Chapter 3 - Sue Fong

Love intertwine souls, binding hearts in joy and tragedy. It transforms into obsession, consuming reason and leaving behind ashes. Extreme devotion leads to a journey with unknown outcomes with passion measured in tears and loss echoing as haunting melodies. 

Sometime the loss of love completely drains a person of their will to move forward. Such a faith had been bestowed on the Ex-Prince of Arcland, Fei Fong. After witnessing his fiance's unjust execution, his life felt empty. Everything that once held meaning, suddenly valued nothing. 

After his brother Ricardo threw him in the grassy plains, outside the northern borders of Territory I. Fei was no longer inside his home Kingdom. He was nothing but an outsider. 

Two days flew by and Fei remained in the exact position Ricardo left him in, without moving an inch. He laid on the itchy grass while gazing into the clouds. He was unaware of his surroundings. Several people with bad intent tried to approach him as he dozed off, but the wind made sure to protect him time and time again. 

News of Fei's exile spread throughout all Territories of Arcland. News abouts Fei's act of treason against his own kingdom. THe Royal Family conjured up a convenient sotry to aid their act of kicking Fei out of the family. The public was told a lie, about how Fei sold classified intel to rival Kingdoms like Chao and Son Capital. There were some who doubted the recent news, knowing the celebrity Fei Fong was not that type of character. Sadly, those who were doubtful were quickly silenced by soldiers tasked with patrol. 

The Family was not a typical normal family where everyone shares the last name. Arcland's Royal Family consist of the King and with children who derives from different noble families who shows promise. 

The Royal Family governs the entirety of Arcland. Their way of doing things was raising children from lower Noble Families, and then raising those children to become Generals of the seven Territories of Arcland. Other than the title of General, each child would be given other important duties to perform around the Kingdom. For instance, the First Prince Ricardo Die Joo was tasked with Foreign Relationships, The Second Princess Flora D Heaven gave herself the duty of advancing technology to a higher stage. 

The second Prince Miguel Di Rigo was responsible for Law Enforcement throughotu all eleven territories. The third prince Fei Fong was the Peace Maker and Defender of Arcland who deals with defense counter measures against natural, manmade and supernatural disasters. The Fourth Prince Fugo Almaty has the responsibility of Exploration and Discovery. The last princess Dawn Frost, will eventually be given an important duty to uphold once she gets older. 

Thanks to Fei's exile, a member of the Royal Family must assume his responsibilities. The family's defining characterisitic was their inherit distrust of individuals outisde the King's Family. Hence, no external candidates were even considered.

A meeting began in the throne room to decide who will receive the extra burden of Fei's duties. The King was absent but his children were present and accounted for. The siblings sat next to each other, around one giant table to discuss. 

Fugo starts things off, "I think Dawn should be given Fei's duties" Fugo suggested. 

"Fei was always goofing off. Surely his duties are not too demanding for Dawn to handle if he had that much free time" Fugo added to his claim. 

Dawn was not surprised to hear name. "Let's not be too hasty here" said Dawn. She knew someone would mention her name so she already came up with an appropriate response. "I-it would hinder my course wouldn't it?" asked Dawn. 

Not only was she fourteen years old, she was also attending All Stars Academy. A learning institution for those with unique abilities. Only scholars and nobles could enroll. Each family member was also destined to perform a specific purpose from the moment they were birthed. Dawn was currently learning the arts of assassination. Her teachings in the past decade was the complete opposite of what Fei's duty entailed. To Dawn, it felt like a whole new world she has never visited opened up to her. 

"I am not cut out for that, plus school has been quite demanding lately" Dawn sighed. 

"Then who should it be? My job prevents me from being in the country often so there's no way I could do it" said Fugo. 

Ricardo looked over at the best candidate for the job, his younger brother sitting next to him. "Miguel, are you up for the task?"

Miguel was a silent man who rarely speaks unless he was spoken to. He replied to Ricardo, "I don't know what the job entails. Enlighten me first".

