Arcane Whisper Consortium

Disbelief contorted Xiao Long's face as he stammered, "Owner Chen, I truly apologize for the scene earlier. Please forgive my outburst."

His voice dripped with forced sincerity, a stark contrast to his earlier arrogance. "From now on, I'll be a regular patron, savoring your exquisite wines. I'll even spread the word to my friends and clan members, ensuring your establishment thrives!"

Chen Yang, the owner, waved his hand dismissively, a flicker of annoyance lingering in his eyes. "Forget about it," he muttered, the air thick with unspoken tension.

Relief washed over Xiao Long, and a fleeting smile played on his lips. "Excellent! Then, I bid you a good day, Owner Chen." He made a move towards the door, eager to escape the suffocating atmosphere.

Chen Yang's voice, laced with a hint of menace, stopped him in his tracks. "Hold on, young master Xiao. It seems you've forgotten something rather important."

"Xiao Long's heart lurched. His bravado evaporated, replaced by a grimace. "Ah...Shop Owner Chen," he began sheepishly.

"I only have sixty-six spirit stones on me at the moment. I promise to settle the remaining balance on my next visit."

Chen Yang's expression darkened further, his scowl deepening. Xiao Long gulped, the weight of his predicament pressing down on him.

Sensing the storm brewing, he reached into his storage bag with a desperate flourish. "Shop Owner Chen," he pleaded, "Please accept this strange stone from my father's collection as partial payment."

Chen Yang stared at the proffered stone, his brow furrowed in suspicion. "Do I have 'idiot' tattooed on my forehead?" he snapped.

"This barely covers a quarter of the cost! It should be... wait, let me see... 250 spirit stones minus 66... Ugh, never mind. Do the math yourself!"

Despite the frustration evident in Chen Yang's voice, a flicker of curiosity played across his features as he examined the peculiar stone.

It pulsed with an otherworldly aura, an inscription etched on its surface that emanated an air of mystery.

"Regardless," he continued, his voice firm, "I refuse your stone. Its strange appearance and symbol are meaningless to me. Find something else of value."

Xiao Long's face fell. Panic welled within him as he desperately cast about for a solution.

"But Owner Chen, this stone is no ordinary trinket! My father retrieved it from a treasure vault within a secret realm. Surely, an expert wouldn't have placed something worthless there!" His voice cracked with desperation. "Besides, I have nothing else of value to offer!

Chen Yang sighed, a hint of exasperation coloring his features. "Alright, fine,

he conceded, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I'll accept it as partial payment, but under one condition. You spill the juiciest gossip you can find on your next visit. Let's hear about some scandalous secrets you've unearthed, something truly titillating."

A sly grin spread across Xiao Long's face. Relief washed over him, tinged with a hint of triumph. "Deal, Owner Chen! You won't regret this!"

"Now, can I finally leave?" he inquired, a hint of impatience creeping into his voice.

Chen Yang chuckled, a hint of amusement sparkling in his eyes. "Of course, young master Xiao," he said, his tone laced with a touch of sarcasm. "Why would I keep you hostage in my humble shop?"

"With a hurried bow, Xiao Long scurried out of the shop, fearing Chen Yang might change his mind.

The moment he rounded the corner, he burst into laughter. "Keekeekee! What a genius I am!" he crowed.

"That worthless stone finally fetched me 250 spirit stones, well, minus the 66 I already paid. Still, a profit's a profit! And who knew Owner Chen has a penchant for gossip? I might just score free wine by dishing out some dirt on others. Keekekeke, genius indeed!"

Inside the wine shop, Chen Yang looked at the stone with its strange symbol and murmured, "This stone may indeed contain some mystery."

He called on his system after examining the stone for a while. "System, use three months' accumulation to condense the clone of twelve lives."

A blue light emanated from Chen Yang's body, and firefly-like lights began to gather, forming the shape of a human. After two hours, the clone finally condensed, looking exactly like him and possessing cultivation at the foundation establishment stage.

The clone mimicked Chen Yang's every move perfectly. After a few experiments, Chen Yang discovered that the clone could have independent thoughts but was still dependent on his will.

Chen Yang ordered, "Change your appearance to an old man."

The clone transformed into a hunchbacked old man. Chen Yang nodded in satisfaction and began writing letters. "Deliver these letters to the addresses written on them, and do not return here. Instead, go to the village and bring the Xu sisters if they are willing to accompany you."

"Change your appearance to me once you arrive near the village," he added.

With the clone's departure, Chen Yang went inside the wine storage to make yellow grade wine. While he was concentrating on making the wine, the system's notification sounded.

"New function unlocked: I Have a Brand Name. [Information exposed inside the establishment or written with the host's brand name will also be rewarded by the system.] Host, do you want to give your brand a name?"

[Yes]. [No].

Overjoyed by the system's new feature, Chen Yang thought for a moment before clicking yes.

"What name would the host like to give to his brand?"

"I give my brand name: Arcane Whisper Consortium. Let the voices be whispered on the wind as they delve into the mysteries of the arcane."

Feeling a sense of satisfaction, Chen Yang looked around his humble shop, envisioning a future where the Arcane Whisper Consortium would be renowned far and wide, not just for its exquisite wines but also for the secrets and stories that flowed as freely as the spirits he crafted.

He knew that this was just the beginning, and with the system's help, if he cautiously do his things , he will definitely be powerhouse in this world .