Chapter 7: Lagia

With a sense of accomplishment, Jett proceeded to merge [Holographic Decoy] with [Simulation], resulting in the creation of [Tactical Mirage A]. Satisfied with his progress, he felt the fatigue setting in and decided it was time to rest. Drifting off to sleep.

Focused solely on his training, Jett dedicated an entire month to refining his control over his Lumix, undistracted by anything else. By the fourth month, he had mastered the second step of his plan. However, he knew that the final step was the most perilous, requiring precise knowledge of human anatomy to successfully recreate his circulatory system with Lumix. Understanding the importance of this knowledge, Jett resolved to acquire it before proceeding further.

As two years passed, Jett found himself able to walk around and converse with others, a significant improvement from his earlier state. Though his stats remained unchanged, he appeared healthier and more robust than children his age.

Accustomed to his life as the Lord's son, Jett embraced his honorable title, despite its lower status compared to other nobles. His father, Jerry, was a cheerful and charismatic man who had earned the title of Lord through his valiant service to the King, defending the realm against dangerous monsters and bandits. Lagia was bestowed upon him as his territory to govern.

Jett's mother hailed from a noble family, renowned for her exceptional magical prowess and captivating beauty. She had crossed paths with Jerry when she fled her home to pursue a life of adventure. Joining the same adventuring party, they faced numerous trials together, forging a deep bond that blossomed into love. Recognizing the obstacles posed by her family's disapproval, the King appointed Jerry as Lord, thereby addressing both their love and political concerns simultaneously.

Lagia, once a desolate land, witnessed a transformation under Jerry's leadership as its Lord. Initially abandoned, it attracted residents who either held deep respect for Jerry due to his valorous deeds or sought refuge when they had nowhere else to turn. Together, they worked tirelessly to cultivate the land, making it more hospitable for habitation. Farming and fishing emerged as the primary sources of revenue, allowing Lagia to sustain itself, albeit barely meeting the needs of its inhabitants after taxes.

Observing the fertile but parched fields and overhearing the concerns of the local farmers, Jett resolved to take matters into his own hands. Drawing upon his knowledge and skills gained from his previous life, he formulated a plan to address Lagia's irrigation problems using his [Elemental Mastery] skill.

The problem was as simple as irrigation and basic farming concepts, which the residents of Lagia struggled to grasp.

"If I had the blueprint skill... Tch," Jett thought to himself. "At least that's not the only way to solve my problem. It's still doable."

Jett dashed off to the closest point of the river to the farm, panting heavily from the exertion. "Huff huff huff... I'm all out of stamina. I guess that's my limit. But anyways..." He stood by the river and activated "[Checkpoint]" to save the location, ensuring he wouldn't have to run back there. He had already marked his house with the same skill for convenience. However, he wouldn't be able to use it for 24 hours.

Though the distance from the river to where the crops were planted was considerable, Jett consoled himself. "If you don't do this, Lagia won't generate enough revenue. And if Lagia doesn't get enough revenue, your allowance will reduce in the future. And you're going to need it." Despite enjoying the comforts of his noble status, he couldn't ignore the pressing issues plaguing his father's territory, particularly the struggles with irrigation that hindered Lagia's agricultural productivity.

Under the guise of exploring the outskirts of Lagia, Jett ventured to the closest point of the river, where he meticulously began to manipulate water with his elemental mastery skill. With precise control and careful calculation, he created an artificial path for water to flow into the land, guiding it towards the thirsty fields in need of irrigation.

However, Jett's efforts were met with challenges. His limited MP posed a significant obstacle, forcing him to pause and rest each time his energy was depleted. Despite the exhaustion and strain on his abilities, Jett persisted, driven by his determination to make a difference in Lagia and improve the lives of its residents.

Meanwhile, Jerry, Jett's father, grew increasingly curious about his son's whereabouts and activities. Suspecting that Jett was spending a significant amount of time away from home, Jerry began to inquire and investigate, hoping to uncover the truth behind his son's mysterious behavior.

However, Jett remained vigilant, careful to conceal his actions and keep his newfound abilities hidden from prying eyes. He took precautions to ensure that his use of the [Checkpoint] skill remained undetected, even from his own parents, as he continued his clandestine efforts to transform Lagia's landscape and secure its future prosperity.

Despite the challenges and risks involved, Jett was determined to persevere, knowing that his actions held the potential to bring about positive change and make a lasting impact on Lagia and its people.

As the weeks passed, Jett's tireless efforts to improve Lagia's irrigation system bore fruit. The once parched fields now flourished with vibrant greenery, nourished by the steady flow of water that Jett had orchestrated through his elemental mastery.

