A long night [ R-18]

As our lips met in a passionate kiss, a surge of desire coursed through my body. Raven's hands roamed over my back, sending shivers down my spine. With each touch, each caress, the heat between us intensified.

I felt her fingers tangle in my hair as she deepened the kiss, her tongue seeking entrance to my mouth. I eagerly parted my lips, allowing her to explore every inch of me. Our tongues danced together in a sensual rhythm, igniting a fire within me that I couldn't ignore.

With trembling hands, I began to unbutton Raven's shirt, my fingers fumbling slightly in my eagerness. She chuckled softly against my lips, her hands moving to help me. Soon, her shirt was discarded, revealing the smooth, soft skin beneath.

I couldn't help but admire her beauty, the way the light played over her skin, highlighting every curve and contour of her body. My fingers trailed along her sides, sending shivers of anticipation through her.