Chapter 10: Training Match


Level: 40

Class: Warrior

Aura: Red (Peak)

HP: 96

MP: 12

Strength: 72

Agility: 36

Intelligence: 12

Perception: 12


[Crash A]

[Quick Learner A]

[Battle Rage B]

[Iron Wall B]

[Battle Cry C]

[Speed Boost C]

[Quick Heal C]


Jett was genuinely impressed by Nerissa's stats and skills. "Level 40 with Peak Red Aura? That's incredible. I guess it's all thanks to that [Quick Learner]," he mused. "Now I want it."

He decided to acquire the [Quick Learner] skill first, considering its potential benefits. "I'd really love to learn a new attack skill, but I don't even have a health recovery skill.

[Quick Heal] should be good enough. I'll copy that later."

Jett proceeded to copy Nerissa's [Quick Learner] skill. "I kinda feel bad stealing her skill like this, but it can't be helped," he thought to himself. After successfully copying the skill, he wondered if he would get the chance to copy another.

"When are you going back?" Jett inquired.

"I'll be here for a month, after that I'll go back to the capital," Nerissa replied.

"Heck yeah," Jett blurted out mistakenly.

"What? You didn't want me to leave?" Nerissa teased with a smug face.

"No, shut up, whatever let's just go back. It's already late," Jett replied, feeling a bit flustered. 'A month? That means I can copy 3 skills from her before she leaves. Good, I have time to get the [Double Experience] skill,' he thought to himself while they walked back home.


"Wake up, my boy, your training officially starts today," Jerry announced, pulling Jett out of his bed.

Before Jett knew what was happening, he found himself at the training grounds where the soldiers trained. Jerry threw him a wooden sword.

Everyone was at the sidelines, watching with anticipation, although they weren't expecting anything special.

"He may be the Lord's son, but he still just got assessed. Plus, I hear he didn't possess any initial skills," one of them remarked, not feeling impressed.

"Firstly, let's see how good your combat skill really is," Jerry said. "Come at me, and don't hold back," he instructed Jett, not even using a proper stance. "Don't worry, I'll be holding back a lot," he added, which annoyed Jett a bit, as the implication was clear: He wasn't strong enough to make Jerry take a stance.

Facing his father, Jett prepared himself for the challenge. He already had a guess of how strong Jerry was. He was way stronger than Nerissa. Despite knowing it was a losing fight on his side, it was still training.

"Hey, old man. Here I come."

Jett went on the offensive, refusing to stand idly by while his father assessed him. He saw it as an opportunity to test his skills and see how much he had grown.

With determination in his eyes, Jett launched a series of strikes at Jerry, aiming to overwhelm him with speed and precision. However, Jerry effortlessly blocked each blow, demonstrating his superior experience and skill.

Undeterred, Jett adjusted his strategy, attempting to exploit any openings in Jerry's defense.

He aimed for Jerry's legs, hoping to catch him off guard, but Jerry proved too agile and countered with a swift kick to Jett's back, sending him staggering.

Despite the setback, Jett pressed on, refusing to concede defeat. He continued to engage Jerry, but his movements lacked fluidity, and his reactions were sluggish. Jerry shook his head in disappointment, calling an end to the spar.

"That's enough, you're done," Jerry said firmly, his tone conveying both disappointment and concern. "Your form was good, but you're too stiff, and your reactions are too dull. And why are you swinging your sword like a madman?"

The spar ended abruptly, leaving everyone watching feeling underwhelmed.

"Over already?" Jett couldn't help but feel a twinge of frustration at his performance.

'That was worse than I expected,' Jett thought to himself, feeling disappointed in his performance.

He had trained hard, relying on his stats, luck, and knowledge of the world, but now he realized it wasn't going to be easy.

However, a realization struck him: he was different from everyone else because of who he was.

Looking around at his surroundings, Jett thought of WAR BOUND, the game he had played endlessly until he grew tired of it.

'I may not have the stats, but I have the experience,' he said, facing his sister among the spectators. "Treat this as VR. I can't give up now."

"I have the power, and I'll use it," he declared, taking a deep breath. "One last time."

With renewed determination, Jett squared his shoulders, ready to face the challenge ahead.

He would approach his training as he would a game, using his gaming experience to guide him.

This time, he wouldn't let himself be discouraged by setbacks. It was time to show what he was truly capable of.

