egg cracker maniac

The next morning.

Xiao Yi and Xiao Long snuck out of the Xiao clan .

As one of Grey Cloud City's most powerful families, located right in the heart of the city. The bustling market noise reached them even from the clan gates, a constant hum of vendors and shoppers.

Since a recent incident, their father had forbidden Xiao Yi from leaving the house. Today, however, her ever-reliable brother Xiao Long was smuggling her out on a secret mission: to retrieve a mysterious stone and sample the city's legendary wine.

Unlike most pampered clan daughters, Xiao Yi, a self-proclaimed "cultivation maniac" (much to her brother's exasperation), craved adventure. The market's energy thrummed with life – hawkers hawking their wares, children chasing pigeons, and the mouthwatering aroma of fried food.

"Brother," Xiao Yi pleaded, her dark eyes sparkling with mischief, a stark contrast to her usual fiery training demeanor. "After we get the stone and try the wine, can I explore for a while?".

Xiao Long, a man who lived in constant fear of their father's wrath, gulped. "Absolutely not! If the Old Man finds out..."

" Brother, if you do not let me play, I will tell father about how you sell his stuff for wine."

After much brotherly browbeating and sisterly blackmail , a deal was struck. One hour of playtime in exchange for good behavior.

Just as they were about to disappear into the bustling market, a flamboyant voice cut through the air. "Well, well, well! If it isn't Xiao Long! Why aren't you enjoying yourself at Bloom House today?"

Xiao Long's face darkened as he turned towards the young man approaching them. His garish robes clashed horribly with the morning light. His eyes, however, were fixated solely on Xiao Yi, a predator sizing up his prey.

This was Dugu Chen, a direct descendant of the Dugu clan and a contender for the position of young master. However, his reputation as a notorious playboy within White Cloud City hindered his chances..

"Oh ! It's young master Dugu Chen , I am quite busy today  , we will have fun another day !" Xiao Long hurriedly said afraid if Dugu Chen notice Xaio Yi and tries to hit on her .

Dugu Chen, however, wasn't easily deterred. He blocked their path, a suggestive smirk playing on his lips. "And who might this lovely lady be? Don't be shy, introduce your friend, Xiao Long," he said, reaching out to touch Xiao Yi.

Seeing the improper behavior of Dugu Chen toward His sister and the fact he acted as if I Xaio Long was invisible ,He couldn't help but get angry. But still as he was about to remind Dugu Chen .

Xiao Yi, with the reflexes honed by years of sparring, delivered a swift kick to Dugu Chen's nether regions. .

" Ahhhhhh.... Why did yo.... Ahh " with just two ahh The surprised playboy let out a yelp that could rival a wounded hyena before collapsing into a heap, a comical white foam escaping his lips.

The bustling market fell silent. All eyes turned to the siblings. Xiao Yi, unfazed, grabbed Xiao Long's arm. "Run!" she declared, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

And run they did, weaving through the startled crowd like a whirlwind. They left behind a groaning Dugu Chen and a bewildered market, adding a new chapter to the legend of the "Egg Cracker Maniac" – "The Public Humiliation of Dugu Chen."

Even though not many people have seen Xaio Yi appearance and don't recognized her , she was well know genius in the city , it wasn't difficult to beat opponent of same realm and it was even easier to beat an unprepared that so called genius who likes to play around with girls.

A few blocks away, Xiao Yi and Xiao Long were doubled over with laughter. Relief mingled with the adrenaline rush. "You… you shouldn't have done that!" Xiao Long wheezed, wiping tears from his eyes.

Xiao Yi, still chuckling, shrugged. "He deserved it. Besides, did you see the look on his face? Priceless!"

As they weaved through the market, their conversation turned to lighter topics, trying to put the incident behind them. Xiao Yi's spirits lifted as the smells of the market's food stalls reached her, the aromas of fried dumplings and spicy noodles mingling in the air. Her eyes lit up, and she tugged at Xiao Long's sleeve. "Come on, let's get some snacks. I'm starving!"

wary of another run-in with trouble. They stopped at a popular stall, ordering a variety of treats that they packed as they continued their walk, blending into the crowd and the normalcy of market life.


Meanwhile ,on the wine store..


" Dammit, that's the third time! Is there a problem with the spirit essence to fermentation ratio?" A man in black clothes emerged from the smoke-filled room, frustration etched on his face.

The young man was none other than Chen Yang. He grumbled, covered in soot, as a voice chimed in his head.

"Congratulations to the host for leaking three scandles; the reward can be received."

Chen Yang's mood instantly brightened. "System, receive the reward!"

"Congratulations, host, on receiving your reward for forty years of cultivation."

A list of rewards materialized in his mind:

Fiery Eye Technique (can see through illusion and formation of 5th grade, upgradeable)

Mask of Mahakal (conceals wearer's aura, invisibility for three hours at night, protects against spiritual attacks under the soul formation realm, earth grade)

A surge of energy coursed through Chen Yang, propelling his cultivation from the third stage to the sixth stage of the foundation establishment realm. A triumphant grin spread across his face. "With this strength, I could take on ten of my previous self!"

However, his celebration was short-lived. A burning sensation erupted in his eye, followed by a torrent of memories flooding his mind - everything about the Fiery Eye Technique. The pain was excruciating, lasting for a full hour before his eye finally adjusted.

He blinked, his vision sharper than ever before. To test his new ability, he retrieved the strange stone from his storage bag and focused his Fiery Eye Technique on it. The stone pulsed with a faint internal glow, revealing intricate patterns hidden beneath its surface.

Intrigued, Chen Yang continued to experiment with his newfound power, eager to explore its full potential.