He Saved Me Instead

"Hello, death!" 

Aurora stated as a big black wolf with red eyes appeared from the bush, and blocked her from running away by standing in front of her menacingly, forcing her to cower in fear. 

"Wait, I can't die like this. I haven't even gotten my wolf not to talk of getting to meet my mate. I can't just die without getting all that, because of this obnoxious Alpha's son? Then my family...I can't just leave them like that." She thought quickly. 

The thought of her loving family made her shook off the thought of death and decided to find a way to survive. 

"Hey big wolf! I know you're fighting for your future Alpha..." 

The wolf growled furiously at the mention of future Alpha. He didn't like that. 

"Okay, your boss or your friend or anything..." She quickly said, trying not to anger the wolf further. 

"I didn't even do anything wrong to him. Did he tell you how he wronged me first? I bet he refused to tell you that. You definitely didn't know what transpired between us and are just defending him, right? I'm sure you're not a callous fellow, please hear me out, first!" She tried to use words to persuade the wolf. 

The wolf took another glance at her and snorted, then it leapt high in the air and Aurora felt the need to say her last prayer at that moment. 

She closed her eyes and thought of her life as death was flashing before her eyes. Her life was supposed to be perfect as she was of a noble birth but unfortunately, it was nowhere near perfection. Her father was the beta, the second in command to the Alpha of their pack and her mother was one of the pack's strong warriors. As she was the first daughter, she was treated like a flower, sheltered from harm, sadness, disturbance and trouble, and was only exposed to pure joy, pure love, happiness and everything beautiful while growing up but her life wasn't full of roses, as she grew older! 

Growing up, she had believed she would be normal like every other werewolf in her pack and the entire werewolf community, but alas, she was strangely different. 

She was the only werewolf in her pack that had no wolf, an inner animal, thus she was treated like an outcast. While other werewolves got their wolves on their sixteenth birthdays, hers refused to show up. 

Her mother had maintained she was a late bloomer and not to be bothered, but everybody was disappointed when she celebrated her eighteenth birthday, still wolfless! 

"I do not get a wolf from the moon goddess like others, yet they're bullying me because of it and now it seems I'd die just for standing up for myself against bullying. Is that fair?" She thought to herself as she awaited the wolf to descend on her and tear her apart but nothing happened. 

Instead, she heard growls and movements behind her. Fearfully, she opened her eyes and looked behind her. 

Lo and behold, the new big black wolf with red eyes was fighting the two wolves that were Dante's accomplices. 

"Who the hell are you? You dare trespass into my territory to fight me? You are not going to leave unscathed." Dante yelled at the wolf and shifted into his wolf. 

"What's going on? This stranger of a wolf is fighting for me?" She wondered aloud. 

"Is that even possible? This wolf is definitely not from my pack and it seems too clean and regale to be a rogue. Who is this wolf?" She did the analysis, mumbling to herself. 

Meanwhile the fight was still going on. 

The wolf was winning against Dante and its accomplice. 

"Oh my God! The wolf is so powerful. Its moves are so smooth. How can a wolf fight smoothly like that? Who is this amazing wolf?" Aurora mused to herself, feeling amused by watching Dante and his friends got beaten. 

All of a sudden, more wolves, which Aurora recognized as their pack's wolves, led by the pack's chief warrior in human's form, ran to the scene, surrounding the unknown big wolf. 

Dante had mind linked the chief warrior, informing them of a trespasser on their territory. 

"Attack the trespasser and make him surrender. He's going to be locked up in the cell and be interrogated. He must be from one of the enemies'packs." The chief warrior commanded the wolves. 

"No, stop! Chief warrior, please stop and hear me out. That wolf is not a trespasser. It is my savior. Dante and his..." Aurora was trying to explain but the chief warrior cut her short. 

"Your savior? Do you perhaps know that rogue?" He inquired. 

"No, but that wolf is not a rogue." She protested. 

"The wolf is not a rogue but it is attacking our future alpha? What conspiracy could be more than that? That wolf is an enemy, arrest him. Some of you should take the future alpha and his friends to the pack clinic immediately." He commanded the pack's wolves and they sprung into action. 

"No, No, No! That wolf has done nothing wrong. It is my savior." She insisted. 

"Aurora, your story isn't adding up. You claimed the wolf is your savior yet you don't know it! How could an unknown wolf be your savior? What is it saving you from? That wolf is a trespasser and must be dealt with. It has trespassed and committed an unforgivable crime by harming our future alpha. He must be punished mercilessly. Stop meddling in this if you don't want to be charged as its accomplice." The chief warrior informed her sharply. 

Aurora sighed in defeat! 

"I have implicated this innocent wolf." She thought sullenly. 

The pack's wolves had successfully forced the wolf to surrender and put a chain on its neck, declaring it a criminal. 

The wolf stared at Aurora with his red eyes, emotionlessly and she felt so guilty. 


It's my fault!" She sobbed quietly.