expose wine

Xiao Long returned back to the with a goofy grin plastered across his face, muttering incoherently

" To be able to advance to the late stage of qi condensation, which would take me at least a year of cultivation, I advance simply by drinking wine. This is unbelievable."

As Xiao recalled the taste of the starlight sip, he became enraptured, picturing himself floating in a sea of fragrance.The sight of him stumbling around like a lovesick puppy was enough to turn heads.

Xiao Long walked through the vast Xiao clan, passing numerous servants. When the maidservants noticed his appearance, they covered their mouths in surprise.

" Why is young master Xiao making such a weird face today "

"Just looking at the creepy expression on his face made all the hair on my body standing."

"It appears that some maids of young master Xiao Long will be unable to sleep tonight."

"Shh, don't let him hear you," another replied, sending shivers down her spine at the thought of his creepy expression. "He looks like a lovesick fool...or worse, possessed by a mischievous spirit."

Their whispers jolted Xiao Long back to reality. He flashed a toothy grin at the maids, ready to unleash a witty comeback, when a voice like tinkling bells cut through the air.

"Big brother Xiao  Long! It appears you are Growing bolder by the day, are we? Stealing the very stone I requested from Father for research?"?"

A beautiful voice rang out, and a beautiful figure with a a vision in sapphire blue robes that shimmered with every step entered. Her long, raven hair cascaded down her back in a silky waterfall, adorned with a single, delicate orchid tucked behind her ear. Her eyes, the color of deep amethyst, sparkled with intelligence and a hint of mischief ran towards Xiao Long.

It was Xiao Yi , his ninth sister, radiating beauty as usual.

"Ehh...ninth sister, it wasn't exactly stealing..." Before he could explain, Xiao Yi launched into a flurry of kicks and punches.

Fifteen minutes of "sisterly love" later, Xiao Long resembled a slightly less handsome pufferfish.

"Hmph," Xiao Yi huffed, finally satisfied with her handiwork. "Now, cough up the stolen stone, brother dear."

""Yi, about that..." Xiao Long whimpered, "I, uh, gave it to the shop owner as payment for the wine. It was a bit pricey, you see, like, 250..."

As Xiao Long explained, The playful glint in Xiao Yi's eyes vanished faster than a snowflake in a sauna. "Payment for wine? You exchanged my stone for 250 SPIRIT GOLD ?!" and began beating him, saying "you got the courage, how dare you sell my stuff for wine just because you did not have some 250 gold coin."

"Uh, yeah, but hear me out!" Xiao Long squeaked, bracing himself for another round of Xiao Yi's "affection."

"  Yi it was in spirit stone not in gold and look "  saying that Xiao Long hurriedly revealed his seventh of qi condensation stage.

He explained his encounter with the shop owner, the miraculous advancement in his cultivation after a single sip of the "Starlight Sip" wine, and his fervent belief that the shop held a treasure trove of elixirs disguised as beverages.

"The wine from that shop helped me advance from the fifth to the seventh stage; is not it worth 250 spirit stones?"

Xiao Yi was surprised by her big brother's strength, But Xiao Yi, a prodigy in her own right, snorted. "Are you trying to fool me, brother? Elixirs in wine? You've been indulging a bit too much in those questionable concoctions, haven't you? With all those years of wine-tasting, shouldn't you be in the Nascent Soul realm by now?"

Xiao Long felt as though an invisible arrow had pierced his chest. "I am telling you the truth! Where has the trust between siblings gone to?"

He recounted his experience again, adding dramatic flair to portray the shop owner as a dark-hearted genius and the wine as a holy elixir. "The taste! The smell! Oh, the indescribable magic of the Starlight Sip!" His eyes glazed over with a combination of pain and happy memories.

"So you are saying you spent 250 spirit stones on a single jar of wine?"

Xiao Yi glared at her big brother, who had a triumphant expression on his face, and she suddenly felt compelled to tear off this wastrel's ear.

"My precious little sister! If you do not believe me, I will accompany you to the wine store tomorrow. You will certainly be pleased. That taste of the starlight sip wine , that smell... Ohh, I have never had anything like that."

The eyes of Xiao Long were filled with fascination.

Xiao Yi, on the other hand, could not believe it. She thought,

"Has a donkey kicked him in the head recently? Or is old age getting to him? Girls AND wine? He expect me to believe this elaborate lie after hiding his cultivation advancement and crediting it to some fancy wine?"

A mischievous glint entered her eyes. "Hmph! Tomorrow, we'll visit this 'mysterious' wine shop owner and get to the bottom of this. If you're lying..." she trailed off, a predatory smile creeping across her face.

Hearing the word, Xiao Long was about to turn around and run, but Xiao Yi caught his soldier and said

"Even if what you say is true," she continued, poking his bruised arm with a playful jab, "you're returning that stone to me, even if it means selling a kidney."

Meanwhile, inside the dimly lit Arcane Whisper wine store, a cackle erupted that could rival a banshee. "Hahaha! I, Chen Yang, am a genius! This 'expose wine' will spill all their secrets! Just wait, Wu family, when I reach Core Formation, my clone will have his way with your entire clan..

Chen Yang, the mastermind behind the expose wine, paused, wiping a tear from his eye. "Although, maybe I should ease off on the gloating for a bit. That Xiao Long fella seemed way too happy to spill the beans about his family secrets. Almost suspicious.