She Is Tough

"Urgh, such a long day!" Elias huffed, as he hopped into his car and started driving out of the school premises. 

He was late than usual, because of what happened. Tina had refused to let go of his hand until he assured her he was completely calm. 

"My love, I need to ensure you're completely calm before letting go of this hand. Remember your secret... What if you lose control and shift into your wolf? By the size of your wolf and strength, everybody will know you're an alpha and that could bring trouble." Tina maintained, caressing his hand. 

"I'm not going to shift into my wolf. I have blocked him off, and now I'm completely calm." He told her, through clenched teeth. It's actually taking a whole lot of will power not to lash out at her. But she was right. This was not the time to go berserk.

"Okay, but why are you in such a hurry to leave me? My love, don't you miss me? We should really hang out one of these days and catch up." Tina stated. 

"I have some paperworks to analyse before the end of today so I need to go now. See you tomorrow." He said and stood up to go, retrieving his hands from hers. 

"Okay, fine! Till tomorrow then. Wait, aren't you going to give me a kiss before rushing off? Well, I'm blowing you a kiss, anyways." She shouted after his retreating steps, frowning her face. 

"I still haven't gotten over that demeaning word she used for our mate. That ugly she-wolf! I find her appearance irritating when you stand before her." Elias' wolf stated. He had connected with him as he was driving home, all alone. 

"Well, she isn't that ugly, you know. Stop being sentimental!" Elias said, chidingly. 

"Of course, you would scold me for her. Just know that I don't care if you do, I'm still going to badmouth her. All I care about right now is the well-being of Aurora. I won't be surprised if you aren't concerned, though. She's the only mate I have got so I care a lot about her. She needs our help." His wolf added, angrily. 

"Who says I'm not concerned? Who says I have gotten over the anger? Do you think you're the only one who can get angry? And have I told you that I do not want to be of help? I was so annoyed too and felt concerned but what would I do after she clearly stated it publicly that she wasn't being forced to do anything?" He yelled back at his wolf. 

"Don't be dumb. How would she just go volunteer to be her mate's lackey? She was obviously forced or let me say blackmailed." His wolf snapped. 

"Blackmail? You this wolf!!! Do you even know the meaning of that word? What would those girls be doing, blackmailing their fellow classmate and pack member? Why would they do that?" Elias inquired. 

"Are you seriously asking me that question?" His wolf snapped again. 

"Of course, I am. Since you are the all-knowing here today, you can as well provide some answers to my questions." Elias maintained. 

His wolf was being irritable and he was planning on not indulging him. They were both silent for few minutes before his wolf accepted defeat and spoke up. 

"Okay, fine! You're the human who can see what's going on, around you. I'm inside and won't know more than you, I accept that. But I have a feeling that she's being bullied. We need to help her." His wolf said, calmly. 

"Good that you have accepted that. Now, listen, we're on the same page, but we can only help her if she's going to allow us do so." He replied the wolf. 

"She's going to allow us do so. You're going to make her do that." His wolf stated, confidently. Elias chuckled. 

"Huh!" He sighed. 

"Our mate is such an admirable young lady. She is really tough. I mean, she's obviously being bullied yet she doesn't want to give her tormentors the satisfaction of winning against her so she denied it. She is really tough, refusing to waver." His wolf pointed out, out of the blues. 

"Hmm, you're right. She is one tough lady. She is intriguing. Despite being wolfless, she seems fierce. There's always something spectacular about her whenever I look at her. The way her eyes spark relentlessly whenever she speaks... It tends to draw someone in. Like there's an unexplainable force that keeps someone trapped in wanting to get to know everything about her." Elias admitted. 

"Oh, wow! So, you want to get to know everything about her? Really? Does that mean something positive?" His wolf asked, teasingly. 

"Don't get excited yet, you horny wolf! It doesn't mean anything. Get it together. Wanting to get to know someone better doesn't necessarily means you want to accept to date them. How many times will I explain that to you for you to understand better?" Elias said, shaking his head. 

"It is curiosity. I'm just curious." He added and with that, blocked the connection between him and his wolf. 

"Does he even know the meaning of intriguing?" Elias mused to himself as he drove into his manor. He alighted from the car and Theo also drove in. 

"Alpha, here I am, at your service." Theo stated formally, thinking Elias had called him for an emergency, formal business as the latter had mindlinked him immediately he entered the pack territory. 

"No, be relaxed. This is unofficial." He informed him, as they walked into his office. 

"Okay, bro. What's going on? I'm here for you." Theo switched his stance, immediately. 

"How do you help someone who is being bullied, especially when that person refuses to open up and just wants to fight the battle all by herself even though the person is not really that capable?" Elias asked out of the blues, surprising both Theo and himself. 

He hadn't thought he would be doing that but he found himself doing it, anyways. 

"Fuck this fucking mate bond, making me do things I wouldn't do on a norm!" Elias gritted inwardly, instantly regretting what he found himself doing.