Intimate Little One

Ruanshu's eyes were as red as a rabbit's, and she sobbed out, "Dad," with urgency.

The person on the sickbed and the adjutant beside him were both stunned by the cry of "Dad."


Ruanshu struggled out of her brother's arms and hurried to the bedside, her delicate little face showing a worried and tender expression as she looked at him.

"Dad, what's wrong?" Are you in pain?

Ruanshu grabbed his large hand with her two small ones, and her soft, chubby cheeks pressed against it.

Ruanshu didn't believe him. Her eyes were red, but she tried hard not to cry.

She was afraid her father would worry.

"My uncle's mental disorder is now under control."

Ruanshu grabbed her father's hand tighter for a moment.

Mental strength disorder, from what she knew, was very important to the people in this world.

In the interstellar world, strength is highly valued, and individuals with greater mental fortitude are considered more powerful.

But at the same time, the stronger one's mental strength, the more susceptible they are to contamination by X substance. This not only causes them to become uncontrollable and emotionless beasts when their mental strength is out of control but also affects their lifespan.

It's a very contradictory issue.

Her father, being a marshal, was undoubtedly a very influential person. The more powerful an individual becomes, the more terrifying and uncontrollable they can be when their mental strength spirals out of control.

Ruanshu didn't know what to do. She was just a small cat with a mental strength of F, unable to assist her father with anything.

"Have you eaten?"

Ruanshu sat by her father's bedside, obediently feeding him grapes.

Ruanshu: Never thought I would be so carefully taken care of one day.

And by my little daughter.

"Dad, are you still in pain?" I read online that individuals with mental health disorders may experience headaches.

Ruanshu had recently conducted extensive online research on mental strength contamination, mental strength disorder, and strategies for managing individuals with uncontrolled mental strength.

She just hoped to find information to help her father.

Unfortunately, after searching for a long time, she found that she couldn't do much because her overall terminal permissions were very low, rendering most of the information unhelpful.

She just became more aware that her father, who has a mental health disorder, must have a headache.

But her father's face looked normal; he must be pretending!

Ruanshu thought for a moment and asked, "Dad, can I come up on the bed?"

Ruanshu thought her father wanted to help her, so she refused in a childish voice.

"Dad, don't move." Rest well. "I can do it by myself!"

Standing on a stool, Ruanshu finally climbed up and gave her father a very sweet and obedient smile.

Ruanshu: ... He's not as fragile as we thought.

Ruanshu carefully walked to her father's side.

Ruanshu's gentle hands were placed on his temples.

Ruanshu's delicate face blushed, and she felt a little nervous.

"Dad, let me massage you." "Maybe it will help your headache go away."

Her father finally softened and agreed.

The little girl immediately smiled and stood behind her father, earnestly massaging his temples.

The adjutant, who had just come in after a phone call, was touched by the warmth of the little girl's heart.

How can she be so cute and caring at such a young age!

It's heartbreaking that she's not his own.

The adjutant tactfully left the father and daughter alone, closing the door behind him.

Whether it was psychological or not, Ruanshu's father actually felt his previously throbbing mental strength gradually calming down.

Previously, even when he was unconscious due to a mental strength disorder, he couldn't sleep soundly, but now he felt sleepy.

When Ruanshu noticed her father falling asleep against the pillow, she became even more careful.

Her father looked very tired, and he definitely couldn't sleep with a headache, so it was really good that he could rest now. She didn't want to wake him up.

It was already very late, and Ruanshu covered her father with a blanket before yawning.

She rubbed her eyes, curled up into a small ball, and fell asleep next to her father.

The adjutant and Ruanshu's cousin entered the room and were surprised to see that both the adult and the child were asleep.

"The marshal is actually asleep."

Ruanshu's cousin went to tuck in her little niece and noticed that her uncle was faintly awake.

This level of alertness was necessary for him as a soldier, so Ruanshu's cousin was not surprised.

"Uncle, we'll leave first."

Ruanshu's father, with a stern expression, made a noncommittal sound.

After the two left, he turned to his daughter.

The little girl was naturally very obedient and gentle. She curled up in her sleep, causing him to soften involuntarily.

He reached out and pulled his little daughter into his arms, closing his eyes again.

This sleep turned out to be deeper than he expected.