
"Guys, I'm sure you all know I'm very approachable." Elias looked at the faces of the students and his eyes came to rest on Aurora. "Any one of you can come to me with anything that's out of your control and I'd be very willing to help you out to the best of my ability." Elias informed the class, his eyes not leaving Aurora's.

It was the following day at school, and Elias couldn't stop worrying about Aurora.

"Yes. We love you, Elias!" The class said in unison as he stepped out of the class.

Afterwards, when the students were trooping out to go to the cafeteria for lunch, he called Aurora aside. 

"Hey, Aurora!" He greeted. 

"Hmmm!" His wolf purred. 

"Hi..." She replied him, a bit nervously. 

"How are you? I mean, how have you been doing? How's school treating you?" He inquired. 

"Fine. I'm good, I have been doing fine and school has been treating me well. I'm okay." She maintained. 

"Then, I have no choice but to hit the nail on the head!" Elias concluded, inwardly. 

"That's very good to know. So, I called you out here to confirm some things." He said to Aurora. 

"What could those things be? I noticed you have been staring at me while we were in class." She blurted out. 

"She's the straightforward type! I like that!" Elias' wolf jubilated. 

"Uh, yeah! It's because of what happened yesterday. I have been thinking about why you would agree to such a ridiculous game." Elias began. 

"I thought we settled that... It's nothing serious." She replied. 

"It seemed serious to me. I really hope you aren't being bullied." He blurted. 

"Uh, oh! Bullying? No, you think I'm going to allow anybody especially my classmates, bully me?" She asked, bewildered, but deep down, she felt like relying on him, which she found weird.

"Aurora, When they talk or look down on you, call you names, make you do degrading things for them, even though they claim it's a game and you're all catching fun, it's bullying." He explained. 

"Well, they call me names because I'm not really like them. I'm a bit different." Aurora informed him, with a dry chuckle. 

"I know you would have found out already. I'm wolfless at my age, even though I'm a full blooded werewolf. So, they call me an alien. We're young adults, so it's normal for some of them to still be behaving like kids and be mischievous." She said, trying to remain unbothered but Elias could see through her tough facade. 

"That's not right. That doesn't give them the right to call you that. They shouldn't be deriving joy in making you feel less of yourself. That's unfair." He pointed out. 

"I hate how understanding she is of people who are bullying her. She's too kind." Elias' wolf stated. 

"Yeah, I know but I don't want to call that bullying..." Aurora said, chuckling nervously. 

"Why? Let's call a spade, a spade! If you accept it as bullying, then I'm going to make them stop it by all means, I promise you." Elias vowed. 

"No." She insisted. 

"Why? For whose sake?" He asked, bewildered. He could not understand her. He just needed one word from her and he will make sure put those bullies in their place for good.

"Mine!!! For my sake!" Aurora affirmed strongly. "If I should hide behind you now, just to make the bullying stop, what do I do when you are not around? That would even make them hate me more. And secondly, it's going to make me feel like a weakling who couldn't protect herself. I'm going to prove to them all that I'm not a weakling just because I don't have a wolf yet. I'm going to make them stop bullying me, all by myself. That way, they would respect me and they would learn that they have been unfair to me and blame themselves. It's just a matter of time!" She maintained, firmly. 

"I'm totally swooned! Our mate is so cool. She's so my type!" Elias' wolf exclaimed with pure excitement. 

"I totally agree with you, on that!" Elias replied his wolf inwardly. 

"If I say you're not impressive, right now, then I'm lying through my teeth. Nevertheless, there are times when you need to allow someone to help out." He insisted on helping her. 

"I understand that well but while I appreciate your willingness to help, trust me, it isn't time for me to seek for help yet. I'm currently handling it so well." She said to him. 

"Oh, okay, I'm just going to take your words. I'm going to respect and accept your decision but can you promise me one thing?" He requested. 

"Yes, If it's something within my power!" She said. 

"Can you promise me that you are going to ask for help in case things get out of your control?" He asked her, staring at her intently. 

"His stare seems so sincere and full of concern. Why is he being so concerned about me?" Aurora wondered as she stared at him. 

"Hey, hey... Are you still with me?" Elias snapped his fingers at her face, getting her back to reality. 

"Uh, yeah!" She stated. 

"You just went quiet out of the blues. Are you okay?" He inquired. 

"Yes, I am. Sorry, I got carried away. Huh, it's a yes. I promise I will let you know whenever it gets out of my control." She assured him. 

"Thank you." He said and released a breath he didn't know he was holding, surprising them both. 

"I strongly believe I should be the one thanking you..." She pointed out, with a chuckle. 

"No, I disagree! I should be the one thanking you. You promising to ask for help if the need arises, is such a great development." And reassuring...He quipped. 

"Eh, no! You showing this much concern when we barely know each other is so much to be grateful for. Thank you, Elias." She appreciated. His name rolling out smoothly from her tongue sent a shiver down his spine. 

"You're welcome." He said. 

"Our mate is so perfect! What's there to not like about her?" Elias' wolf rejoiced. 

"Such a cool guy! I wish to get to know him better!" Aurora pondered, in her head. 

"I would surely be a finished man if I gett o know her better!" Elias thought to himself.