Kur, Caught in the Maelstrom

King Kahlan commanded God to leave his room, promising to join Him and his concubines downstairs. However, God refused to budge, making the room increasingly uncomfortable for Kahlan. God sat on the bed, displaying no intention of leaving. Kahlan, infuriated, began to rant, "This is my kingdom! You have no right to act supreme here. You will obey my rules, respect my decisions, and—"

Before Kahlan could finish, God suddenly appeared beside him, standing close to the window. Fear gripped Kahlan, and he gasped for air. "What were you saying again?" God asked, His grip on Kahlan's hand tightening. Kahlan, half-naked and increasingly uncomfortable, tried to leave the room.

God's words were laced with rage, "Your father showed me respect during my last visit, but you, a mere rat, dare to disrespect me? You order me out of your room like I'm one of your servants?" Kahlan was speechless, frozen in fear. God's authoritative tone left him mute.

God demanded that Kahlan cease his war plans, and with a flick of His wrist, sent Kahlan crashing against the wall. Both parties had reached their limits, and Kahlan, eyes blazing red and nails sharpened like knives, prepared to unleash the black magic inherited from his father.

Kur and the messengers sent by God arrived at King Kahlan's palace. Kur felt a twinge of fear, remembering his last visit didn't end well. He wondered if the messengers were genuine or if this was a trap set by Kahlan himself.

As they entered the palace gates, Kur was struck by the eerie silence. The usual bustle was replaced by an unsettling stillness. He noticed soldiers in different uniforms, their eyes fixed on him. "What's going on here?" Kur asked, but the messengers remained tight-lipped, leading him deeper into the palace.

The scene inside was even more bewildering. Kur saw soldiers from all seven kingdoms, their uniforms a kaleidoscope of colors. The room fell silent again as he entered, all eyes fixed on him. Kur was taken aback, searching for a glimpse of the divine among the sea of faces. He turned to the messengers, but they seemed just as lost.

The room erupted into activity again, with everyone returning to their tasks. Kur felt uneasy under the weight of their stares. He overheard two men whispering, "Look at the young man King Kahlan is preparing an army for. I wouldn't even bother sending my lowest-ranking guard to handle him."

"I told you, King Kahlan and his soldiers are weak," the man said. "He only acts supreme because of his father's reputation." Kur eavesdropped on their conversation for a moment, then slipped out of the gathering room to sit outside the palace. He scanned the surroundings, trying to imagine where the prison might be.

Unbeknownst to the others, King Kahlan and God were charged up and ready to clash inside the room. Everyone thought they were having a civil conversation, but Kur sensed the dark magic building up. As King Kahlan's energy surged, Kur felt it too, and he stood up, his heart racing. Maybe it was fear or anticipation, but he knew he couldn't just sit there.

Just then, the sky darkened, and red lightning flashed. Everyone rushed outside to witness the strange phenomenon. Kur's eyes were fixed on the sky, and a mysterious voice called out to him. One of the men who had spoken about him earlier approached, asking, "Are you the one doing this?" But Kur seemed entranced, his eyes still fixed on the sky. The man felt disrespected and pushed Kur, but his hands were met with a burst of flames, leaving them burnt.

Now, everyone was terrified of Kur, the mysterious man who had been brought into the palace. Now they saw reason why King Kahlan needed a whole Legion of army. The tension was palpable, and the air was thick with anticipation.