The Handsome Substitute Teacher

The unknown wolf was dragged to the holding cell and Aurora couldn't stop blaming herself. 

"It's my fault. I have implicated the innocent wolf with my bad fate. What sort of luck do I even have?" She lamented. 

She couldn't get off his last stare at her, from her memory. Although it was emotionless, it was communicating something that she couldn't explain. 

"No dear. It's not your fault. Even if he didn't decide to save you, he had already trespassed by being at that area. It's the pack's border. Then, he harmed the Alpha's heir and that's unforgivable." Her father, Matthew explained. 

"Besides, you can't even be sure that he was fighting for you. What if he is an enemy of Dante and had his plans already? I'm sure he had Dante in mind and went to that area to deal with him. You just happened to be there at that moment, so take your mind off the case." Selene said. 

"Dad, can't you at least help me to please to the Alpha to go easy on him?" Aurora asked. 

"He harmed the Alpha's heir seriously, what excuse could I possibly give the Alpha for that? None, dear. He'd be killed." Matthew maintained firmly.

Aurora sighed defeatedly. 

She couldn't get the thought of the unknown wolf off her mind. 

Days rolled by and everybody stopped talking about the wolf. It was as if it had never been arrested. A new week came and school resumed! 

The resumption gave Aurora mixed feelings. She was glad that she had something to preoccupy her mind with and stop thinking about the incident with the unknown wolf but she was a bit nervous because she knew the kids at school would tease her for not getting her wolf at her eighteenth birthday. She had marked the birthday during the holiday.

"Hello my love! Happy resumption!" 

"Same, sweetie!"

"Oh, you got a new bag! It's so chic, girl!" 

"Gosh, I can't believe holiday is over already."

"Chill, bro! Another holiday is just around the corner. Within a twinkle of an eye, we would be done with this term." 

"You're such an optimistic. Good for you, dude!" 

"Don't make me laugh." 

"Girl, you've gotten chubbier and looking more beautiful. What's the secret?" 

"Sleep, enough sleep! That's the secret!"

"You're hilarious." 

Chatters amongst the students rang through every corner of the school. They were all happy to see each other again after a long holiday. 

"Hi guys! As Mrs Williams, your mathematics teacher just gave birth and wouldn't be around for a while, here's a temporary teacher that would fill in for her till she comes back." Their homeroom teacher announced. She had walked in with a young, handsome guy. The young man's presence commanded attention. His face was adorned with beautiful blue eyes that seemed to be drowning everybody in. Although, the hair on his head was styled simply but neatly, it fitted him like it was made for only him. 

He carried his 6ft height with great charisma and his gait seemed intimidating yet alluring. He looked perfectly handsome.

The girls had started drooling. Even Aurora couldn't help but stare at him in astonishment. He wasn't from their pack and none of them have seen him before but he was a werewolf. 

The whole class thought of the same thing upon hearing the announcement. 

"Teacher? Isn't he too young and handsome to be a teacher?" They wondered. 

"Hello, guys! I'm Elias. Yeah, just Elias. Let's be comfortable, alright?" He opened his mouth to introduce himself and the girls swooned. 

His voice was as beautiful as his appearance. The whole class cheered and muttered 'welcome' in unison. 

"Yes, Elias. You're highly welcome to our school." A girl from the back stood up and said, happily. 

Elias smiled at her, revealing his mature dimples and she giggled. 

"Okay then, I'd leave you to your business, Elias. I have to go to my class now. Guys, be good to the new teacher. Be respectful, do not disrespect him because he looks young and seems like your agemate, alright?" She warned the class and they echoed a 'yes ma'am' in unison. 

"I'm a very respectful, beautiful girl, Elias!" A girl from the front seat shouted. 

The class roared with laughter. The female teacher, shook her head and left the class, smiling. 

"So, guys, shall we get started?" Elias asked the class. 

"No sir. Can we have a little introduction before starting? Let us know more about you. Like your age, your pack and so on. Those little details..." Katie, Aurora's bubbly and ever lively best friend, shouted from her seat. 

The other girls clapped and cheered her on. 

"Yes, please. She just said what we wanted to ask." They stated. 

Aurora blinked her eyes and listened with rapt attention. Even she wanted to know more about the attractive young teacher. 

She wasn't the type to be that interested in getting to know a strange man as she was planning to keep herself for her destined mate but the man was distracting her. 

She found herself staring at him. There was something about him that made her kept staring. She just felt drawn to him.

Their eyes met briefly and her heart skipped a beat. 

"Those eyes seem familiar, like I have seen them before. It's strange." She whispered to her friend. 

"I know right. They seem familiar to everybody because he's so attractive, girl." Katie squealed. 

"No, not because of that. I mean, he looks like someone I have really met before. So familiar. I'm serious. This is not about his attractiveness." She maintained but Katie wasn't hearing her anymore. She was focused on the new teacher. 

"Where have I seen those eyes?" She wondered and then the memory of how the unknown wolf stared intensely at her, flashed before her eyes and she shuddered. .

"No, it can't be! I know they killed the wolf already. It can't be here to take revenge on me, right?" She wondered fearfully