Sacrifice in order to survive

"Wait, I figured it out" a calm voice spoke.

After hearing this, the room went silent. Everyone alter their attention to the speaker.

"Please explain it to us."

 Someone replied.

"I think what the letter meant is we need to find a partner, and need to dig up his insides to find his organs. You know like sacrifices from the past ages." The boy spoke.

Everyone was shocked of what they've heard, they looked at each other clueless and eyeballs about to pop up.

The boy who spoke look at them with a determined face, then he smiled.

"I'm just joking." The boy laughed.

Everyone felt relieved upon hearing this.

"It's not the right time to joke around."

Someone interrupt.

"My bad, but I am serious about pairing up though. The letter told us to do so."

The boy continue to talk.

Then everyone paired themselves. Ian and Nathan was paired then Jhane was paired with some random girl.

After everyone found their partners, the timer stopped. Then all of the light inside the room turned into bloody red.

"Did we do something wrong?" Someone asked.

"Please prepare for departure. Only sixty seconds are left." A sound produce by machine was heard. 

Everyone looked at each other, then a big timer was set at the floor of the room.

A total of six squares was visible at the floor. Four at each corner and two at the middle.

"Okay everyone calm down! We need to figure this out together." Jhane shouted.

Everyone searched everywhere to find some kind of clues and hints.

"The squares." The boy from earlier shouted. 

"Six squares and six pairs. Everyone step inside of the square near you and bring your partner." He continued.

Everyone then followed the instructions given. After stepping inside the squares, the timer stopped.

Everyone jumped because of joy and relief. Then a piece of paper and a pen pop out on the corner of each squares.

"What is this?" Everyone wondered.

Then Ian hastily picked the piece of paper and the pen out. Everyone looked at Ian and waiting for what's about to happen next.

"Woah I thought somethings gonna happen." Ian laughed.

After Ian spoke, a noise of a train was set off. The whole room was filled of these noise.

"What is happening?" Ian shouted while covering his ear.

"The train is about to depart!" Nathan answered.

Everyone was disturb by the noise.

After a while, the noise was stopped. The people inside the room was drenched in sweat and looking stressful.

"Only thirty seconds are left." Nathan calmly spoke while looking down at the clock.

"Sacrifice what's inside of you. Sacrifice what's inside of you. Sacrifice what's inside of you." Everyone repeatedly said this phrase hoping for a clue.

"Now I'm starting to think that I'm right about the organs earlier." The boy from earlier jokingly said.

"No, I think they meant something that are valuable to us individually." Jhane said. 

"Does everyone have any accessories with them?" She continues.

Everyone nodded. Then they quickly took it off, their rings, necklaces,watches and bracelets.

"What's next?" The group asked.

"Pick the paper and the pen from the squares. Then place your accessories on the gap in replacement for the paper and the pen."

Jhane spoke while doing what she said.

Then everyone followed her, they wait and wait for results. But after a short moment they realize that it was incorrect.

"The timer didn't stooped." Everyone said.

Then only fifteen seconds was left on the timer. Everyone started to panic again. Others started to point fingers at each other and argues.

And at the corner, Ian noticed something. Nathan was sweating abnormally. When Ian was about to check on him, Nathan smiled.

"Pick the piece of paper quickly." Nathan said.

"Write something that you don't want someone to know. Your secrets." He continued.

Then he started doing what he said and everyone followed him. After the first ones was done, their partners started doing it too.

The timer was only left with five seconds. And a buzzing sound was starting to play.

"Put it back" Nathan said.

Everyone followed him without hesitation.

And before the timer was left with one second, it quickly stopped.

Everyone waited for what is about to happen. Their sweats slowly dropping to the floor, their lips are quivering. And their hearts are beating loudly.

"Thank you for providing your tickets for this travel. If your ready you can enter the train." A machine sound goes off.

Afterwards, a door was opened.

"Is that an elevator?" Ian mouthed.

Then everyone quickly entered the elevator, but something caught everyone's attention.

The room was not big enough to fit everyone. One must be left out in order for everyone to fit in.

After noticing that, everyone step out of the elevator. Then they began to chat.

"What's the plan?" Random student asked.

"Someone is need to stay." A student answered.

They looked at each other with worries. They're afraid of what's gonna happen next.

They stayed their for a moment waiting for someone to volunteer.

Then a girl started crying. She sobbed and the other girls checked on her.

"I can't stay, I'm sorry but I can't. I'm afraid." She said while wiping her tears.

"Me either" 

"Me too"

Everyone was afraid of what's going to happen if they stayed there. 

Then someone laughed.

"You guys are the worst." The boy from earlier spoke.

"I'll stay if that's what you guys want." He proceeded.

After that everyone looked at him but he only smiled. 

But in order to continue, that sacrifice was meant to be made. Everyone slowly entered the elevator with guilt as theirnheavy burden. After the ten of them entered the elevator, they waited for the girl who cried earlier to enter.

"Thank you for doing this." She said while hugging the boy. Before she fully entered the elevator she bowed as a sign of respect.

Five seconds timer was set after everyone stepped inside the elevator. 

Everyone stared outside and show their sympathy to the boy. The boy outside just smile as a reply. 

But before the elevator was completely shut off, the boy quickly grabbed the girl and throw her out, then he quickly takes the girl's place inside!

It happened so quickly that everyone didn't have the time to react. 

A voice full of despair was the last noise that was heard outside before the elevator was closed.

Everyone looked at the boy.

"That was closed." The boy said.

"What have you done?" Ian shouted and quickly grabbed the collar of the boy's uniform.

Everyone angrily stare at the boy waiting for his response. 

The boy looked back at them and smiled.

"I saved myself, just like what you guys did. Don't be such a goodie two shoes. I'm not the bad guy here, we all are." The boy laughed.

"You know I have learned something important and that is, in order to survive on this cruel thing we call life, everyone must ripped a small part of their morality and conscience." The boy tapped Ian's shoulder and smiled.

Everyone was shocked and can't comprehend what just happened.

"I'm marque by the way" the boy spoke.