Turning the world against me

After what happened, everyone on that elevator didn't say a single word. Everyone felt suffocated by their own guilt, eyes full of tears and their soul are traumatized. 

"You're heartless" mouthed by Ian.

All of their eyes are pointed at someone, and only at someone, pointed to marque.

Then after what Ian said, marque didn't reply but instead he laughed. Laughed maniacally.

"It's okay. Everything need balance, if you want to play the good guy fine, I'll be the bad guy. But I can tell you one thing is certain, being good is not enough." Marque spoke.

After what marque said, the elevator suddenly stopped. And the door's slowly opened, everyone held their breath and patiently waiting for what's awaiting outside.

As everyone slowly stepped outside of the elevator, their heart began to beat faster. They're confused, clueless and puzzled about the presence of the room.

The group quickly scattered, going into different sides of the room. After Ian arrived at one of the corner of the room he quickly sat down and grabbed his head in dispair. 

"It's the same room." He concluded.

The whole group was stressed and out of energy, so they just sat down in silence. With their heads and eyes pointed at the ground. Waiting for what's next.

Jhane looked at everyone worriedly. She slowly lift her head up and said.

"I'm jhane." 

After hearing her voice, everyone gain a little bit of their spirit back.

"I'm Nathan and this is Ian " said by Nathan while pointing at Ian.

"Yoho I'm marque"

"I'm mae"

"The name's Vincent."

"I'm Reno"

"And I'm cristoff" 

And everyone else introduced themselves one by one.

After that they slowly told their different side of the story about what they're doing before the incident happened.

"I'm peeing and I noticed some weird green gas appeared. And then boom! I was out" marque jokingly said.

Everyone didn't respond and just moved on. 

"The last thing I remembered was the time before I went to sleep at class." Vincent said.

And everyone told their stories. After some time they felt a little comfortable talking with each other.

After they felt a tiny bit of joy, a voice by machine talked.

"You must be surprised upon arriving at your destination. But this is just the start of your journey. Please enjoy your trip my dear passengers." The machine ended.

"That voice is traumatizing." After Ian said that, a white box falls down from the ceiling. Causes veryone to startled.

They slowly but steadily approached the box. Then they noticed that the box was wrapped by a string. 

Jhane slowly stoop down and with her hands shaking abnormally she pulled the string.

Everyone was surprised after they saw what's inside the box. No one dared to touch it. They just stood their and stares.

"I guess we're sleeping with our eyes open tonight." Marque laughed while walking away from the box.

Then they noticed a letter next to this certain item. 

Jhane slowly picked up the letter and read it out loud. Everyone gathered near to Jhane to listen what the letter is all about.

"Trust one another and you can leave this facility unscathed. You can empty this room but leave everything empty first."

After Jhane read the letter, everyone doesn't have the clue what it's all about.

"I think what the letter meant is that." Nathan spoke while pointing at the THING inside the box.

"You're saying we will use that gun?" Ian replied.

They all sighed softly, and went to take a short rest. They didn't have any conversation with others. They just sat down in silence.

All of them didn't realize how exhausted they are so they went to sleep. 

"I didn't think they would do something like this again." Nathan said to himself.

Then he slowly close his eyes and went to sleep.

"You're one of the chosen Nathan. Don't disappoint us."

"Trust only yourself, discard all of your emotions and follow our voices."

These voices filled Nathan's memory, vague faces and traumatizing voices.

Nathan remember the memories he thought he forgot. He remembers it vividly.

"What is happening?" 

"Be quiet and Just follow me."

Nathan hold someone's hand firmly while running away. Buzzing alarm was loud that day. 

"Nathan! Nathan! Nathan!" Said by the mysterious man. 

He still remember what he felt that day.

"Nathan! Nathan! Nathan!" The man continued.

Then Nathan quickly woke up out of breath. He then realized that it was all just a dream and memories, it was jhane and Ian who is calling his name all along.

"What happened?" Nathan asked.

"Your shouting something. Are you alright?"

"It was just a nightmare."

Nathan quickly replied to jhane.

After that tiny commotion, everyone woke up. They're all out of energy.

"I'm hungry" said by cristoff while holding his stomach.

But even if they want to eat they can't, there are no food provided.

Then Shortly after the voice by machine spoke again.

"Hello dear passengers. I know you guys are starving and we have a good news for all of you. Just wait for the incoming letter and enjoy your stay. Thank you and good luck." 

The voice come to an end.

Upon hearing the message cristoff went back to laying down

"I guess we need to be patient a little bit more." He said.

Everyone patiently waited, and waited. 

Until it finally arrived. It just slid down from the door.

Ian quickly grabbed the letter and opened it.

"The solution of all your problems are waiting for you onto the next room. But first to empty this room empty everything first. That included the gun. Pull the trigger and that will be your key to escape. But remember it will not be that easy. Good luck"

After reading, Ian throw the letter away.

All of them can't believe.

"Who's gonna pull the trigger?" Nathan asked.

They all looked at each other. Then Vincent stood up and grabbed the gun. 

He pointed it to the celling.

"I've used one of these before. " He said.

They looked at him wondering.

"My Dad is a police man" he concluded to put them at ease.

After some time he pulled the trigger. But nothing happened, the gun didn't fire. 

So he did it again, and this time, the room was filled with red lights.

They didn't understand what's going on, so Vincent put the gun back. And the room went back to normal again.

Marque on the other hand quickly picked up the gun after Vincent put it back. Then the lights became red again.

Then, marque pointed the gun at Vincent, and on that moment the light turned into green.

"Bullseye" Marque grinned.

Vincent quickly put his hands up.

"What are you doing? " Jhane worriedly asked.

"You guys still don't understand? The game want us to fire the gun at someone. That's the only way to survive." Marque continue to point the gun at Vincent.

Everyone tried to put some sense on Marque's head but that didn't stop him.

He continued to do what he want.

Ian stealthy sneak behind Marque's back without him noticing. Then he aggressively tackle Marque to the ground. 

They fought for the possession of the gun, until the gun falls off Marque's hand.

The whole room went red in an instant, but the two continue to fought on the ground.

Then the whole room gone dark, the lights was turned off. And everyone went silent. 

After a short moment the light was back but it was in the color of green.

Everyone's jaw was dropped after what they saw. 

It was still marque that's holding the gun but this time it was pointed at Ian.

"I'm sorry." Ian apologize while looking at everyone.

"Thank you for everything." He said while looking at Nathan.

Nathan didn't respond, he just stood there and showed no emotion.

"Why are you doing this?" Ian asked while looking directly at Marque.

"You know I have to, because no one else will. I'm willing to turn the whole world against me as long as I have a world to live in."

Marque answered.

Everyone was shocked upon hearing what he said. And that's where they knew that he was a sheep in a wolves clothing.

"You can close your eyes now " Marque spoke, then Ian slowly closed his eyes, carving the last image he saw even if it was just a glimpse.

Then, as Marque pulled the trigger, everyone too closed they're eye not wanting to witness what about to happened.

Then a gun shot echoes inside the whole room. But as they slowly opened their eyes, so is the door.

Tears was blurring their sights as they witness what's left, it was Ian still standing, alive! And on top of that the door was completely opened.

They all went to hug and check on Ian. 

"The gun was empty all this time " they all concluded and celebrated while walking out.

Marque and Ian are left behind.

"You knew?" Nathan asked with a cold voice.

"I saw you empty the mags the time they all went to sleep" marque laughed.

Everyone celebrated not knowing what's awaits next.

Chapter 13 ends.