Chapter 4 - Vladmir Hiome

Gifts were more than just supernatural abilities granted to noble families, to every weilder they were more like second nature. Just as a person walks, talks and breaths, using a gift felt just as easy. 

Fei was born with the unique trait of communicating with nature. He could speak with water, fire, earth and the wind. Thanks to his carefree attitude up to this point, he always favored communicating with the wind, when he needs anything. Now was no different. 

The wind grew stronger, exceeding it's previous force. It caused the stranger's hoodie to blow off his head revealing his face. Fei's mood heightened once he recognized the person below him. 

"Hiome" Fei said, suddenly taking a deep breath. 

The red eyes were a dead giveaway. Members of the noble family, Hiome had a unique trait where they all share the same bloodstained eyes, crimson red hair and a egg shaped birthmark somehwere on their face. 

Under the hoodie was a teenage boy name Vladmir Hiome. He currently enrolls in All Star Academy and takes pride in his side job as an assassin. Despite his seemingly young age, his expertise in murder was uncontested. The Hiome Family traced its lineage back to the founders of Arcland, making him a prime candidate to possess a powerful gift. 

"I have come to take you home, my prince" Hiome bowed respectfully.

Fei kept his guard up, not daring to touch the surface. "You don't have to pretend with me. The wind already told me you're lying through your teeth" Fei replied. 

"I won't bite, promise." said Hiome with a wide smile, revealing his teeth. 

Fei turned around, preparing to flee. Just being in the boy's presence was enough to send shivers down his spine. Anyone who had knowledge of the Hiome Family will always choose to retreat instead of fighting them. They were known for having the skills to end battles quickly. 

"Where are you going? Don't leave, your family is looking forward to your return" Hiome smiled, as he gave chase. 

Fei ignored the boy's words and flew at top speed.


Without warning, Fei's left leg received a slash, followed by his right arm then his left eye. Blood splashed from every angle of his body, without Hiome needing to get close. As the prince's blood drip to the floor, HIome quickly ran to where the blood drops would land. The drop of blood fell on HIome's forehead, both staring at each other. "It's warm enough" he sighed, jumping up. 

Fei was fifteen feet into the air, but one leap was all it took for Hiome to close the distance. The young boy grabbed Fei's injured leg and threw him straight into the grassy slope. 

The instant Fei stood up, Hiome was already standing before him with a wide smirk. The boy stepped closer with each step, Fei instinctively flinched out of fear. "Go away!" Fei shouted. Hiome just kept on walking slowly yet filled with energy. 

The boy stretched out his arms, then proceeded to pull the shivering Fei in for a hug. He pressed Fei's head on his chest while whispering in his ears, "You have suffered enough my prince. The betrayal of your loves ones, the loss of your loves once. I understand you pain, please take me seriously" Hiome whispered, sounding sincere. 

"Huh?" Fei was taken aback by the compassion shown by the famous assassin, Hiome. 

"Come with me Mr. Fei. You are being given a chance to set things right with your family. They want to see you again, and I sure am you do too. Let bygones by bygones."

Fei begun to think of the possibility of returning hom. Was that even poosible at this point? "Why did they send you then, if they wanted to see me that badly?" Fei asked suspciously.

"Hmm, because I am stronger than you" Hiome replied. 

The boy lets go of Fei, giving him room to breath from their tight hug together. Fei continued to bleed as he remained still on his feet. "I've decided" Fei spoke. 

With a clap of encouragement, Hiome asked, "Great, what's your decision? Come home or death?"

"Death, but it's not mines. It's gonna be yours" Fei answered. 

Hiome went for the kill immediately, charging with daggers in hand. He tried to thrust the blade in his target's throat, but Hiome's trajectory changed last minute. Hiome gave it another go, aiming for the chest this time. A strong burst of win forcibly pushed the boy's aim over to the left, missing Fei's body entirely. Fei noticed that his bleeding stopped, making him able to move freely again. 

Fei swung up his left hand vertically, mustering a concentrated pressure of wind in the shape of a blade. He named this move, "Wind Scythe", and threw it directly at Hiome. 

Hiome tried dodging, but his leg were blown off by the strong breeze causing him to lose balance. At this point, dodging became impossible. The wind scythe sliced right through Hiome's body diagonally. The boy's body was sliced in two, leaving him falling harshly on the ground. 

Not once Fei had thought Hiome was actually defeated. He knew killing a Hiome would never be that easy, even on a good day. 

