Chapter 44: Vermin Labyrinth

Jett, Cormac, and Durin stood at the entrance of the Vermin Labyrinth. Massive stone doors, weathered by time, loomed before them, their surfaces marred with cracks and moss. The entrance itself was unremarkable, almost deliberately so, a stark contrast to the horrors it concealed within.


[Vermin Labyrinth] 

[Prison to some fierce monster clans. Long ago, the world was continuously terrorized by these great monster clans. They were all locked up inside this Labyrinth to receive a never-ending punishment: to be hunted by others and to spawn again, never to leave their new territory, by a powerful existence. He scattered them across the land, with each labyrinth holding monsters unique to it.]




"It took us one day to cover a four-day trip? Incredible," Cormac marveled, eyes wide with disbelief.


"You lot are lucky you ran into me then," Durin boasted, a smug grin on his face.