The Final Stand

Asmodeus and Belial advanced, their combined presence a tidal wave of malevolent power. The ground around them seemed to wilt under their aura, the air growing colder. I could feel my strength waning, my magical reserves nearly depleted. But I couldn't afford to falter now. The fate of this realm rested on my shoulders.

Asmodeus struck first, his Inferno Slash tearing through the air with blistering speed. I raised a shield of light, the barrier shimmering as it absorbed the brunt of the attack. The impact sent shockwaves through my body, but I held firm. I retaliated with a burst of fire, the flames licking at Asmodeus's dark armor.

Belial was not far behind, his Demon Roar reverberating through the battlefield. The force of the roar sent me staggering back, my ears ringing. I could see him preparing his Hellfire attack, the flames swirling around him with deadly intent. I knew I had to act fast.