"Let's see, firstly you would have to oversee that the Defense Agency are doing their jobs such as calculating the weather, constantly spectating the ins and outs of the Kingdom. You would also be tasked with joining me during Peace Meetings in an attempt to assist me in persuading our foreign countries. I woudn't pressure you on that one. If a ware were to break out of any kind, you would be responsible for initiating Defense Tactics to protect all the Territories" Ricardo summed it up. 

"That's it?" asked Miguel. 

Flora chipped in, "No there's more. Three years ago, Fei was given extra duties remember. He aided me in my medical pursuits. Since Fei could speak with nature, or to more accurately put it, the wind. He has been a massive help in conducting new poisons and antidotes. THe wind normally tells him information unknown to us humans about nature. Losing such a gift will set us, especially me back at least five years."

Miguel sighed, "Well, I could take on being the leader of the Defense Agency. It is not far from Judge duties. The best suggestion I have is for us to split up the work and share it amongst ourselves, Fugo and Dawn excluded."

Ricardo, Dawn and Fugo all agreed with a nod. 

Flora on the other hand, slammed her hands on the table in defiance. "No way! I will not help you people with Fei's chores" she said strongly. 

"Why be unreasonable Flora?" asked Fugo. 

Flora pointed at her older brother, the first prince and the same man in charge of their current meeting. "Ricardo, you were the one who exiled Fei by your own decision. Did it not occur to you that we would be in this situation when you threw him out."

Fugo sides with her, "She has a point brother, sure what we did to Fei was cruel. We could have still used him. Throwing him away so hastily really makes me wonder about the rest of us future."

Ricardo looked down, averting his gaze from his siblings. After cooling his head for two days, he finally came to terms with himself as a failure of a human being. More than that, he understood the path he walked on even better after banishing his brother Fei. "In the future, more events will unfold where I will have to choose between to very difficult options and I will have to choose or lose both of them. In my brother's case, it was either my brother's connection or my father's, and I chose the safer option" Ricardo stated. 

"Let's try our best to avoid pointing fingers at me, none of you were ordered to behead Shawna in front of Fei of all people. Father was pressuring only me, while the rest of you simply watched senseless. I won't tolerate badmouthing me" said Ricardo. On the prince's face, his eyes were red and dry. Signs of lack of sleep. 

Flora cared little for her brother's claim and said, "In your case brother, I would have choesn Fei. Then I would proceed to kill father right then and there. Afterwards we would cover up father's death as natural causes and a new ruler would go on stage. Remember father is an old geezer, he won't be missed."

"That's the problem with you all, so shallow minded. That private execution roomhad zero surveilance, meaning we could have gotten away with the perfect crime if we united together" she added. 

"Then why didn't you do something two days ago?" Fugo asked, annoyed.

"We weren't united. If I made a move, you all would have pinned me down like Fei. No one here can truly match Ricardo's strength, so unless he goes along with my intent, there's no point in action from my part" said Flora. 

"Stop making Ricardo feel bad big sis" said Dawn worriedly. 

In response to her sister's timid words, Flora grabbed her by the hair. "Don't ever address me as sis! Out of everyone here, I bet you would have been the first to betray us if we went through with killing father!"

"Stop, please" Dawn screamed out from the pain of her hair being pulled. "Why are you such a daddy's girl!? Dying your hair blue for him, what next? You going to kill for him I bet!"

"Flora stop!" Ricardo demanded. 

Flora squeezed her little sister's hair even tigher, her frustration reaching the boiling point. "This witch! If she was able to think on her own, everything would have been alright. Shawna would still be alive, and Fei would still be causing harmless troubles." As she spoke, Flora took a black bug with two antennas out of Dawn's hair. It was a special tool Flora's mother devised, to overhear conversations from far distances. 

"See this, our dear sister has been leaking our conversation to father. Why did you think he never bothered showing up? It's because of this dummy!" Flora yelled, her voice echoing through the room. 

