
After our harrowing battle in the ruins, Raven and I decided we needed a break from the relentless pursuit of Mary. The scars from the encounter still tingled with residual magic, a stark reminder of the battles we'd faced and the ones yet to come. But for now, we needed time to heal, to reconnect, and to remember what we were fighting for.

The idea of a cruise came to me in a moment of inspiration. I'd heard tales of the legendary Isle of Serenith, a paradise known for its crystal-clear waters, lush greenery, and enchanting beauty. It seemed like the perfect place for Raven and me to escape to, even if just for a little while.

Booking the cruise was easy enough; a few calls and a bit of magic ensured we had the best ship and the most luxurious cabin. Raven was skeptical at first, her eyes widening in surprise when I revealed our destination.

"A cruise? Really, Jade?" she asked, a smile tugging at her lips.