I need time

At that moment, Raven rose to her feet, her wound healing before my eyes. A dark aura surrounded her, and she seemed completely out of control, consumed by rage. Meanwhile, I received a notification from the system: [Danger, Danger, Danger. Please evacuate immediately.] But I couldn't move. I was still under Mary's control.

Raven launched a swift attack, sending a shadow arrow piercing through both me and Mary. Raven had lost all control, and chaos ensued. I was helpless, unable to break free from Mary's grip.

As Raven continued her onslaught, I felt a surge of determination. I had to break free. With every ounce of strength I could muster, I fought against Mary's control. Finally, I broke free.

Raven's attacks were relentless, but I refused to fight back. Instead, I approached her slowly, my arms outstretched in a gesture of peace. Even as she continued to attack, I refused to retaliate.