The beginning after the end

Shejric noticed something fishy but he didn't made a move yet.

"If section two answer this question you will be eliminated okay." The host looked at Michael.

Michael's face then turned red, not because he is inlove but because he is frustrated.

"In which country is the Troi-Rivieres bridge?" The host asked.

But Michael beat Ian into pressing the button.

"Uhm, it's in Australia right?" Michael answered.

"You're astonishingly.... Wrong. How about you? What's your answer?" The host looked at Ian.

"Easy, it's Canada." Ian answered with a big smile on his face.

"Ding Dong again.. Michael you're eliminated so please sit down tightly okay? Now who will be representing the section one next?" Said by the host.

A girl stood up and went to the front, Ian want to shake the girl's hand but the girl declined.

So as replied, Ian beat the girl three to zero, the girl didn't even touched the button once! But of course all of Ian's answer was because of Nathan.

"Did he beat two of our members alone?" Jean Shane asked Shejric.

"I think someone is helping him. Give me a little bit time I will figure it out." Shejric replied.

"Next member please." The host spoke.

"Jacob, you're up. He can't defeat you right?" Said by shejric.

Jacob looked at Shejric with a determined looked at his face. Then he went to the front.

"The first question is... The 'girl in the polka dot dress' was an eye witness in whose assassination?"

Ian quickly pressed the button. But Nathan took a while to answer.

"Robert F. Kennedy"

"Robert F. Kennedy" Ian copied Nathan.

"Boom. You messed up." Shejric figured out Ian's secret. So shejric quickly called his henchmen.

" You remember that kid named Nathan right? I want you to find where he id hiding. Do it quickly before we lose this tournament" shejric commanded his henchmen.

The henchmen quickly went on patrol to search Nathan's location.

They went on every classroom and bathroom to search.

"Ding,Ding that's correct again. This kid's a genius. That's two points, the next question will be fatal for you Jacob.

The next question is, A "crepuscular" animal becomes active at what time?"

As always Ian was the first one to pressed the button.

But Nathan didn't respond. It was long enough that the host let Jacob to answer.

"Dusk" Jacob answered.

"Ding, Ding congratulations for being the first student to score against this kid." Said by the host.

"Can I go to the bathroom for a minute?" Ian asked the host.

The host looked at his watch..

"Okay we will have a short break."

Ian then dashed out of the room and went to the bathroom quickly.

"Nathan, Nathan are you there?" Ian panickingly asked.

"Hello,Hello so this is the use of this device huh." A very unfamiliar voice replied to Ian using the device.

"Who is this? Where is Nathan?" Ian asked full of panic. But no one answered.

Ian began feeling agitated and worried.

But he doesn't know what to do. So he started running around the campus and trying to find Nathan.

While he checked every room around the campus he felt tired of running around. Until.

"You done running?" A voice spoke to the device.

Ian didn't answer right away. He rest for a short period of time to catch his breath.

"Where is Nathan?" Ian asked the voicebehind the device.

"Well if you mean the person who was using this device before, he is sleeping right now. We're trying to figure out what he was currently dreaming" the man answered.

But Ian heard a multiple people laughing. So he concluded that Nathan was jumped and got beaten.

"I said where is Nathan?" Ian's tone began to change because of frustration.

"Oh, you trynna be a hero? And save your little friend? Okay come up here at building three's rooftop. We'll be waiting okay?" After hearing the mysterious man, Ian started running.

While he was climbing through the stairs, he heard something weird through the device. He heard arguing, shouting, breaking and other disturbing sounds.

So he quickly picked up his pace. And after a while, he reached the rooftop.

He stares at the door and finding the courage to enter it.

And while shaking he slowly opened the door. And the sight that was waiting outside shocked Ian.

Six students laying around, with their faces full of blood and broken body parts. And in the corner of the rooftop, where the sun's sunlight don't reach. There is Nathan sitting with blood dripping from his head.

From what he saw, Ian quickly approached Nathan.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Ian asked.

"Just a little business interruption. You, what are you doing in here?" Nathan spoke while slowly wiping the blood using his shirt.

After explaining, Nathan and Ian reached the same conclusion. That the incident happened because of the same cause.

The two talked for a while, and Ian's phone starting to ring.

"Hello" Ian picked up.

"Where are you? The tournament is starting. We need you. Hurry up and come back." An angry voice coming from Jhane.

"Well you better hurry up and go back. Don't worry, there will be no interruptions again." Nathan spoke.

So Ian went back to the room drenched in sweat and out of breath. But after he entered the room, Ian looked at Shejric and smiled confidently.

Shejric's pride was touched, so he called his henchmen right away. But no one answered. And after the host announced that Ian has won again, shejric was frustrated.

He started punching his thighs, biting his finger nails and sweating abnormally.

And then someone giggled, after hearing the giggles, Shejric's informal behavior stopped.

"Don't show them any weakness, okay? Are you afraid your gonna lose? Show them why we are different from them." A cold voice coming from Jean Shane.

After hearing what she said, Shejric stood up with a face full of determination.

"Okay we will gonna start right away with the first question..

What was the bloodiest battle of the American Civil War?" Asked by the host.

And Ian quickly pressed the button with hesitation.

"Gettysburg" said by Nathan

"Gettysburg" Ian answered.

"Ding, Ding you're right again."

After the first question, Shejric began to feel the pressure.

"Second question.... Emetophobia is the fear of?"

But this time Shejric pressed the button first.

"Fear of saliva" said by Shejric.

"I'm afraid your wrong. Okay Ian what's the right answer?"

"Fear of vomit."

"Ding,Ding again." The host began clapping.

"For the last question.....The surface area of Earth is about how many square miles?"

Ian didn't pressed the button but instead he looked at Shejric.

Shejric began looking up trying to calculate using his mind. He started scratching his head, his hand and knees began to shake.

But Shejric didn't gave any answers.

So Ian answers the question.

"196.9 million mi²" Ian answered.

After hearing Ian's answer, the host began to announce the winner.

Shejric out of frustration throw his eye glasses to the ground, and he sat back to his chair.

Before the host announced the last round, Jean Shane raised her hand.

And the host gave her a permission to speak.

" We will concede. But we gave our compliments to the winner." Jean Shane spoke.

Upon hearing this offer, the host and the teachers started a small huddle. And after a while, the host return to the front.

"After hearing what the teacher said, We will now announced the Section B as the champion of this year's tournament." After the host announced, the whole room was filled with the noise of celebration.

Nathan smiled after hearing the announcement, he went and got a bottle of water from his bag.

And started pouring the water into the face of the students he vanquished.

And the students began to woke up one by one.

"You knocked us down and now you help us to woke up. Who are you? You're a weird person you know that right?" A student stated.

And Nathan just stares at them without giving a noise. But his aura was strong enough to tell them who he really is.

And Nathan went downstairs to the bathroom to wash the blood from his head.

"He's different, I don't think I've met anyone like him before." The student concluded.

After washing the blood off, Nathan went back to their classroom to congratulate his classmates.

And before he even went near to their classroom, he saw Ian and Jhane waiting for him at the door.

So Nathan approached the two, But before he can say a word...

A multiple gunshots was fired at the campus and it caused a ruckus.

Chapter 10 ends.