Hopeless me!

" Fazio hired you guys to kill me and you took the job. So, I decided to make it easier for you. Kill me right now. I'm tired of this life anyway. Come on. Kill me. You South Americans!" I didn't expect that. He was quite blunt. Firstly, how did he know us? I clearly forgot that he is a mafia. A mafia is deadly.

"Call the cops. " Hart whispered to me.

"What? How?" I asked.

"You got a phone. I will try to stall. " He said as he moved closer to him.

"Why do you think we would kill you just because you asked us to?" Hart asked.

"Because after now, you won't be given any more chance. You won't be able to kill me unless I surrender myself. If you don't kill me now, I'll kill you. " He threatened. I didn't know what to do. Fears boiled down in me. My heart beating fast trying to embrace what was happening. Hart was also looking terrified. His hands were shaking.

"Will you really kill him?" I whispered to Hart.

"I said I would do anything to survive. I must, else we will die. " He replied.

"Hurry up. Kill me!" The mafia shouted.

"You got a gun? Give it to me. Then, I'll kill you. "

"You think you would be able to kill me? You think you will survive killing me?" He laughed. "I am Paolo. You think I will surrender myself to you filthy South Americans? How will you feel when you notice that you killed me? You have such guts. I will destroy you!" He shouted.

"I knew it. These are all your your plans. It's quite unreasonable for a Mafia boss to surrender his life. You are just a psychopath who does not have to live. Being a mafia means how much a fool you've made a lot of people. What? You will destroy us? What did we do? Did we attempt to kill you? Of course not. You may think you are somebody because you are known worldwide. But, get this right. You are just a lowly psychopath scumbag!" I said in a low voice.

Paolo laughed.

"You think I'm a psychopath? You know who psychopaths are? I don't think you know. They have no emotions. I get angry which shows how emotional I am. I am going to be the last person you are going to see. Say your last prayers. " He said as he pointed out a gun.

"Hey. Paolo, this is getting too far. We can settle..." I was about to say before Hart cut me in.

"Drop the gun. Then, let's fight with swords." Hart said. I was surprised by what he said. He could just beg for his life. Why fight? Sword? Were we in the ancient times? There were other weapons, why sword?

"Why? You want to die painfully?"

"Then, you are not mafia. If you can't fight with swords, How does that make you a mafia? You psychopath!" I said even though I knew that I was not going to join in the fight.

"Fine, let's do it. Let's fight!"

"You seem not to know, but I'm skilled in swordsmanship. I can't even count the number of people I have trained. Don't make yourself too happy. Let's fight. The winner will get to bow. " Hart said.

"Hey! Calm down. In any ways, he is the mafia Boss. Don't play with them. " I whispered to Hart.

"Trust me. I will win. We are talking about sword here. In that, I'm so very much good. I heard that Paolo knows nothing about swordsmanship. Use your enemy's weakness to destroy them, that's his favorite part. " He whispered back.

"But, where are you going to see swords?" He didn't get to reply me because Paolo began saying another gibberish.

"What exactly is your plan? You want to really kill me?"

"Prove that you're dangerous and sword fight with me. Paolo. "

Without hesitation, Paolo brought out his gun and pulled the trigger.

"Hey, what are we going to do? I told you not to mess with him. " I whispered to Hart who did not say anything rather, staring unresisting at Paolo.

"I will show you how dangerous I am right now. Hart! You idiot. I don't communicate with words, you're lucky that I was able to talk to you. You did a good job stalling to buy time. Hart. I know you called the cops. You idiot. But, the cops can't come to save you. You don't seem to know who you're dealing with. I'm more experienced than you. Sword fight my foot."Paolo said in a very annoying tone.

" No weapons? How does that sound?" I said.

"What're you saying?" Hart asked me.

"You can fight right? You learnt swordsmanship. You can try right?" I whispered to him.

"But, still..."

"Fine, that sounds quite assuring. Come on Hart. Let's see what you got. "

Hart ran towards him and aimed for his head but Paolo dodged it and kicked him. It looked quite painful to watch. What if Paolo really kill Hart? Will that be the end? Or will I survive? Hart went ahead to pick up a stone and aimed it at Paolo's nose. Blood splattered on the ground. This time, Paolo's eyes showed no emotions. "You said no weapons. You dare throw a stone?" He said. "Sorry. I hope you won't trust."

This time, Paolo held Hart in the throat squeezing it hard that Hart was struggling to free himself. I didn't know what to do I thought about the whole thing really hard. Does Hart worth it? If I save Hart, would he stay with me till the end? I dragged him into that, that did not mean I should take responsibilities. Would I die? If Paolo killed Hart, would it be the end for me? Or, would it give me a new hope? Would I lose? Or would I win? What would happen to me?