"Dawn, please destroy that bug" Ricardo orders. 

Dawn was hesitant at first, but Flora was not going to let go if she did not obey. "Flora, you won't be exiled for your blasphemous words earlier because of your crucial role in Father's Life Project, but please don't push any more buttons," Ricardo warns.

"Why were buttons made then?" Flora asked as she stood up. She loudly stomps her out of the throne room, seemingly upset. After leaving, Miguel had an announcement to make. "Flora is still in range so hopefully she hears this too. I have sent an assassin to eliminate Fei. A gift user that powerful should not be left alone unless there are plans to bring him back"

"Assassin? That's going to far, let's just leave him be" said.

"I agree, there is a chance for him to come back here after he cools his head. We don't have to resort to killing our brother" Fugo added. 

Miguel replied, "Well, I have already given the order. Soon, I'll be receiving news about his unsightly death. Now is the best time since he is shaken up by Shawna's execution. It should be easy to kill him."

"Do you hate Fei?" Ricardo asked Miguel. 

"I don't hate him, but I never liked him either. He has no discipline, I wont miss him" Miguel bluntly answered. 

"There is only one assassin truly capable of eliminating someone from our family, I trust you sent out the right person for the job" asked Ricardo. Miguel nodded in reply. 

Ricardo sighed, scratching his head with uncertainty. "It was my decision to kick him out. After Shawna's execution, I knew he wouldn't be the same. I predict he will be a massive thorn in our family's side or he'll plan to avenge his beloved. I won't chance such a risk, Miguel you have my word on this. You have my full support". He then glared at Dawn and Fugo, telling them to agree with his claims. 

"Fine" Fugo sighed.

"Yes brother" Dawn nodded. 

Later on that day, Fei continues to stare up in the clouds, devoid of all life in his eyes. Nobody could physically reach him in the past two days, until now. A ball had bounced on Fei's nose, causing him to snap back into reality for a brief moment. 


He swiftly sat up, and looked where the ball came from. 

He noticed a young child rushing to retrieve the ball that had struck Fei. The terrain was steep, manageable for an adult or older child but challenging for a toddler. Fei created a wind current beneath the ball and directed it towards the approaching little boy.

"Thank you" the boy said, fluently. 

Fei smiled back at the boy before he returned to his parents. He politely nodded at them as they walked along the grassy path. However, Fei's smile faded as he observed the family – a mother, father, and their son.

He saw what he could have had. 

"Shawna, come back" he muttered to himself. 

After witnessing the happy family passing by, his heart yearned for connection. He found the strength to sit up and stretch his arms. The wind has been echoing in Fei's ears throughout his entire cloud gazing period. 

"Get Up!" the wind spoke. 

Fei listened, and stood on his feet. 

Fei's only friend remaining after his exile was the literal breeze blowing around him. "What now?" he asked his only friend. 

The wind whistled in his ears, giving him advice. 

"Move forward you say. I will try" Fei sighed. He lifted his leg, trying to take a step. Fei could feel his heart tightening, as if someone was squeezing it in the palm of their hand. He was being wieghed down by so many things, just taking a step was difficult. The man took another step, and tears began to fall down his cheeks. After taking his third step, Fei fell on his knees crying uncontrollably.

"Move forward? What the hell does that even mean?"

Fei screamed out the same words repeated. "Move forward!" "Move forward!"

"How? I can't just pretend what just happened never occured!" he yelled at the peak of his voice. 

Moving forward was too much for Fei. The guilt he felt were chains wrapped around his heart and legs, causing him to fall down. Fei truly blames himself more than anyone else for his fiance's death. 

There was no denying that Ricardo beheaded her, and King Alex set her up to die, but those things only happened because of Fei's actions. 

He began to wonder, what Shawna would be doing if only he did not force her to the Royal Palace against her will. 

If only he had accepted her break up peacefully. 