Jett's stance changed, exuding a newfound calmness that caught Jerry's attention. Concern flickered in Jerry's eyes as he inquired, "Are you sure?"

Without a word, Jett offered a confident smile, signaling that something had shifted within him. Sensing this change, Jerry took a stance, ready for another round.

The spectators, puzzled by Jerry's readiness to face Jett again, watched intently. Only a few, like Nerissa, understood the significance of Jett's transformation.

' [Tactical Mirage], I still have 29 points remaining after reaching Level 5 from his secret training in Lumix, Aura, and Mana, he was ready to make his move. I'll put 10 in agility, 5 in strength and 5 in Perception.

"Let's go again," Jett declared, his determination clear as he prepared to face his father once more. This time, he was ready to utilize his newfound strategy and show his true potential.

'I have an advantage here. He doesn't know how strong I really am or how my stats work, so he'll work with our last clash. I just need an opening,' Jett thought to himself as he carefully analyzed the situation.

"Ha... I really am a gamer. Too competitive to back down," he mused, letting out a faint laugh.

"If you have time to laugh, then come at me," Jerry ordered, his tone firm.

To add an element of challenge, he drew a circle and positioned himself at the center. "If you're able to push me out of this line, then you win. I'll get you whatever you want," he promised with a hint of arrogance.

Jett immediately launched his attack, swinging his sword with the same momentum as before. "Tch... Have you learned nothing? You're doing it again," Jerry remarked, his frustration evident.

But this time, Jett saw his opening and swiftly maneuvered to his right, catching Jerry off guard.

"Did he get faster?" Jerry wondered as he tried to react.

Jett's enhanced speed from using [Tactical Mirage] allowed him to dodge Jerry's strikes and land a blow that Jerry was forced to parry instead of block. 'And stronger too?'

"I can't give him time to think. I need to move faster," Jett realized, maintaining his momentum as he continued to engage Jerry in combat. Despite Jerry's upper hand, Jett was holding his own, his determination driving him forward.

Everyone watched in awe as Jett held his own against Jerry, even when he was seemingly on the losing side. "He's amazing. Was he hiding his strength before?" wondered one spectator, echoing the sentiments of many.

Even Nerissa found herself impressed, her disbelief turning into admiration as she watched her brother's performance. Before they knew it, they were cheering him on, swept up in the excitement of the spar.

"Hehe... Traitors," Jerry mused with a smirk, noticing the sudden change in the crowd's support.

"Don't lose sight of your opponent, old man," Jett's voice came from behind, causing Jerry to whirl around in surprise.

"Ha, yelling before an attack only gives your position away and reduces the chance of landing a sneak attack, little punk," Jerry retorted, launching a strike at Jett. But his blow met nothing but air. Confused, Jerry tried to anticipate Jett's next move, only to find himself dodging another almost-successful attack from behind.

"He's really giving the Lord a run for his money," remarked one of the spectators, marveling at Jett's agility and strategy.

As Jerry attempted to kick the already-unstable Jett, he found himself kicking thin air once more. Startled, he realized Jett had vanished from his sight. Suddenly, he felt a force pushing against the only leg still standing, and before he knew it, he was falling but quickly reacted using his hands to stop himself from falling.

"I see you've surpassed my expectations," Jerry conceded, offering Jett a nod of respect. "Let's continue." With that, he took his stance, ready for another round.

Jett gave him a wicked smile, crossing his arms and pointing at the spectators with his thumb. Confusion etched across Jerry's face as he followed Jett's gaze to the celebrating crowd. Jett then pointed at the floor, and it suddenly dawned on Jerry – he had crossed his own line. With a mixture of surprise and acceptance, Jerry realized that the spar was over, and he had lost.

"I lost? Impossible," Jerry muttered, feeling bewildered by the unexpected turn of events.

"Ha! That's my win. So I guess I get whatever I want now, don't I?" Jett teased, a triumphant grin spreading across his face.

The training ground erupted into uproar as everyone witnessed the incredible fight. Despite Jerry holding back, the fact that Jett was able to fend him off was nothing short of remarkable.

"There! Cheers for Jett!" exclaimed one of the spectators, prompting a chorus of cheers and applause in celebration of Jett's victory.




Aww Jerry got played by his baby boy

( ꈍᴗꈍ)

Oh and I'll be adding some new stats Aura, Mana (Different from Exp) and Lumix)

Stay tuned