Save the Cat

Ruan Shu couldn't bear such embarrassment; after all, she couldn't even defeat a butterfly with just a cat.

Furthermore, she was still being held by the butterfly (T ^ T).

But... between her life and her pride, she chose pride.

"Meow meow meowText: ### ... ###" The cat waved its small paws tearfully.

"Save the cat!"

Almor, who was discussing state affairs with the ministers, turned around, remained silent for two seconds, then pursed his lips and swiftly approached Ruan Shu.

The butterfly, startled, released its grip and fluttered its wings to escape.

But before it could fly far, it was slapped away.

A sense of weightlessness engulfed Ruan Shu, making her fur stand on end, as she plummeted like a dandelion puff. ###

However, there was no pain. The cat was caught by a familiar hand.

Ruan Shu curled up into a ball, loosening the claws that covered her face. After a while, a pair of large blue eyes looked at Almor. ###

Then her little head was poked by Almor.


Ruan Shu said, "..."

Ruan Shu awkwardly tapped her tail with her paw.

What a disgraceful cat she was.

Ruan Shu didn't know that she had not only embarrassed herself but also had more embarrassing moments to come.

Just as she was slowly overcoming her embarrassment to speak to Almor, a strange voice interrupted.

"Cough..." Your Majesty."

With this call, Almor finally released the cat from his hands and looked ahead. He had been in a video conference.

And there were several ministers sitting opposite.

The cat named Ruan Shu: ...

She's done for.

Ruan Shu turned her head dejectedly, then buried herself in Almor's arms, not wanting to be seen.


She was probably seen by the butterfly earlier. The cat really wanted to disappear.

Almor covered his lips and chuckled. Ruan Shu curled up even tighter, revealing only a round and fluffy back to Almor.


In the young man's golden eyes, there was a faint smile as his fingers idly played with Ruan Shu's cat ears.

The people across from them also recognized what was happening, suppressed their unusual emotions, and continued discussing national matters.

But their gazes couldn't help but sneak towards His Majesty's embrace.

The small, fluffy ball, which could be lifted by a butterfly, was now playing dead, curled up and motionless.

Until the meeting was about to end, faint snoring could be heard from His Majesty's side.

Almor paused, pulling at the fluffy ball in his arms.

With that tug, the fluffy kitten seemed to collapse, transforming into a ragdoll cat. She flipped over and snuggled into his arms, sleeping soundly, as if the embarrassing cat from before had become a thing of the past.

Almor "..."

Was she heartless or just contentedly plump?

Upon observing the cat's silhouette, the latter was likely more accurate.

The ministers on the video conference couldn't help but glance at it again and again. They had never seen such a small fluffball, not even in the Star Beast Empire, let alone in the entire universe.

After all, she could be lifted by a butterfly. How light was she?

"Let's end today's council here."

After the meeting, Almor ended the video call, then picked up the cat and left the garden.

Ruan Shu didn't know how long she had slept. When she opened her eyes, she felt disoriented.

In a daze, she reached out with her small paws and touched something hard and slightly cold.

With a hint of confusion in her eyes, she scratched and stepped on it.

This black and hard object appeared to be scales. It looked familiar.


Her fur was blown up from behind. Ruan Shu turned her head, revealing a pair of golden eyes with vertical pupils that looked somewhat intimidating. But, it had to be said, the patterns inside the eyes were truly beautiful, and there was a clear layer of glass-like protection on the outside.

At this moment, those golden eyes reflected her small figure, as if looking in a mirror.

Ruan Shu asked, "Meow meow?"

Almor lightly rubbed a cat's nose, and the cat, who had just woken up and was still groggy, was knocked over.

Waving her tiny paws in an attempt to turn over, she was promptly assisted by a dragon's tail.

Ruan Shu woke up; it was morning.~

She leaned affectionately against the dragon's side.

The black dragon stood up, circled around the tiny cat twice, and then lowered its head in front of the cat.

"Come up."

Ruan Shu immediately perked up, agilely jumping onto the dragon's head.

As she shook her tail, she transformed into a human form and lay on the dragon's head.

"Almor, can I touch your horn?"

"You can."

The black dragon exuded an air of indulgence, causing Ruan Shu's lips to curve into a smile.

Her soft, white hand gently touched the dragon's horn.

The hard and slightly cool sensation was not overly cold, but rather very comfortable.

It must be very comfortable to be next to him on a hot day.

"Hold on tight."

The black dragon tilted its head back, suddenly spreading its huge wings.

Ruan Shu quickly grabbed Almor's horn. A gust of wind came, and she closed her eyes, her snow-white hair fluttering.

When she opened her eyes again, they were already in the sky.

Almor opened the energy shield again to shield them from the wind. She carefully laid her head on Almor's chest.

"Where are we going?"

In just a moment, they had flown so high that the scenery below had become tiny dots.

"I don't know, just flying around with you."

Ruan Shu secretly glanced down while pulling his horn, originally intending to enjoy the scenery, but suddenly felt like something was catching up.

Huh? Is something catching up?

Moreover, the thing that was catching up was making noise.

It's very familiar, like the siren of a police car.

"Attention, the Star Beast ahead, you have entered a no-fly zone and are about to be arrested." Please cooperate with us and land.

Almor "..."

Ruan Shu said, "..."

Can the emperor of the empire be arrested?

An emperor felt a twinge of guilt and desired to hasten his departure by flying away.

"Attention, we have taken your photo." If you resist arrest, it will be announced across the network.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing to be wanted internationally?

Who had such a negative attitude? Wasn't it obvious that His Imperial Majesty's beastly form was so strikingly apparent? With such gorgeous black scales and a vigorous dragon, could they possibly turn a blind eye to law enforcement?

Ruan Shu patted Almor's head as the police cars behind continued to chase. "Let's land, okay?"

Otherwise, wouldn't this be considered illegal?

Almor said, "Fine."

He said reluctantly.

He didn't want his illegal photos to be spread all over the network; otherwise, wouldn't it be a disgrace to His Majesty?

They landed~