Hello Death

"Ouch! What the heck?" Aurora exclaimed as the wolf lunged at her, taking her unaware. 

"What have I done wrong? Why are you attacking me?" She yelled at it. She quickly took a fighting stance after recovering from the attack. 

"Shift into human and show me yourself if you dare!" She shouted. 

"Stop being a wuss. Let me know who you really are, then we can wrestle out whatever grudge you have against me." She added. 

The wolf nodded. It ran behind a big tree and reappeared, after transforming into a human. 

It was Dante, the Alpha's son and the heir. He was a year older than Aurora. He was mischievous and seemed to derive joy in bullying her. He had started showing his hatred for her, the day she beat him up, publicly. He had taunted her for being wolfless at her seventeenth birthday party. 

"What's wrong with you, Dante? Why would you just come out of nowhere to attack me? Have you lost your mind?" She was furious. 

"You said we should wrestle out whatever grudge I have against you, right? Then, there's no need exchanging words, alien." He said, staring at her spitefully. 

"Firstly, I'm not an alien. Secondly, bring it on, then!" She retorted. 

"Not here, weakling! We're going to meet at the stream close to the pack's border in an hour, then you can show me what you got." He informed her. 

"Fine, challenge accepted! But if I defeat you, you're going to stop bullying me and leave me be!" Aurora gritted out. 

"Sure." He replied her. 

"The hatred I have for you will stop when you're no more. Over there, nobody will come to your rescue and I can finally tear you apart. Nobody disrespects Dante and go scot free!" Dante thought inwardly as he walked away. 

"Oh, my! What happened to your neck?" Selene, her mother asked her as she walked into the compound. 

"It's not a big deal, Mom. I got injured while training." She lied. 

"Come here, let me help you disinfect it first." Selene said. 

"Not now, mom. I need to change right away and go back to what I was doing. I just came home to change since my clothes got torn." She informed her mother, running into her room. 

"Then that's your clue that the training is enough for the day. I have always told you that exerting yourself just to train doesn't make one a great warrior!" She shouted after her. 

"I'm sorry, mom. I really need to go back." She had changed her T-shirt and dashed out of the house, despite her injuries. 

"I have to put an end to the bullying today. I'm sick of it." Aurora thought as she trotted to the place Dante described. 

"I do not deserve to be bullied. I'm done putting up with any sort of bullying." She stated as she remembered when Dante had called her an alien at her birthday party. 

She had beat him up but couldn't stop crying for a whole day. That word had traumatized her as he would taunt her with it everywhere. He instigated his friends and others against her and they treated like an outcast both in school and at home. 

And nobody could call the Almighty Dante, Alpha's heir to order. As his father headed one of the largest packs in the werewolf community, Dante had the whole pack bowing to him and respecting him, except Aurora who could dare punch his handsome face and break his nose. 

"I haven't done any wrong to anyone by being wolfless, so why should I be putting up with the bullying? If they're not comfortable with my existence, they should go question the moon goddess. She's the one to be blamed for creating me like this, isn't she? I'm not going to waver, never!" She vowed bravely as she approached the secluded area. 

"Here comes the woman of the moment!" Dante stated, mockingly as he sighted her. 

"Can we get started already?" She asked him, irritatedly. 

"Of course, let's get right to it. You're going to learn to never disrespect me, your future Alpha ever again. How brave of you to walk into the Wolf's den all by yourself! It's sad, that braveness will cause you serious harm." He stated, smirking. 

Before Aurora could say jack, two big wolves appeared dangerously from the nearby bush, snarling at her. 

It was a set up. 

"Shit! I fell for a set up! You're a worthless person, Dante!" She exclaimed, gritting her teeth in fear and anger. 

"Who says I'd have a fair fight? I'm not even going to lift a finger before dealing mercilessly with you." He said cockily. 

Aurora knew there was no way she could tackle two wolves when she was wolfless. 

"Should I just run and scream for help instead of dying in the hands of this brat?" She thought inwardly. 

Before she could act, one of the wolf attacked her, tackling her to the ground. It bit down on her shoulder, ripping out some flesh as well as part of her T-shirt revealing her underwear. 

"Holy shit!" She screamed in pain, hot tears rolling down her cheeks. 

The other wolf circled them, waiting for the moment to pounce while Dante watched on, amusedly. 

"Were you expecting me to go easy on you after disrespecting me? No, weakling, it's not possible." He spat out, his eyes burning with rage. 

Aurora knew she had to flee to save herself. With all her strength, she managed to push off the wolf on her and before it could recover from the surprise for a split second, she carried her weak body and ran. 

"You should stop stressing yourself, you can't escape from this." Dante said, mockingly. 

At that moment, a big black wolf with bloodshot eyes appeared from the bush, and stood in front of her menacingly, forcing her to cower in fear. 

"More?" Aurora exclaimed and gave up trying to e

scape. She was doomed! 

"Hello, death!"