Disruptive Dates

Meanwhile, Gwenn and Cici are sitting down at Kim's house, facing each other in the living room. Cici finalizes Gemma's makeup, ensuring she looks flawless for her 'date' with Derek. 

                           "Cici, I look okay, right?" she asks. 

Cici chuckles.

                           "Never better," Cici replies. 

Suddenly, as Cici finishes her face, the house phone rings. The girls hear it immediately. Cici paused doing Gwenn's makeup so she could answer the house phone.

                           "Who is it?" Cici intriquely asks.

                           "Maybe it's Derek," she continued.

                           "Couldn't be. Why would he know our house number?" Gwenn explains. 

Cici shrugs her shoulders, wondering who it could be. Gwenn views the caller ID and turns to face the phone to Cici. The phone rings still.

                           "It's my mom," Gwenn says while shrugging her shoulders.

"Oh," Cici responds, losing interest. 

Finally, she answers the phone.

                           "Hey, mom," Gwenn answered, almost like she didn't want to talk to her. "Hey sweetie, how's everything?" Kim asks.

                          "Everything is fine," Gwenn says, trying to hurry up the conversation between her and her mom.

                          "Great. Now listen." Kim says.

                          "Your brother is not feeling too well, so he's coming home tonight. If he hasn't eaten anything yet, make sure you feed him then put him straight to bed." She adds.

                          "Perfect." She replies with slight sarcasm.

                          "Oh, and check on him throughout the night. If you need anything, call me." Kim instructs.

                          "Of course," Gwenn says with no interest.

Her attitude catches Kim's attention.

                          "Gwenn, I'm serious. Make sure you take care of your brother!"

                          "Okay!" Gemma replied.

                          "Okay, I love you. I'll see you guys tomorrow evening."

                          "K, love you too, bye," Gwenn responds, hanging up the phone. 

Gwenn now has an annoyed expression on her face.

                         "What's wrong?" Cici asks as she rises from the couch, concerned.

                         "Isaiah's coming home and this is exactly what I was afraid of." she explains.

                         "Your brother? What happened?" Cici asks.

                         "I guess he's not feeling too well, so he's coming home, which means I'm stuck taking care of him." She replies.

                         "Unless," Gwenn continues. 

She looks at Cici.

                         "No way, I need to get home. Besides, don't you just need to put him to bed anyway? It's late for him, isn't it?" Cici says.

                          "Yeah, but I still need to feed him," she replies.

                          "Okay, simple. Do you have anything in the fridge for him to eat?" Cici then asks.

                          "I mean there's left overs I could warm up for him, I guess." She suggests.

                          "No need," Cici informs.

Cici then walks to the kitchen refrigerator and opens it. She looks for small things Isaiah can snack on when he gets home. Cici then notices two pizza lunchables at the back of the fridge, grabs them, and closes the refrigerator. She returns to the living room with the lunchables and tosses them onto the coffee table. Gwenn slightly jumps, then looks at Cici, raising her eyebrows.

                          "Two Lunchables should fill him up before he knocks out," Cici explains.

                          "I'm hoping so," Gwenn says while rubbing her forehead.

                          "Gwenn, don't stress about it. Look, I'll even turn on the TV to keep him entertained. What is he into?" Cici explains. 

                          "Anything that deals with superheros, transformers, or guys crawling into dumpsters," Gwenn says while thinking and grossing herself out. 

Cici looks at Gwenn, now with a grossed-out expression.

                          "Don't ask," Gwenn says shaking her head in disgust.

                          "Weird kid," she responds.

Returning to the television, she changes the channel, moving on to a different subject. 

The television is now on Cartoon Network, and Isaiah's lunchables are on the table, ready for him. Moments later, they hear the doorbell. Gwenn immediately rises from the couch and rushes to their peephole to see who it is. She gasps.

                          "It's him!" she says looking out.

                          "Derek?" Cici asks excitedly. 

She stands up from the couch with adrenaline running through her scrawny body.

                          "Isaiah." Gwenn responds.

Her head turns from the peephole to face Cici.

                          "I'm outta here," Cici says as she rushes out the back door.

                          "Wait, but-" Gwenn says, talking through her teeth. 

She then exhales through her teeth, bothered, wanting Cici to stay with her. Eventually, Cici goes out the back door, leaving Gwenn alone. After a few seconds, she opens the door then comes face-to-face with her little brother. Elle's car is in the background. Once Elle sees the front door is open, she beeps her car horn then drives off. It is now the brother and sister. 

                         "You were supposed to come tomorrow, you know?" Gwenn asks Isaiah. 