If only Fei was not being selfish and difficult with his family on a regular basis, Shawna could still be alive playing with her friends and saving people. 

In the past, Fei declined requests to become General, skipped out on many Peace Meetings, and overlooked many flaws within the Defense Agency's systems over the years because of his overconfidence and carefree attitude. Becoming a celebrity got to his head and blinded him of what was truly happening. 

With guilt weighing on his conscience, how could he move forward?

Despite everything, the wind still tries to encourage him to continue taking steps. In the midst of his inner turmoil, a familiar woman was observing him from a distance. She had been watching Fei for a few minutes, without his knowledge. 

Finally she called out, "Fei! There's no way that's you right? The Fei I know never cries" the woman shouted as she approached Fei. 

Fei turned to the direction of the voice, and was stunned by who he saw. It was a woman who looked identical to him in almost every aspect. The same sky-blue hair and gorgeous eyes, the same straight nose and their tiny black spot on their right cheek matched perfectly. 

"Sue?" Fei called out, doubtfully.

"So it really is you, Fei" the woman said, walking up to him. 

This turn of events shocked both parties. Twin siblings reunited after a decade of being separated, in Fei's most tragic hour no less. 

Sue excitedly grabbed her little brother by the shoulders, exclaiming, "I can't believe it's you!" Fei tried to free himself from Sue's grip but couldn't. Politely, he asked, "Let me go." Sue patted him on the back, brimming with happiness at their reunion. The siblings' expressions differed greatly: Sue was thrilled to see Fei, while Fei appeared deeply saddened. Initially surprised by encountering his twin, Fei remained in a state of sadness.

"What's wrong? You don't look happy to see me" Sue questioned, concerned. 

Fei fell on his knees, breathing heavy and unstable. 

Fei dropped to his knees, breathing heavily and unsteady as he slammed his forehead in the grass. "Damn it! Why! I am hideous!"

"I am Fool! A loser! What's so great about seeing me? Wipe that stupid smirk off your face! Please, just don't show me that smile" Fei cried out, his voice trembling. 

Sue gazed down at the man in front of her, unaffected by his harsh words. She knelt down to meet Fei's gaze and locked eyes with him. "Perhaps you're not my brother after all," Sue remarked, raising an eyebrow. "The Fei I know is selfish, carefree, always positive, dependable, strong and most of all, caring. I am sorry for taking up your time", Sue apologized before standing up. 

As the disappointed Sue walked away, she left Fei with on little piece of advice. "For your information, the life you are living is no different from the people outside of your borders. Everyday, innocent villagers and small states were raided to uplift Arcland's techological advances. Stealing other people's life force is your pride and joy right. Keep your head up high, nobody wants to see a man of your stature crying in the grass. They will only throw rocks at you, no sympathy will be given". 

 Once Fei was left alone to grovel, the wind continues to urge Fei to move forward. Just now, a meaning to continue living came right at Fei's fingertips, but he refused it. Sue could have been a shining ray of sunshine, that could cheer him up.

As the sun set, Fei found himself still laying down in the vast grassy plain. The chirping of grasshoppers, the gentle breeze nudging Fei down the slope, and the rumble of his empty stomach were the only sounds that surrounded him indefinitely. No strangers were walking passed him like they did earlier, even though it was still relatively early.

Fei's stomach was eating itself from the inside out, if he went another day without food his odds of survival will wither away. Fei knew his situation but has not make a move to acquire food. Several minutes passed and even his strength to speak were dminished. He was on the border of death and hallucinations. 

The hungry prince turned his head, and saw a beautiful young lady sitting next to him. It was the woman of his dreams, the love of his life. Through Fei's eyes, he saw Shawna gazing at the cloud right next to him while smiling. 

The sight of seeing her again brought Fei to tears. Nothing could describe the joy and relief he felt when laying eyes on his beloved again. This time, he was sure to make things right. To live a life excluded from the Royal Family. Fei raised his hands to touch Shawna on her chin but upon contact he made the mistake of blinking that exact moment. The image of Shawna disappeared mercillessly, without a trace. 

