Was it all just a figment of my imagination?

The next morning, we set off for Eldergrove. The journey was long and arduous, the roads winding and the forest growing denser with each mile. The air was thick with the scent of pine and earth, and a sense of foreboding hung over the landscape.

As we ventured deeper into the forest, the trees seemed to close in around us, their twisted branches casting eerie shadows on the ground. The further we went, the more oppressive the atmosphere became, the air crackling with latent magic.

We set up camp for the night in a small clearing, the fire casting flickering shadows on the surrounding trees. Raven and I sat close to the fire, the warmth a welcome reprieve from the chill that permeated the forest.

"We're getting close," Raven said, her eyes scanning the darkness. "I can feel it."

I nodded, my senses on high alert. "Me too. Let's rest for a few hours and then continue. We need to be at our best when we confront her."