A blank stare dominates Isaiah's face as he enters the house.

                         "Hello?" she asks with a slight attitude, realizing Isaiah is silent. 

He heads toward the kitchen.

                         "Oh no." She says, gesturing him toward the living room. 

She sits him on the couch.

                         "You're gonna sit here, watch TV, and eat this. Then, it's off to bed with you." She says, pointing at the TV and then the Lunchables. 

Isaiah looks down at the lunchables and stares at the television. Gwenn rolls her eyes while watching Isaiah stare at the TV. Moments later, the doorbell rings again. Gwenn hurries to the window and sees Derek at the front door.

                       "Oooh," she says, surprised, fixing herself up and checking herself out in the living room mirror. 

As Gwenn prepares to answer the door, Isaiah's eyes roll to the back of his head. Isaiah blinks as she answers the door, then blinks again as his eyes return to normal. He slowly turns his head to watch his sister open the front door.

                       "Hey, Derek." She flirtatiously says.

                       "What's up?" He answers. He notices how gorgeous she looks.

                       "You look great." Derek compliments.

                       "Awh, thanks." She smiles. 

After talking at the door for a while, she invites him into the house. He then walks in and notices Isaiah looking at him. 

                       "How's it going, kid?" he asks. 

Isaiah remains silent. Gwenn breaks the silence by talking to Derek.

                       "We should just head upstairs. My brother's just going to watch TV for a bit," she explains. 

Derek nods his head. Instantly, Gwenn takes Derek's hand and directs him toward the bottom of the stairs. He immediately heads upstairs and tries to find Gwenn's room. Gwenn watches him go upstairs. Seeing Derek reach the top of the stairs, she turned around to return to the living room. 

                       "Tell Mom or Dad he was here, and I promise I will snap each and every single one of your superhero action figures until there just a giant pile of capes and heads. You got it?" she says, threatening Isaiah. 

Isaiah nods as his eyes widen, then turns to stare at his cartoons again. Gwenn heads upstairs to meet Derek in her room. As she enteres her room, she sees Derek looking around.

                       "Nice place you got." He smiles.

                       "Thanks." She says. Her cheeks flush.

Seconds later, they sit on the bed together. Gwenn begins to make conversation.

                       "So the party last night, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." She says.

                       "Yeah, I did. It was hot," Derek responded. He pauses.

                       "Just like you," he adds. 

Gwenn blushes. As Derek and Gwenn continue to converse, Isaiah is remained downstairs, channeling the couples whole conversation. His mouth is widened, and his eyes are rolled to the back of his head. Later, he appears normal. He then slowly rises from the couch and walks gradually but ominously upstairs. Meanwhile, Gwenn and Derek continue their conversation. 

                      "I mean, my mom should be home soon and I have to take care of my brother," she says.

                      "I thought you said she was coming home tomorrow morning." He says.

                      "I'm not taking any chances, especially with the tattletale downstairs," she replied, chuckling nervously.

                      "Well, I'll still see you soon, right?" He asked.

                      "Right." She confirms, grinning. He smiles, too. 

They pause for a second. Derek looks at Gwenn.

                      "Well," Derek says.

                      "Well," She says awkwardly. 

She looks at Derek, noticing he's leaning in for a kiss. She leans in, too. Just as they were about to settle with a goodnight kiss, they both see Isaiah in the doorway. The pair looked at him.

                      "What?" Gwenn asked him, now irritated and annoyed. 

                      "The end is near," Isaiah says with a serious look. The pair now have weirded-out expressions on their faces. Suddenly, Isaiah urinates in his pajamas and onto Gwenn's white carpet. Gwenn and Derek have no choice but to watch this happen. Gwenn scoffs in disgust.

                      "Uhh, maybe I should go." Derek stutters. 

                      "Wait, no." she says, not wanting him to leave.

                      "Yeah, and come back some other time." He says uncomfortably. 

He then gets up from Gwenn's bed and leaves the room, avoiding the mess and passing Isaiah. Gwenn desperately runs after him and stops to watch him leave out the front door. He slams the door behind him, leaving Gwenn alone with Isaiah. She walks back into her room with her brother in front of her room door. She turns around to face him.

                      "The moment I finally get someone to come over, you ruin it for me! Thanks a lot!" She yells, slamming the door in Isaiah's face. 

Isaiah slowly turns around. His back faces Gwenn's bedroom door. He grins sinisterly, almost as if he knew what he was doing. He then heads off to bed alone, leaving his unfinished lunchables on the coffee table and the television static.