Shawna was just his imagination. 

"Hehehe, of course" Fei sighed. A part of him already knew he was hallucinating. 

The same woman from earlier, Sue Fong came back with a stern expression. She looked at her brother harshly. "So whiny" she said. 

"Get up!" Sue yelled at her brother. 

Fei looked up, surprised to see Sue again. His long lost twin came back with a brown paper bag and a bottle of water. Sue dropped the bag on Fei's chest then placed the bottle next to him. "Eat before you see the light" said Sue. Inside the paper bag were medium sized sandwiches. Fei could not resist the urge to eat, so he sprang up with his remaining strength and proceeded to chow down as much as he could.

While he ate, Sue said "I am disappointed, I was hoping you wasn't the Fei I know but the evidence speaks otherwise. Today I bypassed the Arcland border and overheard everything."

"You were exiled. So now there are no more Fongs in the Royal Family, that makes me glad" Sue exclaimed. "Once you're done eating, share all the details of what transpired with me."

Fei agreed with every word Sue uttered while devouring the sandwiches. Once he was finished, he looked straight ahead at the sunset. "I have been here for a while, but I never realized how beautiful the scenery was until now" he remarks. The siblings gazed ahead and witnessed the sun casting a shimmering glow over the lake. It was a magnificent sight. Sue agreed, "Hmm, sounds like you're back."

Sue grabbed her brother's shoulders and gave him a hug. "So, how have you been little brother?"

"Don't call me little, we are the same age" Fei reminded her. 

"Nah-uh, I am three minutes older" Sue corrected Fei. 

The look in Fei's eyes were still dull even when talking to Sue. Sue noticed that and commented on it, "What's wrong with you? Did getting kicked out really break you that much?"


Fei went unresponsive. 

"In case you forgot already, I just saved your life from starvation" Sue told him. Those words made Fei feel guilty if he remained quiet, so he proceeded to explain the whole ordeal of his exile. From the beginning where he visted to beach to see Shawna to the end where she was executed by his brother. 

After telling Sue the entire story, a question popped up in Fei's mind. "Sue! Father said you were the one responsible for him not telling me about the Life Project. What exactly is it? And why did you persuade father not to involve me in the project?"

Sue replied immediately, "Out of everyone in the Royal Palace. You are my only flesh and blood. I was just looking far into the future is all."

"What do you mean?" Fei inquired.

"From childhood, I was always intending on commiting a grave sin against my home Kingdom. I wanted you to remain innocent of the dark truth, so that it would be easier for me to keep you alive when the time came. Think about it, if you were raised like the others, you would have been cold as they are" Sue answered. 

Fei was unsatisfied with her answer, but he remained calm. The next question he asked was, "So, I have a vague Idea of what the Life Project is, but why was it so important for me not knowing about it"

Sue raised her hand and a gun appeared out of thin air. She took aim at Fei's head, and even pressed the gunpoint at his forehead. Fei did not flinch however, he continued to stare at his sister awaiting a reply. "I am going to kill everyone in the Royal Palace some day, but first there is another mission that requires my attention".

"Excuse me?" Fei said, confused by her words. 

Her claim felt unrealistic. To kill anyone in the Royal Palace included people like King Alex and Prince Ricardo. Those two were not only of the highest authority in the Kingdom, but their gifts prevents them from ever faltering in a given situation. Attempting to murder the Royal Palace resident was a way of suicide. 

"You heard me, back when I was only a child I had every intent of slaughtering you all. I persuaded father not to let you in on the life project because I wanted you to be the only survivor. What would have happened if you knew about it and accepted it?" Sue asked. 

"I would have had to kill you too then" Sue answered her own question.

"What makes you think I would accept it?" Fei asked, getting pissed. 

"Children are stupid and easy to manipulate. Sadly, one's childhood is there foundation" Sue replied. 

