five of you can't enter this room. You need two represent to engage in this level." The host spoke.

CJ quickly closed down the Door before even they can enter the room.

Then he looked at the others

"So who's gonna enter?" He asked.

After deciding, two of their members enter the room and say down next to each other.

"So the four of you are chosen to be representing your groups. We've got Carl and Joy from the section D. And we've got Ian and Junlee from section B." The host stood up and announced.

" This level will be the last level before you enter the championship. And the challenge here will be the easiest out of all the levels you've been through. You just need to answer a five hundred items test in just five minutes. I don't care how the two of you will divide the five hundred on each other but cheating will not be tolerated. The highest score wins" The host started to set the timer.

Junlee and Ian looked at each other and started to make a plan.

"You good with fifty-fifty? I will take the two hundred fifty and you will take rest." Ian proposed.

Junlee nodded his head as a response.

Then he stood up to take the test papers.

"Help me out okay?" Ian asked Nathan through the device.

"Just read the question so I can hear them clear." Nathan answered.

After Junlee gave the test paper to Ian,

the host started the timer, and they all began to answer.

Ian secretly listen to Nathan's answers while Junlee didn't even hesitate to listen to his gut.

Before even the timer can reach to three minutes they all finished the test.

And the host slowly put the papers into a machine to check the answers.

After getting the results the host smirked.

"This is interesting. The section D got a astonishing score of four hundred ninety-nine." The host announced.

Upon hearing this announcement, Carl and Joy from section D started celebrating.

Jhane, Brent and CJ waited patiently outside the room. Hoping to hear a good news.

Then the door started opening slowly,

and then they saw Ian and Junlee's faces looked shocked and kinda sad with their chins down.

The three quickly stood up and run towards the two.

"What happened? Did you won?" CJ asked the two.

Ian and Junlee looked at the three and smiled.

"We got a perfect score so it basically means we won." Ian gladly announced.

After they celebrated, Jhane told Ian and Junlee about their next location.

Just after the two won the bell rang, to signal that it's lunch break.

So the team went back their classroom to get their lunch boxes.

After they get their lunches they went separate ways to eat.

But Ian and Junlee including Nathan went to the rooftop.

"Congratulations to the two of you by the way." Nathan spoke while looking at the clouds.

"Nah it's thanks to you. You got all of the answers right. That's amazing." Ian replied.

After they complement each other, they started eating.

And soon after they went down, Nathan whispered something into Ian's ears.

Then the team gathers and went to the final location.

After opening the door, a dozen of teachers are sitting elegantly and waiting inside.

"Please take a seat." The host spoke to them.

The atmosphere was so heavy that none of them have the courage to talk.

After a short period of time, the door opened.

It was the first section who entered after them.

" Oh I don't see the person I want to see in this room. But I know he was just blending in." shejric spoke.

"Please be seated. We will start soon after a few moments." The host spoke.

The section one then settled. After the room went silent, the host stood up and spoke.

"Prepare yourselves because the climax of this tournament will begin.

The rules are simple, choose one student per team. Then this students will answer five questions, the first student to answer three questions correctly will stay.

While the other team will choose another student to compete with the winning student, this will continue until the other team's students all be defeated.

Now who will be the starting students? Remember choose wisely."

After the host spoke, the students began to huddle.

The section one chose the student name Michael. While the section two continue their planning.

"So who's the lucky one?" CJ asked.

They looked at each other nervously.

Then Ian took a deep breath and sighed.

"Okay, I will volunteer this time."

The other members agreed to Ian. Then they tapped Ian's shoulder before he went to the front.

"Okay, the first one to press the button on their front will be given the chance to answer. Put your hands to your chest."

The host announced the start of the tournament.

Ian felt nervous, his face was red and drenched in sweat. His face can't be drawn because of mixed emotions. Until.

" I got you. Just press the button quick enough to beat the other guy. I'll give you the right answer." Nathan words encouraged Ian that he began to smirk a little.

"The first question is, How many sides does a dodecahedrons have?"

After hearing the question, Ian pressed the button right away without hesitation.

The host looked at Ian as a sign to give his answer.

"12" Nathan spoke.

"12" said by Ian.

"One down. That's one point for section two." Announced by the host.

"Question number two: What color does gold leaf appear if you hold it up to the light?"

Ian quickly pressed the button once again. And waited for Nathan's answer.

"It's green"

"It's green" Ian copied Nathan's answer.

"Ding,ding,ding it's correct once again for section two." The host wiggle his finger while looking at the section one's representative.

"What's with the pauses and waits. Something's weird." Shejric wonder.

But the tournament still continues.