Eager to share the good news with Lord Jerry, the local farmers ventured to the lord's estate to report the miraculous transformation of their lands. Excited chatter filled the air as they recounted the remarkable changes they had witnessed, praising the mysterious benefactor who had seemingly worked wonders overnight.

However, despite their best efforts to locate the individual responsible for this remarkable feat, the villagers could find no trace of the elusive figure. Their search yielded no clues or evidence, leaving them perplexed and bewildered by the enigma surrounding Lagia's newfound prosperity.

Back at the lord's estate, Jerry listened intently to the villagers' accounts, his curiosity piqued by their tales of inexplicable transformation. Although he shared in their joy and relief at the improved irrigation, he couldn't shake off a lingering sense of suspicion and curiosity about the mysterious benefactor behind this remarkable change.

Unbeknownst to him, his own son, Jett, stood among the crowd, quietly observing the scene unfold. Concealed by the veil of secrecy and anonymity, Jett watched with a mixture of satisfaction and trepidation, knowing that his actions had brought about positive change for Lagia but also wary of the consequences should his true identity be revealed.

As the years passed, Jett continued his clandestine efforts to improve himself and contribute to the prosperity of Lagia, all while maintaining the facade of a dutiful son and heir to the Grift family. With each passing day, he delved deeper into the intricacies of his newfound abilities, honing his skills and expanding his knowledge of the world around him.

His training regimen was rigorous and disciplined, encompassing a wide range of practices and studies aimed at enhancing his physical, mental, and magical prowess. Through meditation, he learned to harness the latent power of his Lumix, channeling its energy with precision and control. He practiced the application of his skills, refining his techniques and mastering the intricacies of spellcasting and swordsmanship.

In addition to his physical and magical training, Jett devoted himself to the study of noble etiquette and diplomacy, recognizing the importance of social graces and political acumen in navigating the complexities of aristocratic society. Under the tutelage of his parents, he learned the art of diplomacy, cultivating relationships with other noble families and gaining insight into the inner workings of courtly politics.

Yet, amidst his rigorous training and studies, Jett also found time to expand his understanding of the world beyond Lagia. He delved into ancient texts and historical records, seeking knowledge about the lands beyond his own domain and the mysteries that lay hidden in the annals of history. Through his studies, he gained a deeper appreciation for the rich tapestry of cultures and civilizations that inhabited the world, broadening his perspective and deepening his understanding of the forces that shaped their lives.

But perhaps most importantly, Jett focused on mastering two critical aspects of his magical abilities: aura and mana manipulation. These elemental energies formed the foundation of his magical prowess and swordsmanship, enabling him to unleash devastating spells and wield his enchanted blade with unparalleled skill. Through tireless practice and dedication, he honed his control over these potent forces, unlocking new depths of power and unlocking the full potential of his abilities as a magic swordsman.

Throughout it all, Jett remained vigilant, mindful of the delicate balance between his secret endeavors and his public persona as the heir to the Grift family.


Jett was suddenly jolted awake from his deep slumber, his body protesting the early hour after a long night of training and study. As he struggled to shake off the remnants of sleep, Maria, his personal maid, entered the room with gentle insistence, her voice a soothing melody that cut through the fog of drowsiness.

"Good morning, young master," Maria greeted him, her warm smile tempered by the urgency of the day's events. "Today is a special day, or have you forgotten?"

Jett groaned in response, burying his face in the soft folds of his blanket in a feeble attempt to shield himself from the invading sunlight. "Just five more minutes," he mumbled, his voice muffled by the fabric.

But his respite was short-lived as his mother, Eva, swept into the room with all the force of a raging tempest. Her fiery demeanor and steely gaze left no room for negotiation as she demanded his immediate attention.

"Jett Grift, you better get your lazy ass off that bed before I make you wish you'll never see another one again," she declared, her tone laced with equal parts exasperation and affection, her right palm alight with flickering flames that danced in the morning light.

Startled by his mother's fierce admonition, Jett reluctantly dragged himself out of bed, still struggling to fully comprehend the gravity of the situation. "Alright, alright," he grumbled, his protestations falling on deaf ears as he trudged towards the door. "But what's the big occasion anyway?"

Eva's expression softened slightly as she regarded her son with a mixture of amusement and fondness. "It's your birthday, dear, and also your awakening day," she explained, her voice tinged with a hint of nostalgia. "I can't believe you forgot. And your sister is coming to celebrate too."

Jett's confusion only deepened at the mention of a sister, his mind racing to reconcile this new information with his existing understanding of his family. "I have a sister?" he echoed, his voice tinged with incredulity. "How could you forget to tell me something like that?"




Not even the maids or guards told him? No one (⊙.☉)

Poor Jett