She removed the gun from Fei's forehead and sighed out of relief. "Thankfully, you are exiled so I don't have to worry about killing my biological brother".

"Why would you want to kill the others in the first place?" Fei still felt confused by her sister's sudden claim. 

"Morals. I don't like how father do things." said Sue. She proceeded to explain what being part of the Life Project entailed. The purpose of the Project was for the Royal Family to attain immortality, so they could rule the Kingdom for eternity. Not having to depend on descendants. In order to attain immortality, King Alex discovered a simple method that requires a lot of time. 

To forcefully extract life energy from civilians and trap them inside gemstones. Carmilla C Heaven, the head of Research and Development and also the mother of Princess Flora discovered a way to use life energy as a power source to improve the economy. Clean and accessible energy that could last for a very long time. That discovery made the Life Project possible, for the Royal Palace began capturing and enslaving innocent civilians from smaller nations and trapping them underground to better the lives of Arclandians. 

The Life Project was a system where Life energy will be continuously drained from captures slaves, for the bidding of Arcland and the Royal Family. One a certain amount of life energy is absorbed by the gemstone owned by Princess Flora, each family member will get a piece of the stone and consume it. Giving them eternal life as a result. 

Fei was speechless, he already knew that Arcland's technology was powered by life energy but he did not expect it to be this extreme. He never noticed, despite living in the palace for so many years. 

"As for the pain in your eyes Fei. Grow up, you have to move forward. What done is done, the past cannot change." Shawna said strongly. 

"Shut up for a second, there is a lot for me to process here" Fei replied. 

"Getting weighed down by Shawna's death will only cloud you mind's judgement. Eventually you might reach the conclusion of revenge which is a Suicidal endeavor for you. I'm different though" Sue states. 

"I can't just move on from that! Shawna's dead because of me" said Fei, wiping his face.

"Hmm quick question, how many times have you used a TeleStop?" Sue suddenly asked. 

"How should I know? I've been using it for ages now" Fei answered.

"Fine, I'll estimate about a couple thousands then. If you had used TeleStop a thousand tims, then that means you are responsible for a thousand deaths already. Is one more really that different? Or is it because this Shawna person was your lover, does that make it justifiable for you to mourn over her and not the other thousands you've killed?" said Shawna. 

"What the!? Where are you going with this? I did not harm anybody" Fei said confused. 

"TeleStops are fueled by the life force of captured slaves from foreign lands. Our family causes war, then wins and take the enemy's citizens as life stock. They keep those people underground from the public eyes, to better the lives of our own people. For years that how we've advanced forward in our economy. You know this so don't pretend" Sue said. 

"Ok, your point is taken. Shawna is different for me, she was my other half" Fei said on the brink of tears. 

"I know everyone values different people differently. I don't expect you to care about stranger's lives. However, I firmly believe you have no right to sulk over one person's death when you have indirectly caused so many." Sue told her brother. 

"You couldn't cheer up a person to save your life" Fei said, averting his gaze. 

For the first time since his exile, a faint light has returned to Fei's eyes. His conversation with Sue was slowly connecting him back to his emotions thanks to Sue's blunt remarks. "Enough about me, what have you been doing for the past two decades? Were you focusing on killing the family this entire time?" Fei asked curiously.

"I am glad you asked. After fleeing from home, I headed to the cold mountains, north of Chiao Mountains. I picked there because I knew my family wouldn't consider such a place. It took a while getting used to the snow but, I eventually fitted right in." Sue smiled. 

"The mountains was so peaceful, there weren't many of us so we treated everyone as family. During the evenings everyone would gather together and eat dinner that the Chief's wife cooked. It was the most delicious meals I have ever had" Sue blushed while reminiscing. 

"Once I was of age, I took on the job of a waitress in a famous bar in my area. For years I have worked there until one day, some soldiers from Arcland came and raided the place. The entire mountain's people was captured, leaving the Cold Mountains empty and secluded" Sue suddenly got bitter. Fei recalled the news of his brother Fugo last year. 

