Prom Problems

I sat in my room, my mind reeling from the events that had just unfolded. It was clear to me that the guys in vests were some kind of agents, and the brawl wasn't my concern. But shooting at me? That was a whole new level of danger. Should I call the police this time? The thought crossed my mind, but then I realized that if I did, they might track me down and try to eliminate me before help arrived, if it ever did.

I suddenly felt fear grip me, true fear, for the first time in my life. I huddled under my comforter, trying to escape reality, letting my tears soak into the fabric.

What should I do? The question reverberated in my mind, a relentless mantra. Perhaps avoiding the familiar routes was a prudent choice, or maybe it was time to abandon the practice of walking home from school altogether. The need to confide in my mother tugged at my conscience, but the weight of responsibility kept me silent. I couldn't bear the thought of putting her or my father in harm's way.

I remained curled up in my sheets, seeking solace in the only place where I felt safe enough to let my fear and shock flow out through my tears. The world outside had become a treacherous labyrinth, and I was lost in its dark corridors.

In that moment of vulnerability, I found myself yearning for the presence of my uncle. He wasn't deceased, but his occupation as a secret service agent for the White House had always shrouded him in an air of mystery. Recently, he had assumed a new role as the CEO of an enigmatic espionage organization, and the details of his work remained elusive to me.

His presence commanded attention, with broad shoulders and long arms that exuded an aura of authority. He was always impeccably dressed, often in a tuxedo or a suit, complete with sunglasses that concealed his emotions. The charisma he exuded was magnetic, drawing people towards him effortlessly.

In stark contrast to his social adeptness, I struggled with human interactions. While he navigated the complexities of social engagements with ease, I often found myself retreating into the shadows, an introvert in a world that demanded extroversion.

Rather than living in perpetual fear of evading bullets, I aspired to emulate my uncle's ability to attract people and build a support system around me. It was a dream that remained distant, an aspiration that felt unattainable in the face of the danger that now loomed over me.

My thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the entrance of my mother, a figure who brought both relief and apprehension. Known for her unpredictable mood swings, she had a knack for concealing her anger until the moment it least expected it. Her sudden shifts from sweetness to sternness kept everyone on their toes.

"Mom?" I ventured cautiously, hastily wiping away my tears and attempting to conceal my reddened eyes.

"Hello," she responded matter-of-factly, her expression revealing little. Her question, however, was unexpected.

"Have you dressed up for your prom yet?" she inquired, her tone carrying a sense of urgency. I glanced at the clock; it displayed 4:12.

The prom was slated to commence at seven.

"Mom, it doesn't start for three hours. That's 180 minutes," I pointed out, a trace of exasperation in my voice.

She scoffed in response, dismissing my protests. "What's wrong with getting dressed early? There's a designated time to prepare for an event, and that time is before it actually starts. Now, get dressed!" With that directive, she exited the room, closing the door behind her with a soft click.

My heart raced as the door sealed shut, the sound reverberating in the silence. I knew I had to comply, but the urgency in her voice had heightened my sense of unease. I rose from my bed and began the process of getting ready for the prom, my thoughts still haunted by the events that had transpired earlier.

As I dressed, I closed the curtains, ensuring that no prying eyes could observe my preparations. The choice of attire was clear—it had to be a tuxedo, despite the absence of a date. I resigned myself to the possibility of attending the event solo, hoping that the formal attire would at least garner some attention and conversation.

Descending the stairs to the living room, I approached the array of devices that occupied the room. Powering on my computer, I checked to see if Greg, my friend, was online. Greg was a reliable presence in my life, and his online availability was almost a given. The absence of homework to worry about was a relief, as I had diligently completed my assignments during Study Hall, a practical choice that left me with one less concern.

Greg's online status confirmed my expectations, and I plugged in my headphones, adjusting the settings to ensure that the audio streamed through the personal device resting on my head. I initiated a Discord chat with him, and after a brief pause marked by the sounds of microphone adjustments, Greg's voice resonated in my ears.

"Hey, you there?" he inquired, breaking the virtual silence that had enveloped us.

"Yeah, just paying my taxes while waiting for you to finish," I replied, injecting a touch of humor into the conversation. Greg, however, wasted no time in his response.

"What do you mean? I've been six feet under, waiting for you to come online," he quipped, and I opted not to push the joke any further.

With the pleasantries exchanged, I redirected my thoughts to the impending prom—a social event that held little appeal for me. Nevertheless, I had committed to attending, despite not knowing anyone in attendance. The choice to slick back my hair with a black rubber band was an attempt to align my appearance with the somber ambiance that awaited me.

The prom's venue had changed since my last check, now located in a rundown building with weathered, rusty walls. A poster announcing the event as a "Prom Party" adorned one of the walls, its rainbow colors failing to inject any vibrancy into the grim surroundings.

I sighed, feeling a sense of hopelessness settle in.

To enter the party, one had to descend a set of stairs as soon as they crossed the threshold. The moment the descent was complete, the party came alive—people dancing, chatting, networking, and engaging in activities that I had never dared to attempt in public. The chilly night air allowed the moonlight to cast its glow across a select few buildings, creating an ethereal atmosphere.

As my mom's Volvo pulled away, only the faint red glow of its taillights remained visible. I took a deep breath, mentally preparing myself for the first challenge of the night: opening the door. Though a seemingly simple task, it had acquired an air of foreboding in the silence that surrounded me.

I pushed the door open, and the sound of silence from outside rushed in, intensifying the eerie ambiance within. It was time to navigate the unfamiliar terrain of the prom, a prospect that filled me with trepidation.

I started making my way toward the basement stairs, the designated location for the event. However, my progress was abruptly halted by an unsettling sound that reached my ears. It was the unmistakable sound of footsteps, originating from somewhere upstairs and drawing closer with each passing moment.

Panic seized my heart, rendering me immobile. The thought of retreating surged within me, but fear had rooted me in place. I was trapped, a prey awaiting its predator.

Then, I felt it—a touch, a grip.

A strong hand closed around my neck, its forceful grip a testament to the assailant's strength. Panic coursed through me as I struggled for breath, my hands flailing desperately in search of an escape. The lack of oxygen clouded my thoughts, making it hard to concentrate.

It was one of them, one of those men in vests or perhaps a member of the enigmatic agency. My mind raced, and I couldn't help but wonder if this was the end—a grim conclusion to the story of Connor Drails, a character neither loved nor cared for, strangled to death at the threshold of a prom.

But then, something extraordinary happened. A surge of energy coursed through my body, and my arms began to glow with a fiery, blue hue. It was as though an invisible force had taken control, a power that defied rational explanation.

With newfound strength, I wrenched myself free from the assailant's grasp, gasping for precious air. Adrenaline surged through my veins as I instinctively lashed out, delivering a powerful right hook to the man's face. Instead of recoiling from the blow as expected, he advanced with renewed determination, shoving me against the wall.

I was left dumbfounded, staring at my trembling hands and the unconscious figure before me. It was a surreal moment, and I struggled to make sense of the inexplicable surge of strength that had saved my life.

But there was no time for contemplation. Footsteps echoed behind me, a chilling reminder that danger still lurked nearby. With a final glance at the fallen assailant, I fled from the scene, driven by the instinct to survive.

I bolted out of the door and started running, heading back in the direction of home. However, I soon heard more footsteps following me.

I couldn't believe it. Were they still after me?