Suddenly, Fei received a slash in his chest, then his right leg again, causing them to bleed rapidly. 

"Why am I receiving wounds?" Fei questioned. He was not being touched by anything to be harmed, and even if something invisible was aiming at him, he trusted the wind to guard him from such attacks. And yet, he still stood there bleeding and confused. 

More slashes appeared on Fei's body, this time slicing open his forehead then his chest again. Blood dripped into Fei's eyes, causing him to close them instinctively. 

Hiome made his move right then, two hands busted from beneath the surface and quickly gripped Fei's shaky legs. He was pulled into the ground, with only his head left above the surface. 

"Come out of hiding!" Fei demanded, looking around for Hiome. Any normal person should have died by now on both sides. Fei has suffered a lot of explains bleeding wounds, while Hiome somehow escaped death from the wind scythe. The body that was sliced in two earlier disappeared, the moment another Hiome came out from underground. 

Hiome dug out of the ground, and looked down on the ex-prince filled with pity. "You chose this ending, My prince" Hiome said, gripping his dagger tightly. 

"This time, I'll swing with such force and speed, the wind will react too slow to save you" Hiome sounded please as he said it. 

Hiome thrusted the blade at higher speed than before, Fei had no hope of dodging so he placed all his faith into the wind. Upon immediate contact, the dagger was blown out of Hiome's hand. Followed by him getting sent high into the air. Once airborn, Fei forced himself out underground with the aid of the wind, widening the hole he was trapped in.

Once freed, Fei went in position, twisting his body slightly while bringing his right arm all the way back, preparing to deliver a devastating punch. Hiome was not pressured because of the distance between his opponent's fist and himself. 

Unfortunately for him, before HIome could land, he lost all control of his body because of the wind sailing him in Fei's direction. Fei was already in position so he delivered a hard right hook to the boy's jaw, shattering it. 

Hiome fell on the floor, his mouth unable to close itself and blood dripping rapidly. To finish him off, Fei threw tiny particles into the air. These dust like particles were very hard to see with the naked eye, branding them as Special Tools. These particles were sharps as blades were manipulated a certain way by the wind. 

The air around Fei, circluates the particles at high speed creating a offensive barrier. Fei ran towards the injured boy on the floor, then proceed to deliver another punch. Hiome rolled out of the way, then backflipped on his feet. The boy's shattered jaw did not stop him from giving Fei a disturbing smirk. He still things he has not lost this fight. 

Fei's bleeding stopped again, causing him to deduce that the wounds inflicted on him will only take effect for four minutes. Fei rushed in for another punch and in response Hiome remained still awaiting his charge. Once Fei was close enough, Hiome pushed his hand outward only for it to be shred to pieces. 

His hand was ripped clean off by just attempting to touch Fei. In the midst of the agonizing pain, Hiome halted his advances causing Fei to grab the boy's head, swinging it down to hit his knee. Before Hiome could fall, Fei pulled him closer, mimicking the hug he received earlier. The closer HIome got the more torn apart he eventually became. 

Blood splattered on the Prince's face but he did not mind it. The particles were ripping Hiome's body, which was what mattered in the end. 

By the time Fei's hand touched his chest, everything, all the remains of the young assassin was shredded. 

"I'm sorry" Fei apologized. He truly wished he di dnot have to resort to such tactics to kill a child, but Hiome forced his hand. The boy had the intent to kill, along with an ability to inflict lethal wounds by just looking. The wounds may be active for a certain amount of time, but it was till a dangerous power to face. 

Fei sat down, exhausted from the fight he just hand. "Sue, you still there?" Fei called out. 

"Yeah, what's up?" Sue surprisingly replied. 

"You could have helped me you know. What if I died?" Fei asked. 

"Then you'd be dead" Shawna chuckled. 

"WOw, if I have family like you, who needs enemies" Fei said, takin deep breaths after. 

"By the way, isn't this the second time you've kill him?" Sue mentions. 

Fei nodded yes in reply. Earlier Fei was sliced in two with wind scythe but he still came back. "Normally people only die once you know. But this brat died twice, doesn't that like, remind you of a dragon. Shouldn't it worry you in anyway?" Sue asked. 

Sue's word got Fei sweating again. "You're implying that it's not over."

"I'm afraid so, I still feel his bloodlust oozing in the air. I suggest you take flight, before he grabs your legs again" Sue warns.