No power!

"No! Don't tell me that. Nothing is absolutely fine. I always told Hart that everything would be fine. But, what happened at the end? He died. Nothing is fine. Nothing will be fine. I thought about it really hard, but even after Hart's death, the world is still the same. It didn't change at all. Miami book company is still running, his grandfather is still out there clueless, doing things that does not even matter. Very soon, he would take over L'art and sell it out. That was exactly what Hart was preventing, but instead what he got was his own death. Everything is not fine. I mean nothing is fine. " I cried as I held Karina's shirt tightly.

"Miss Mira." I heard my name. I looked up to see Mike moving closer to me. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"I am not sure you are in position to ask me that." I replied in a strange tone. Clearly, I was mad at him. The truth was Hart asked him to monitor Fazio, but he could not even figured out that Hart was in danger. I was damn upset!

"You've got to understand. She is clearly in a bad mood. I think you should refrain from asking her any questions. " Karina told him. "First, let us leave here. We can't stay here forever. " She said as she held my shoulders assisting me to walk.

We reached my house at closely evening. Karina assisted me into my room and Mike followed. They definitely had a lot of questions to ask me. But, what legal actions would they take against the Italian Mafia Boss? Did they think they would win? I knew that trying to listen to the whole story would not change anything, but what would I do? Would I have sealed my mouth and keep the situation to myself forever, when I also want to get revenge? Would I have ran away from everyone because I did not want to think about, not to talk about explaining all that had happened? Would I have tried to get revenge on my own when Hart's got a lot of people? No matter how strong the revenge is, it would not change anything. The only thing that would change is the Italian Mafia Boss. Nothing would change.

"Hey, don't you think if Fazio figured out that Paolo killed Johnson, he would try to make a move?" Mike asked.

"Yes, that is true. Firstly, he might try to look for Gladden which is you, Mira. And if he finds out that you guys duped him, he might want to retaliate and that is not going to be okay. " Karina replied. This time, the level of fear and frustration in me increased rapidly. "Mira, I think you should stay low for now. Everyone is shocked by your boss' death, we cannot lose you too." She said.

"I told Mr Dave about it,, he was devastated. I know I should not have told him, but he is the closest to CEO Hart after you, miss Mira." Mike said.

"You should not have told him. He is just recovering from the shock of killing someone, now another boomerang! If the news spread so fast like that, it will reach Hart's grandfather. " Karina replied.

"That is right. You did not tell Prosecutor Augustus right?" I asked her.

"Even if I would not have to tell anyone, at least, I should inform him. I had no other choice than to tell him." She said. I was so upset.

"What? How could you tell him? He is just recovering from depression. Do you want to add more to it?" I asked.


Mike looked at the both of us like what we were really saying did not matter. It was as if he was plotting something.

"Augustus has depression?" Karina asked again.

"That is not what matters right now. We have to look for Hart's corpse." Mike warned.

"Hey. A mafia Boss killed him. I am sure he would have burnt him right away. " Karina said.

"Karina, can you just keep your mouth shut?"

"Let us being ourselves into reality. Stop imagining things that you know is not possible. How on earth is it possible for a mafia boss to kill someone and you find the corpse? He would have given his corpse to some animals to eat or probably burnt it. What I am trying to say right now is, how are we to plot revenge?" She asked looking determined.

"I wonder how you expect me to know that. " I replied.

"If you are trying to put him behind bars, it would not work. If you want to catch a mafia, be a mafia. " Mike said. I and Karina looked at him ignorantly.

"You mean to catch Paolo, we have to be next to him?"

"I'm not sure this plan would work. Before you become a mafia, you have to undergo several initiations. But now what? We have to be a mafia? " Karina opposed.

"I'm not saying that. I mean Fazio still believes that Mira is Gladden. We could get to Paolo through Fazio."

"Fazio is my strongest enemy. If Fazio is not in this picture, Hart would not have died. Now, what? I should get closer to him? So, Paolo would just kill me? I can't. " I replied also in opposition.

"That's right. Do you want Mira to die too?"

"Then, what should we do? You are not agreeing with anything I say. I wish you could just follow my leads. " Mike shouted.

"Oh! Mike. You have watched a lot of mafia movies. " Karina said jokingly.

"This is not a time to joke!" I shouted.

"Okay. Let's get back to thinking. "

I knew it would be useless anyway, but I still wanted to try my best. I want to bring the whole Italian Mafia down! I want to have revenge! I want to win with my whole heart and might!

But I clearly have no power.

No power!