
Upon waking in the morning, the sharp pain from the disordered spiritual power had mostly disappeared. He had a sense that something was amiss, so he went for a check-up with Ruan Qingran.

When the results came out, even Ruan Qingran was incredulous.

"What's wrong?" She asked, handing him the test report.

"Your spiritual power condition... is excellent."

Indeed, what puzzled him was that his uncle's spiritual power state was too advanced, causing the spiritual power disorder this time to seem like an illusion.

"The contamination value of your spiritual power this time is the same as before."

It was precisely because it was the same that it was strange.

Even without utilizing spiritual power, simply breathing air would increase the value by 0.001, regardless of how cautious one might be.

Not to mention, this time Ruan Xiao had used spiritual power for a considerable amount of time. Logically, the contamination value of spiritual power should have increased, but...

This was too strange.

Ruan Xiao furrowed his brow. "Is the machine broken?"

So, they went for another check-up, using a different machine.

The result of the test report remained unchanged.

After much contemplation, the couple struggled to identify the issue.

Seeing the furrowed brows of her father and brother, Ruan Shu's heart raced.

She grabbed her father's hand and asked anxiously, "What… what's wrong?" Is Daddy not well?

She was getting really worried.

"Not at all," Ruan Xiao reassured her in a low voice. "I'm fine."

"Not only that, but your uncle's spiritual power has also stabilized, but..."

But this was unreasonable.

Ruan Shu was too preoccupied to listen to anything else. She only heard her brother say that their father's spiritual power had stabilized.

But... why did their father and brother not seem too happy?

"Stabilized, isn't that good?" She timidly inquired.

"Good, but such a situation has never occurred before." "We still don't know the reason for it," Ruan Qingran explained.

They ruled out all possibilities.

Ruan Xiao pondered, "There was a similar situation before, and it was thought to be the effect of the suppressant."

But obviously, the suppressant was still the same as before, with no breakthrough.

Neither of them had considered Ruan Shu, as this idea was too far-fetched.

Ruan Shu herself hadn't noticed anything amiss.

In the end, they could only temporarily set aside this matter.

Ruan Qingran marked her uncle's test report as confidential, granting only His Majesty the authority to access it. Until they found the reason, such shocking news would only bring unnecessary trouble to the Ruan family.

Ruan Xiao felt that his condition had improved, but he continued to cooperate with the tests. He did so not only because Ruan Qingran wanted to find the reason, but also because he wanted to understand his own health status.

The factors that could stabilize spiritual power were crucial for the entire world.

Unfortunately, they were ultimately disappointed, and Ruan Qingran could only leave some of his blood and hair for further observation and research.

Ruan Xiao then returned to the Marshal's Mansion with his daughter.

It was his floating car!

Ruan Shu sat in the car, very well-behaved, but her eyes were filled with unstoppable curiosity.

She was curious about her father's car and the fleeting scenery outside.

Her delicate face was animated with expressions.

Ruan Xiao caught a glimpse of her happy little face from the corner of his eye, and a faint smile appeared on his lips. His mood was quite good, and one couldn't tell that he had just come out of the hospital.

The butler seemed to have known that they were coming back and stood straight at the door, waiting.

Although he was an old man, he was still spirited, with a kind and shrewd light in his eyes.

Ruan Shu got out of the car and politely greeted the butler.

"Good afternoon, Butler Grandpa."

The butler looked at the well-behaved little miss, and his smile deepened.

"Good afternoon, Miss Ruan, Master of the house."

Ruan Xiao nodded.

"Lunch has been prepared for you." Since the master has just been discharged from the hospital, the food prepared for you is easily digestible.

Ruan Shu followed her father, listening obediently to the butler's words.

As soon as they reached the door, she smelled a delicious aroma.

When Ruan Xiao saw his lunch.

Various porridges and what looked like a very nourishing soup.

Ruan Xiao remained expressionless. Suddenly, he felt that consuming nutritional supplements was not a bad idea.

The butler's expression remained warm and smiling.

"Master, these are all carefully prepared nourishing soups for you." "If it's not enough, there's more."

Ruan Xiao looked at the five bowls in front of him, or rather, five pots of nourishing soup. Even though the people of the Star Beast Clan could eat it, it wasn't meant to be consumed in this manner.

He expressionlessly drank one bowl and ignored the butler's various hints.

Whoever wanted to drink, let them drink.

He then expressionlessly drank the porridge.

The taste was good, but who could handle eating so much porridge and soup?

The butler looked slightly regretful. The master never liked to drink the nourishing soup he cooked every time.

Ruan Shu was eating her own meal when she felt like feeding her father.

When the butler left, she quickly pushed her plate of food towards her father.

"Daddy, eat quickly!"

Her voice was soft, and her sly demeanor was simply adorable.

Ruan Xiao patted her little head and said, "Eat it yourself, I'm not hungry."

The butler was obedient in other aspects, but for some reason, every time he faced a little trouble and had to go to the hospital, he preferred to prepare nourishing soup for himself.

Today, he temporarily consumed nutritional supplements.

Ruan Shu made a small sound of understanding, looking a little disappointed.

After bidding her father goodnight, Ruan Shu went back to her room.

First, she went to see the plants she had planted before. Whether it was due to the quality of the seeds or her poor planting technique, there was no sign of germination after so many days.

Ruan Shu was patient, watering each pot of flowers and talking to them with her delicate fingers before leaving.

She returned to her bedroom, took a shower, changed into a pink nightgown, and put on her slippers before getting into bed.

Little Rice had been circling around her feet and now obediently stayed by the bed, much like a pet that stays close to its owner.

"Little Rice," Ruan Shu suddenly called out as she lay on the bed.

Little Rice flew to her. "What's the matter, Shu Shu?"

"Please help me find information about spiritual power disorders and spiritual power loss."


Little Rice projected a virtual screen and displayed selected information about spiritual power disorders and related content.

Ruan Shu had been learning a lot about the characters of this era on her own, but she could barely understand them. She asked Little Rice to help her read the ones she didn't recognize.

Her brother had granted her limited access to a universal terminal, allowing her to search for information only within the hospital. Access to more specialized information required payment of copyright fees.

But Little Rice had much higher permissions, and now a lot of the information that appeared required a deeper understanding. Her father had linked Little Rice to his secondary card, so Ruan Shu could buy whatever she wanted.