The Onslaught Continues

The world around me shifted once more, a dizzying whirl of colors and sounds that left me breathless. Before I could gather my thoughts, I was thrust back into the simulation. The familiar sense of foreboding settled in my gut as I stood in the center of a new battlefield. The air was thick with tension, the sky an ominous swirl of dark clouds. I had barely enough time to steel myself before the next wave began.

The ground trembled beneath me, and I could hear the distant roar of the approaching horde. This time, the demons were stronger, their levels ranging from 60 to 65. Among them were two towering figures, their presence exuding an overwhelming aura of power. These were the demon generals, their eyes burning with intelligence and malice. Their names echoed in my mind as if introduced by some unseen announcer: Asmodeus and Belial.

Demon General: Asmodeus

Level: 90

HP: 100,000

MP: 50,000

Attack: 1,200

Defense: 800