Chapter 21 The first move will lead to defeat

The atmosphere in the principal's room was very quiet.

  Aida Daichi's eyes were puzzled. He didn't know why the other party suddenly stopped.

  But without the smell of blood, he felt that the air was much fresher. He didn't dare to ask, so he could only stand there and wait silently.

  After a long time, Qingzhi raised his head and said to Xiaochiyin, "Let's go."

  "Ah? Okay." Xiaochiyin was confused, but still hurriedly followed.

  "What about me?" Seeing the two of them about to leave, Aida Daichi hesitated and spoke.

  "You wait for the notification." Qingzhi opened the door and said calmly.

He looked at the principal who was guarding not far from the door. When he saw the principal approaching with a smile on his face, he ignored him and left directly.

  Principal Komori was left frozen in place, smiling awkwardly.

  "I'm sorry." Seeing this, Xiaochiyin apologized.

  Later, Xiaochiyin followed Qingzhi to Qinxin Lake with doubts. But soon, Koike Yin knew why.

  Qinxin Lake is a beautiful scenery at Qingcheng High School.

  The entire lake surrounds a big tree in the middle. The sunlight shines through the dense leaves. The orange light is intoxicating and imprints itself on the lake.

  Standing next to Qinxin Lake, there is a warm and relaxing atmosphere.

Qingzhi came to Qinxin Lake. He lowered his head slightly and stared at Qinxin Lake, as if he wanted to see through the bottom of the lake.


  A slight sound, like the blowing of the breeze, sounded, and a huge amount of spiritual pressure surged out of Qingzhi's body, covering Qinxin Lake. In an instant, the still calm Qinxin Lake seemed to have been hit by a huge boulder, causing water waves to splash.

  scold! ——A

  sharp cry sounded, and Xiao Chiyin next to him was slightly startled. But soon she saw a broken figure slowly emerging from the bottom of the lake.

  He is said to be broken because his entire soul has holes poked out by sharp blades.

Koike Yin is not surprised, because whether it is a ghost or a wraith, after birth, it will maintain the appearance of death in life.

  The figure was trembling, and its aggressive eyes were full of fear.

  "Iwaguro Yuto?" Koike Yin flipped through the information in his hand, compared the photos, and found that it was indeed Iwaguro Yuto.

  Unexpectedly, after Iwaguro Yuto was killed by Aida Daichi, he turned into a wraith.

  Qingzhi looked at the other party indifferently, and he didn't make any move. Controlling the spiritual pressure, Iwaguro Yuto was quickly squeezed to death.

  At the moment when Yuto Iwaguro's soul was about to dissipate, Aokiji stretched out his hand, and a gray bead the size of a grain of rice was held in his hand.

"It's for you." Qingzhi handed the soul bead to Xiaochiyin, and he said calmly, "You are very good, grow up as soon as possible, don't die too soon."

  This is the second time Qingzhi said this.

  As the supervisor of special classes, each person will be assigned an assistant.

  Koike Yin is his seventh assistant. As for the first six, they have all died in strange incidents.

  However, he admires Koike Yin very much. Those former assistants would always hesitate when giving orders, or even give them advice, obviously cherishing their lives.

  But in strange events, every hesitation and delay will increase the danger.

  Although Koike Yin is a newcomer, the other party never questions his destiny, which is rare.

  "Thank you, Mr. Qing Pheasant." Xiaochiyin did not refuse. She happily took the rice-sized soul bead.

Although this thing is small, Xiaochiyin knows that this soul bead has lost its impurities.

  At this time, the phone in Qingzhi's pocket vibrated. He glanced at the call casually and said indifferently, "What's the matter?"

  "Qingzhi, do me a favor. Show me a photo."

  "Get out."

  "Don't be so unkind, we are all colleagues, and you can't die with those glasses." An understatement came from the other side of the phone, "This photo has almost killed nearly two hundred people. I am now I haven't seen it yet, but my assistant has already said that it is a photo of eyeballs. According to the information from the Metropolitan Police Department, anyone who sees this photo will slowly be mentally tortured and eventually commit suicide."

  "Most people see it. Everyone who has seen this photo has had nothing to do. So I speculate that in addition to specific people, there are also people with spiritual powers who are tortured when they see this photo. You know, this kind of weirdness has also happened before , is simply a supervisor killer."

Qingzhi looked ugly, "You have already surmised this, and you came here to show me?"

  "You can't die anyway." As he said that, Hongyin's voice changed, "Or... How about you show it to your new assistant?"

  Although his assistant is experienced, he is just an ordinary person.

  "Okay." A sneer appeared at the corner of Qingzhi's mouth, "Let's exchange tasks. You will investigate the Hell Girl incident, and I will investigate your eyeball photo incident. How about it? Don't worry, I have already learned about Hell Girl's murder rules. Now that I understand something, as long as the tasks are exchanged, I will tell you everything I know."

  The eyeball photo Hongyin mentioned has been confirmed to be a weird incident.

  Originally, the special class asked him to deal with this matter, but the Hell Girl incident happened recently, and Hell Girl's murder rules are almost on the 2ch forum.

Therefore, he thought that the Hell Girl incident would be easier to figure out, so he chose this incident.

  Unexpectedly, just a curse mark made him feel the breath of death. If he had just used the ability of "Thieving Hand" just now, he might have died.

  Thinking about it, Qing Zhi gently touched the glasses he was wearing, a trace of happiness flashed in his eyes.

  The atmosphere fell silent for a moment.

  "Actually... we can cooperate." Hongyin said with a smile, "Two weird incidents happen to happen, and it is better for two people to jointly investigate than for one person to be frightened. When the time comes, two people will die together, so it is better to have a companion on the way to death. "

  Okay." Qingzhi agreed directly without any hesitation, "But you have to come over first to help me investigate the Hell Girl incident."

"You agreed too quickly." Hongyin hesitated, and then he thought of something, He slapped his thigh and said in annoyance, "Did you just want to contact me too?"

  The first move will lose.

  If I had known, I would have called later.

  But even though she regretted it, Hongyin still nodded in agreement, "Okay, let's meet at the Metropolitan Police Department."

  After hanging up the phone, Qingzhi was about to ask Koikeyin to drive back to the Metropolitan Police Department, but saw that the other party was hesitant to speak, so he said, " What's wrong?"

"Aoji-sama... the information records that a high school student named Ryousuke is also missing." Koike Yin hesitated and said, "According to what Aida-san just said, a person can only contact the Hell Girl once in a lifetime. Should we investigate this Ryosuke?"

  After all, there are too many delinquents in Qingcheng High School, and maybe Ryousuke was also taken away by Hell Girl.

  "No need." Qingzhi waved his hand and said calmly, "This student was most likely killed by Yuto Iwaguro. Human beings are very fragile in front of resentful spirits. And resentful spirits are also very fragile in front of supervisors. ..."

  Qingzhi didn't say anything else. He looked up. The blue sky and white clouds made his heart clear, but he couldn't see any hope.

No matter how powerful the supervisor is, there is a risk of dying at any time when facing weirdness.

  Because weirdness relies on rules to kill people. If you are under weird rules, even if a god comes, you may die in the next second.