Connor, a little lad living in his depressing reality, completely unaware of his surroundings...
However... what lies ahead is a mystery to him...
He is unaware that there exist secret organizations staffed by spies endowed with extraordinary abilities....
Unbeknownst to him, the MSTO is an alliance of espionage mage organizations that plans to impose its will on the world by causing widespread panic and terror
He doesn't know, that he possesses a Perk that does not depend on a wand or other external device, but rather is natural and passed down through a certain blood line.
The opponents he will face are unknown to him...
However, he will, in Spy Mage Academy, soon.
Also for the art for this cover came from this site:
As well as this cover:
the book has a very interesting story which will hook you up from the start till the end, now I'm waiting for the next chapters
A very good job done by the author. If you've not checked this book out yet, please do. It is sure to blow your mind, and keep you engaged.