"I remember Fugo speaking of this. He was searching for a rare species of tiger that only lives in the snowy areas, only to find a large amount of people living in the mountains. He was surprised but quickly took the initiative to capture them all. How did you escape? The report states that there were no survivors from the raid." said Fei. 

"I hid in a basement, with my boss. We were lucky. My first mission is to rescue my true family and friends. After that's over, I'll continue my life goal of eliminating the Royal Family" said Sue determined. 

The chance of her family still being alive after a year was fairly high, Arcland makes sure that the prisoners they have captured dont die easily for their economy to thrive. 

Fei lowered his head, looking back at the depressed faces he saw of the mountain people he witnessed around King Alex. Never had it dawned on him to help them, for they were serving Arcland well unwillingly. 

"You see, everything is perspective. If Shawna was not beheaded, then you'd see me as a huge threat to the Kingdom right now." Sue told Fei. 

"Wish you luck then. As for me, I am not sure what I should do. Avenging Shawna with your help sounds like a good path to walk on, but the wind is screaming at me otherwise. Perhaps I should just travel for a bit" Fei began to wonder. 

"Hold on! It took me a whole year to arrive this close to Territory I. Their borders is just a few kilometers ahead, come with me and aid me" Sue strongly suggested. 

"You can't beat Ricardo on your own, but you most definitely could with me as your support" she added convincingly. 

"You just told me that revenge is a suicidal endeavor, to which I agree. I don't have the confidence you have Sue. The thought of attacking the Royal Family again will definitely catch the attention of several powerful gift users. Even if I help you, I will don't see use overpowering them" Fei said nervously.

"Well, I would strategize first. It's not like I plan to knock on the front door and fight you know" Sue pokes her brother. 

She pointed a gun at Fei's head, hoping for him to change his mind. As before, Fei did not flinch upon seeing the gun. 

"For exchange of saving your life from hunger, I expect you to tell me everything at least. Any useful information that could help me in my mission. Since you want nothing to do with Arcland anymore, there should be no problems with you spilling the beans right?" Sue leaned forward, inviting him to whisper. 

It became evident why Sue returned. She never came back to uplift her brother. That was not her way of doing things, Fei remembered that very well. Another possibility for her reunion with Fei was to gather valuable information from him to save her loved ones. She has been outside of her home Kingdom for two decades, many things have changed since her last visit. In Sue's eyes, Fei was perceived just like anyone else in the Royal Palace but with a kinder heart. 

Fei answered, "You're crazy. I want nothing to do with your mission or my family's demise. THank you for the food, I'll be moving forward as of now. Just like you advised me to minutes ago" Fei stood up, forcing a smile on his face. "I just don't know how I can live wihtout Shawna, but I will try."

A strong gust of wind blew around Fei and Sue, in celebration for his decision. 

"Too bad. We should definitely continue our chat but not right now. Someone is fast approaching us as we speak" Sue said right before she vanished. Here one moment, gone the next. It was that exact gift of hers, that caused her to escape the Royal Palace twenty years ago. 

Though she disappeared, she was still around to alert Fei. "Who's coming?" Fei asked. 

Sue replied, "Someone dangerous, his steps are silent. He might not be using his feet to get here. The person's bloodlust is giving me the chills". She went silent after uttering those words, but she still lingered about. 

Fei remained vigilant, canning all directions for any sighs of approaching figures. As he surveyed his suroundings, a strong gust of wind drew his attention to the grass below his feet. "I get it" Fei said as he jumped into the air. He continues to float in the air as he watches the surface beneath him. Literally the next second, two hands busted out from underneath the grassy surface. The hands attempted to grip something, but failed. 

Someone slowly emerged from underground, covered in dirt and worms. This mysterious figure wore a black cloak, with their face concealed by a hoodie. 

"Quick on your feet" a grin crept on the stranger's face as he stared at Fei above him.