Xiao long

"Old man, you dare to disregard the Lord! Truly tired of living! Don't blame me for being rude!" The man, Xiao long, had stormed into the shop with an air of arrogance. His anger flared when Chen Yang ignored him, prompting him to reveal his true intentions.

He threw a punch at Chen Yang's face, but Chen Yang easily sidestepped it, avoiding each blow without so much as breaking a sweat. Xiao long's frustration grew with each failed attempt, and in a fit of rage, he reached for a jar of wine on the shelf.

However, before he could grab it, a hand gripped his arm with a vise-like strength. He tried to use his fifth-stage qi condensation strength to break free, but the grip remained unyielding.

Cold realization washed over Xiaovlong as he struggled to comprehend the situation. 'Could this old man be a cultivator at the peak qi condensation stage? If he was only in the late stages, I could at least struggle free of his grip. So the only possibility is... this thin-looking middle-aged man in front of me is at the very least at the peak qi condensation stage.

How is this even possible?! Unless he is hiding his strength.'

Sweat dripped down Xiao long's forehead as he swallowed dryly. "Oh, old ma..."

"Shop owner, you misunderstood me; all I wanted was a taste of the most expensive wine in the city. It's just a spirit stone. Please release me now and allow me to taste the most expensive wine in the city."

Chen Yang's expression remained unchanged as he nodded, finally seeming to understand Xiao long's intentions. "Oh! So you want to order the Starlight Sip?"

Xiao long's intestines twisted in regret, but he maintained a crooked smile and nodded. The Starlight Sip was the most expensive wine on the list, costing 250 spirit stones per jar. His heart bled at the thought, but who told him to storm into this store demanding protection money? At least he hadn't announced his intentions, or his fate might have been worse.

Chen Yang fetched a jar of Starlight Sip and placed it on the table in front of Xiaolong. With a heavy heart, Xiao long opened the jar. A mesmerizing aroma wafted out, enticing his senses. Unable to resist, he took a sip.

The taste was beyond anything Xiao long had ever experienced. The combination of herbs and fruits created a harmonious flavor that captivated him. His initial fury and aggressive intent melted away, replaced by a growing appreciation for the exquisite wine.

As he continued to savor the Starlight Sip, the complex flavors not only tantalized his taste buds but seemed to soothe his very soul. The transformation was so profound that even Chen Yang, observing him quietly, was taken aback.

Xiao long felt his body's pores open naturally as the wine flowed into his esophagus and stomach. His pores greedily absorbed the true essence from his surroundings. With each gulp, he felt a surge of true essence growing within him.

"How is the wine?" Chen Yang inquired, watching Xiaolong intently.

"It's the best I've ever had," Xiaoblong replied, about to take another sip when his face suddenly turned red. His entire body began to glow, as if a powerful surge of energy was circulating within him.

With a resounding boom, Xiao long advanced to the sixth stage of qi condensation. His face returned to normal after a moment of digestion, but his expression when looking at Chen Yang was a mix of awe and passion.

Before Xiao long could speak, Chen Yang cut him off. "If a combination of a few grade-one pills and fruits couldn't help you break through, I wouldn't have charged you 250 spirit stones."

Chen Yang placed a cup on the table and sat opposite Xiao long. "Why don't we have a chat while you drink the wine?"

"Okay," Xiao long agreed, his demeanor now respectful and eager to engage.

As they talked, Xiao long revealed his identity and background. He was a direct descendant of the Xiao clan, one of the top four families in White Cloud City, alongside the Yang clan, Dugu clan, and Su clan, from which the city lord hailed. Each of these families had at least one peak golden core realm cultivator, and it was rumored that the Su family had a nascent soul cultivator ancestor in seclusion.

The patriarch of the Xiao family was a cultivator at the sixth stage of the golden core realm, underscoring the clan's formidable strength.

Despite his prestigious lineage, Xiao long's mediocre talent had relegated him to a lower status within the clan, prompting him to live freely, indulging in wine and women.

Even in the city, tales of Xiao long's wanton pleasures and nightly escapades were well-known among the locals. Running low on spirit stones, he had noticed the new wine shop and decided to extort the owner, not expecting his first attempt to lead him to a mysterious shop with an even more mysterious and powerful owner.

As Xiao Long continued to drink the wine, he became more animated, sharing stories and even scandals involving some of the Xiao clan elders he disliked. Chen Yang listened with a calm interest, occasionally nodding or asking a question.

By the time Xiao long finished the wine, he experienced another breakthrough, reaching the seventh level of qi condensation. His transformation was complete, and he looked at Chen Yang with newfound respect and gratitude.

"Thank you, shop owner," Xiao long said sincerely. "I never imagined my life would change so drastically after stepping into this shop."