Kitty's Surprise It appears to be incomplete or lacking context.

Upon arriving at Almor's estate, Ruan Shu curiously peered around.

Last time she visited, she embarrassingly got lost in the maze and had to be brought back. After waking up, she had not ventured outside the villa.

Now she realized that Almor's estate was completely different from her father's.

Her father's villa only had an old steward and vast lawns perfect for running and playing, but lacked variety in terms of flora.

Almor's estate appeared to be more refined, featuring a bamboo grove and a wall decorated with vibrant roses in various hues.

Surrounding the villa was a field of roses, with large butterflies fluttering among them.

Ruan Shu stole a glance, and those butterflies were almost the size of her face!

After learning about the value of flowers in this world, Ruan Shu was amazed by the abundance of roses in the estate.

Moreover, planting these plants required a specialized gardener to tend to them, with expensive treatments needed every month to cleanse the soil of pollutants.

In short, it was quite troublesome, something that ordinary people couldn't afford nowadays.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Almor's fingers twirled in her soft hair, seemingly enjoying the sensation.

He seemed to enjoy playing with her hair like this.

Ruan Shu nodded, "It's beautiful."

"Let's go to the pavilion over there."

He led Ruan Shu through the rose-covered path to the pavilion, and they found the interior to be luxurious.

There was even a hanging basket, white and resembling a swing, but inside it was arranged as a perfect nest for a kitty to roll around in.

It looked so plush; Ruan Shu peeked up at it several times, marveling at the fuzzy ears she hadn't noticed before.

Her tail started to sway as well.

Seeing the expression on her face, almost screaming 'I want to try,' Almor chuckled.

Fishing for a kitty required knowing her preferences first.

"Go ahead and play."

Ruan Shu shyly smiled and said, "No, it's okay."

Then she was scooped up.

Indeed, it was so plush that Ruan Shu sank into it a bit.

Taking off her shoes, she couldn't resist snuggling into the snowy white plush blanket, rubbing her face against it, feeling incredibly comfortable, just like stroking a kitten!

Her fuzzy tail wagged joyously as she sneakily glanced at Almor, who seemed focused on the flowers outside. Ruan Shu rolled inside the swing basket.

Then she heard Almor chuckle.

Ruan Shu quickly lifted her slightly disheveled head, meeting his smiling golden eyes.

Ruan Shu quickly sat up, holding her own tail and pinching it, her little face slightly flushed.

It was just too plush to resist.

Almor walked behind the swing and suddenly pushed it.

The swing swayed back and forth, catching Ruan Shu off guard.

But it was all soft and didn't hurt at all.

Ruan Shu's ears flickered, her bright eyes sparkling; it was fun!

She turned into a kitty, sprawling in the spacious plush nest, while the swing swayed, making the kitty even happier.

As she stood up, her little paws scratched at the edge of the swing, her tail wagging happily. She meowed at Almor, thanking him in her soft kitty voice.

As a kitten, she unabashedly rolled around in the soft nest, lying inside it, her little paws starting to knead, her throat emitting a purring sound.

She was almost falling asleep when she was picked up.


"Are you done playing?"

Almor placed the kitten on his lap, gently holding her tiny paws.

"Help me out."

Ruan Shu tilted her head, as if asking how she could help.

Almor took out the white ribbon she had woven, shaking it in front of her, with a magnetic and seductive smile playing on his lips.

"Can you help me braid my hair?"

Ruan Shu looked at his long and thick hair, noticing no signs of baldness.

The kitten nodded, then transformed back into a human.

She had braided grass and her grandfather's hair before, so braiding his hair was no problem at all!

Almor let down his black, glossy hair like a waterfall; it was very beautiful.

With his hair down, his face appeared softer and more refined, making him look very handsome indeed.

He was exceptionally tall, towering over Ruan Shu even while seated.

So, Ruan Shu had to sit on a higher stool.

Almor simply sat on the ground, unconcerned about the new carpet in the pavilion.

Ruan Shu grabbed his shiny black hair, envying its volume.

"If it hurts, please let me know."


Almor leaned back slightly, his head resting on Ruan Shu's short legs.

He just lightly leaned, not putting much weight.

As she started braiding his hair from the side, her fresh and pleasant scent filled the air. Almor squinted as he twirled his hair absentmindedly, deep in contemplation.


There was only one braid, so she only braided one strand.

The blue gem pendant on his ear was prominently displayed.

Not to mention, the braid added a touch of exotic charm to him.

Almor grabbed the braid and then pinched Ruan Shu's chubby cheeks.

"Not bad."

Text: ### Ruan Shu: "..." ###

Why are you pinching my cheeks if it's not painful?

The little girl was a bit annoyed, but her cheeks puffed up like a pufferfish.

Seeing that he had prepared such a soft nest for her, she decided not to be angry.

Ruan Shu shook her furry ears, cuddling a soft pillow and lounging in the swing basket, her tail swaying, her gaze fixed on the butterflies fluttering among the roses.

Such a big and beautiful butterfly.

But... why did she feel a little itchy on her paws, wanting to pounce?

A golden butterfly then fluttered into the pavilion.

Ruan Shu stole a glance at Almor, who was busy on the phone not far away and hadn't noticed her.

Ruan Shu curled up inside the swing basket, transforming into a tiny kitty, cleverly concealing himself.

The blankets in the basket were originally white, so her hiding spot was perfect, blending in with her sparkling eyes.

As the butterfly approached, the kitty's tail tip swayed excitedly, her little buttocks wriggling, ready to hunt.

It was strange. She had never done these things in her past life, nor had she been so curious. But now, her timidity couldn't stop her curiosity, and she automatically adopted the posture of a kitty ready to hunt. ###

But the kitty underestimated her own size.

By the time she pounced, she realized the butterfly was almost the same size as her, except for the tail.

After a fierce battle, the hawk finally caught the kitten and flew away!

Although it was just a short distance above the ground, she was truly captivated!

Kitty's shocked!