Chapter 22 Today at midnight, I will prove the existence of Hell Girl.

Shinji Kanbara thought that he would continue to feel uncomfortable after using his spiritual power.

  Unexpectedly, after just one sleep, my body was almost healed.

  This made him sure that this so-called spiritual power should be soul power.

  The increase in spiritual power means the soul is strengthened. The enhanced soul may not be able to adapt to it for a while, but the soul and body are one after all, and it is impossible to feel uncomfortable forever.


when I went to bed last night, I had nightmares again and again. As a result, he was in poor spirits in the morning. And...while he was sleeping, he always felt like someone was staring at him vaguely.

  I thought it was a hallucination in a dream, but since I woke up, this feeling has still existed. Even in school, I always felt like I was being watched.

  In addition, when he was passing by the street sometimes, he could notice something hazy around him.

  However, he didn't understand what these things were. It was like a mirror, which could be pierced with just a poke of his finger, but this film was like the last barrier, blocking him.

He knew that when his spiritual power reached ten points, he could break through this hazy feeling. Because the increase in the tenth point of spiritual power in the notebook will consume more than a thousand good and evil points.

  It feels like a bottleneck.

  But he didn't do that. After adding nine points of spiritual power yesterday, he felt uncomfortable all night. I don't know what will happen if I add it to the tenth point.

  Now these various 'feelings' can only be regarded as negative effects of the soul and body still being in harmony.

This is also the reason why he doesn't want to increase his spiritual power for the time being. Of course, the tenth point will consume a thousand good and evil points, which is too much.

  I don't know if every point after ten points consumes a thousand good and evil points. If that was the case, he really couldn't afford it.

  Of course, his body has changed. But it's not all negative.

  His senses were indeed heightened.

  For example...when he arrived at school in the morning, he could feel two plainclothes policemen lingering at the school gate.

The reason why he knew it was naturally because the conversation between the two reached his ears vaguely from a distance.

  Although the voice was small, he still heard it.

  He was initially awestruck and thought he had been discovered to be strange, but when he heard the conversation, he breathed a sigh of relief.

  These two police officers seem to be here to monitor some bad guys?

  Why is this so? He thought about it this morning and felt that the Metropolitan Police Department must have noticed something.

  Most of the people killed by Hell Girl were delinquents, so if you want to inquire about the situation, you can ask local police stations to monitor the delinquents in some schools, and you should be able to find clues or opportunities.

Kanbaru Shinji was right, this order was given by Aokiji.

  The purpose is to get a cursed villain... As long as they get the cursed villain, they can conduct research and maybe discover some key information.

  Of course, it's okay if you don't get it. After all, Qing Pheasant has joined forces with Hong Yin. With Hong Yin's ability to assist, he can probably investigate clearly and file the data.

  During the lunch break, Shinji Kanbara discovered that the 2ch forum was blocked. This made him stunned for a moment, but there was no special emotion in his eyes.

  This is something he is considering. After all, no matter how special this post is, it is still attached to the 2ch forum.

Now that the 2ch forum is blocked, the posts have not actually disappeared. As long as the 2ch forum is restored, it will still exist. But now that the forum is blocked and the forum is gone, naturally no one can see this post.

  Of course, the forum being blocked will naturally have an impact. But that is for the future. Being blocked now will probably make the urban legend of Hell Girl even more popular.

  People who didn't believe this urban legend before are very frightened to think about it because the 2ch forum was blocked.

  They turned to Twitter and pushed the words "Hell Girl" into the top three trending words that day.

  "2ch has been blocked?"

  "No way? What happened?"

  "Is it because of Hell Girl?"

  "It's possible."

  "But it's too stupid. To say the least, even if Hell Girl is Really. 2ch is blocked. Don't the people in the Metropolitan Police know that this is the real way to spread terror?"

"I have an uncle who is a police officer in the Metropolitan Police Department. I heard from him that this urban legend is completely true. Think about it. , so many urban legends were circulated in the forum before, why didn't the Metropolitan Police Department block the forum? It's really scary to think about it."

  "As an Osaka native, I hope Hell Girls can take a look at Osaka and not engage in regional discrimination, otherwise I will call you a regional girl from now on. . So can you let people in Osaka browse the Hell Communication website?"

  "Kyoto also wants to invite Hell Girls to come over."

  "Nagoya came uninvited!"

  "Fukuoka has something to say."

  "Obviously the situation is serious. , otherwise why would 2ch be blocked? It's better not to joke at this time."

"Hey, have you heard? San Zhiyuan has been exposed in a scandal."

  Because the discussion was so heated, this topic attracted netizens from other countries. Attracted. But basically all of them are dubious, or just like before, they read it as a story.

  The topic of the 2ch forum being blocked reached a small peak in the afternoon.

  When Shinji Kanbaru came to the Ghost Club, he found that the club classroom was very quiet. When he opened the door, he saw everyone gathered in front of a computer, wondering what they were looking at.

  "What are you looking at?"

  The voice suddenly appeared, startling everyone.

When everyone saw that it was Shinji Kanbaru, they breathed a sigh of relief and explained, "Someone uploaded the video of meeting the Hell Girl to Niconico."

  Hearing this, Shinji Kanbaru also became curious, but he did not get involved. The computer in the middle was surrounded by four heads.

  He sat in front of his computer, quickly opened it, entered the Niconico website, asked for keywords, and directly searched for [Exploring the existence of Hell Girls] on the search bar.

  After clicking in, dense barrage almost covered the entire video. This shows how popular Hell Girls are now.

  Thinking about it, he closed the barrage.

After watching the entire video, Shinji Kanbara didn't even see the appearance of Hell Girl. This made him quite disappointed. As the person who created Hell Girl, he also wanted to see the three-dimensional image of Enma Ai.

  But... I didn't see the Hell Girl.

  But many people became dubious because there was a video in the middle where the UP owner entered the name of the person he resented and then just sat in front of the computer, motionless.

  It lasted for a minute, and the video barrage for this minute was all about 'being scared' and 'pretending to be a ghost'.

  A minute later, everyone noticed that a black and blue scarecrow suddenly appeared in the UP owner's hand, with a bright red thread tied around his neck.

The UP master who woke up had fear and disbelief in his eyes, obviously seeing something.

  Then the screen jumped and it was obviously edited.

  At the end of the video, the UP owner pulled open his clothes, revealing a black flame-like mark on his chest.

  "After I pulled off the red thread, the resentful people went to hell, and I was also cursed."

  After saying this, the video ended.

When Shinji Kambara just wanted to look through the comments and read the comments of the troll netizens, he saw that the comment area was pinned to the top, and it was the message from the UP owner.

"Some bastards who follow what others say, even if you don't believe it, why do you still abuse them in the comment area? What is the difference between you and those bad guys who bully others? I really hope Hell Girl will take you people away! But in order to slap you in the face, today at midnight At midnight, I will find a friend to do the experiment, and it will be broadcast live on Periscope to prove that Hell Girls are real."