The Game we call "Hell"

After the gunshots was heard all over the campus, the students started panicking, running and pushing through the hallways.

The stampede that was caused by the students was also the caused of countless injuries.

"Let's hide in our classrom, there's only us left in our class." Nathan spoke.

The whole campus went silent for a moment,so the students stopped running around.

The students who want to escape the school walked towards the gate. 

But as they touched the gate, everyone passed out because of the high voltage electric shock.

So after witnessing this unsightly view, the remaining students move away from the gates. 

But some students noticed something weird as the situation calmed down.

"Where are the teachers? I can't find them in their classrooms?"

"Did they abandoned their students?"

"What are we gonna do now."

These words was heard all over the campus.

So as soon as the students noticed this, they all went into groups and went into separate ways trying to find any adults or teachers.

But after they got exhausted and out of breath, they gave up because they can't find anyone.

"Mic test, Mic test, Hello everyone. I'm your host for today's biggest event."

An unfamiliar voice was heard through out the campus via speaker.

After hearing the voice, Nathan and his group slowly walked out of their classroom.

"Before we start our main event for today, let me introduce myself. My name is Jair, I'm from an secret organization I can't reveal yet." The unfamiliar person spoke.

As Jair continue to talk, Nathan's group went to meet up with the bigger crowd to hide their presence.

" Well my organization made a game that help the students fulfill their true potential. And your School was one of the lucky few that got selected to try this game for the first time!!

But sadly to make you unlock your full potential we might have to sacrifice a few. 

So being killed is a part of the game unfortunately, and the sad part is not many of you can survive.

So I, Jair, welcome you all to the main event. No, that's wrong, I mean welcome to the game we call 'HELL'."

After Jair's speech, only static sound was heard through the speakers.

And the students started to discuss the situations by group and after a while, everyone came up with the same conclusion.

That this was all part of a big prank! 

" Let's all calm down. I'm Zoe, SSG president of this school." A student stood up in a platform and shouted.

"We think that this was all a pra-"

Bang! A bullet was shot through the president's head. 

The students was shocked about what happened that all of them froze up on the spot.

After Zoe's body falls down, a defeaning buzzing alarm was heard.

And the students was all confused about what's happening.

"Smells weird. Do you smell that?" Ian asked Nathan while covering his nose.

"Yeah" Nathan replied.

After the buzzing alarm went off, students felt dizzy, and everyone starting to lose their consciousness.

"We messed up. It's poison gas. Cover your noses, there's a poison in the air we breathe." Nathan shouted.

 But the students didn't listen to him, instead they started running again.

Until one by one, all of the students lose their consciousnesses including Nathan's group....

Until no students remain standing. Bodies holding bodies as if they were cuddling.

" I feel dizzy, my head felt like it was about to break. I heard someone's calling my name loudly. And as soon as I opened my eyes, I saw a beautiful girl."

"Nathan, Nathan wake up." 

"Jhane? Is that you?" Nathan spoke slowly and silently.

As Nathan starting to feet okay, he slowly sat down on the ground. As he looked around in the room where he is, he noticed a blank huge room painted in white with students he don't know.

"Where are we?" Nathan asked.

"We still don't know" Jhane replied while sitting beside Nathan.

As Nathan stares at the white ceiling, a traumatic memories from his childhood began to fill his head.

"They're back." He randomly spoke.

"Who's back?" Jhane ask with a confused look on her face. Then suddenly a student made a ruckus on the other side of the room.

So Nathan and Jhane quickly stood up and checked what is happening.

A student is screaming loudly while sleeping.

Soon after Nathan looked at the face of the student, he quickly knew who he was.

"Ian,Ian, wake up" he said while shaking Ian's shoulder.

After a while, Ian finally woke up drenched in sweat .

"Where are we?" Ian asked while slowly biting his finger nails.

"We still don't know" Nathan replied.

Then the two continue talking about what happened.

"What happened to Junlee,Brent and CJ?" Ian worriedly looked at Nathan.

Nathan looked at Ian for a few seconds but still didn't answers Ian's question.

Then the two noticed the other students loudly talking about something on the other side of the room.

"Jhane what happened." Nathan asked as he slowly approached the group.

"An envelope came, we don't know what's inside it yet." Jhane replied.

Then one of the students picked up the envelope from the ground, and ripped the cover.

A letter was inside the envelope.

" Two is better than one, so if the train starts to depart, you and your partner must have to sacrifice what's inside of you before you can enter the train."

After reading the letter, the students discussed about their opinions. 

But most of them just started to argue.

"When we will know if the train will start to depart?" A student asked.

After he asked, a set of digits was seen in the wall of the room.

"What's that?" A student asked.

After the digit decreased, they all knew that it was a timer.

"We need to figure out what's this letter means. There only a minute left in the clock." The same student spoke.

"Wait, I figured it out" a calm voice spoke.