Path To Liberation, Fateful Showdown (Chap 2)

Synopsis: The rematch between Hou Ren and Ms Shafi has begun. With his New Deck At Will, The Young King has a chance to change his fate. Will he succeed?

The Match has begun and A massive shock fills the audience now that Hou Ren has unveiled his new flag. Everyone whispers regarding the matter. Some say that he's a threat. Some say that he might win. As for Ms Shafi, she was filled with stun. The knights, however, felt calm instead.

Hou Ren: What's wrong? Is it forbidden to use a new flag? Or is it forbidden for me to gather my full strength at will?

Shafi: How...what....why?

Hou Ren: One reason: To Defeat You.

Ion: I don't know how he got it but Ms Shafi has the first move.

Ms Shafi: Draw. Charge and Draw. I call Virus, jamming to the center. Attack the fighter.

Jamming was summoned and immediately struck at the opponent. Causing him two damage.

Ion: Right off the bat, Ms Shafi dealt two damage. Let's see how Hou Ren Responds.

Pauline: How did he get the Dragon EIN flag?

Principal: Beats me. Still, it's a powerful flag that's difficult to master.

Ruth: Yes.....this is going to be tough.

Anime opening: Usseewa.

Hou Ren begins his turn.

Hou Ren: Draw, Charge and Draw. Successive Cast. Dragon Emperor Legend. Divine Dragon Creation.

With two spells being cast, Hou Ren increases his hand and gauge while dropping his life to 9.

Masato: Those spells are from Ancient World.

Daryl: Oh man.

Hou Ren: Equip.

Hou Ren then equips a golden sword with dark flames and lightning engulfing it.

Hou Ren: Deity Dragon Sword, Gar-Lost Blade. (Equips Gar-Lost Blade)

Ion: That's A Darkness Dragon World Card...

Lost Ren: (Impressed) Huh, My Item's up first.

Hou Ren: Next, I call Nincat to the left.

Nincat: (Appeared as its Ninja self) Oh yeah. This is awesome. Nin.

Ion: Now it's a Katana world monster.

Sensei: Go get her, Nincat.

Hou Ren: With Nincat's effect, discard one and draw one. Gauge and Life plus 1 as well.

Immediately, he activates the effect.

Hou Ren: The card that was discarded was Sensei Ren's Hidden Strike. The opponent must destroy one gauge, one hand, and one life. I gain the same amount.

Shafi: Ugh...(did as follows)

Gwen: I've never seen that spell before.

Hou Ren: My friend. Let's win together. Deity Gargantua Dragon Rebirth. Buddycall to the right. (gains 1 life)

Garga appears as Deity Gargantua Dragon but with extra armaments, larger in size, shinier crystals, etc.

Garga: All Are Powerless Before My Blade.

Everyone's shocked to see Garga's new appearance.

Daryl & Cross: Garga has evolved?

Pauline: How did he...what?

Hou Ren: Set spell, Lostknight Reinforcement.

Ion: That spell revives any monster sacrificed at the end of the turn.

Ms Shafi: Whatever it is you're trying to do, it won't...

Hou Ren: (Interrupts) How bout you let me finish my turn, Vixen?

Ms Shafi: (Felt Surprised) Say what?

Hou Ren then stands on the center.

Hou Ren: I'll never forgive those who looks down on me. You'll pay for your crimes. Right guys?

Garga & Nincat: YA!

Masato: Darkness Dragon World? Katana World? And Then Garga? For share.

Daryl: He's still no match.

Hou Ren: Garga. Attack the center.

Garga destroys the center monster and deals 3 damage because he has double attack.

Hou Ren: Follow him up, Nincat.

Nincat: Oh yeah.

Nincat strikes, another 2 damage. Hou Ren's eyes are suddenly blocked by shade.

Hou Ren: A lot of people despised me. Judged me here and there. Then let me ask, am I forever going to be a burden? Is this really who I am? Must my own flaws define who I am?

Pauline: (Half-astonished) What is he.....

Hou Ren: Why must those closest to us betray? Why must this world be consumed by hate? Even when I do right, people discriminated me. This world has lost it's view on equality.

Principal: What?

Hou Ren: People even asked why am I suddenly like this. The answer is simple, I'm done holding back. But you know what? I'm only wasting time, isn't it?

Hou Ren's sword begins to feel stronger as dark energy surrounds the sword. His eyes began to blaze as they became very sharp.

Hou Ren: Very Well. I'll make this quick.

Hou Ren activates Gar-Lost Blade's effect. He stabs the ground and disposes of Nincat with a shock of his sword.

Nincat: It hurts.....But this will be worth it, right? (Destroyed)

With Nincat destroyed, He stabs the ground again, destroying two of Shafi's gauges, and draws a card. He rushes forward and pierces Shafi's chest in an instant. Shafi feels the stab and it's incredibly painful.

Hou Ren: Double attack.

Shafi: I cast proto barrier. (Blocks the attack)

Hou Ren: Deity G-EVO activate. Change!!! Galaxy Braver, Gargantua Quasar.

Garga: (Changes to Gargantua Quasar) I am the deity of the brilliant cosmos. Gargantua Quasar is ready to fight.

Shafi and Ion: Isn't that?

Agent Ren: (Nods) Yep, That's Garga's Star Dragon World Form.

Hou Ren: Looking at the top 4 cards of my deck. One goes to my hand and the rest goes back on top in any order.

Daryl: Deck Manipulation?

Hou Ren: Also, I discard the top card of my deck. (Reveals Sacrifice Gardragon) It's a monster. My buddy gains Triple attack and penetrate.

Shafi and Ion: What?

Garga fires a barrage of missiles.

Shafi: I cast virus gem. (Blocks the attack and Galaxy Braver's critical is reduced by 2)

Garga: Double Attack.

With that attack, Ms Shafi's down to 1 life.

Ion: Oh No, Ms Shafi's down to One Life. If Garga's Triple Attack lands, it's game over.

Garga strikes forth.

Shafi: I cast virus gem. (Attack Nullified and Galaxy Braver's critical is reduced by 2)

Hou Ren: Again? In that case, Revert Garga. (Pays 2 gauge)

Garga reverts back to his original form.

Daryl: Wait what he can attack again?

Garga: Sword storm. (Fires a barrage of swords)

Shafi: I cast Earth barrier. (Block the attack and gain 1 life)

Hou Ren and Garga: Double Attack.

Shafi: I cast Earth barrier. (Block the attack and gain 1 life)

Hou Ren: Drats, That's it for me.

Nincat is revived due to Lostknight's reinforcement.

Stats So Far: (Hou Ren = 9 Life, 6 hand, 2 gauge) (Shafi = 3 Life, 0 hand, 1 gauge)

Ion: What a barrage of attacks from Hou Ren himself and literally Ms Shafi is cornered. Could Hou Ren actually win this? This is insane.

Ms Shafi: I'm not going to lose, Hou Ren. I have a reputation and a job to hold. I must admit I did not expect you to fight using cards from different worlds, but I must win.

Hou Ren's eyes become focused and sharp.

Shafi: Draw. Charge and Draw. I cast virus enhancement. I draw a card, but if I have no cards in hand, I draw 3 instead.

Ion: Ms Shafi's hand is catching up.

Ms Shafi: I buddy call. Computer Virus, Immobilizer to the right. (Gained 1 life due to Buddy Gift)

Immobilizer appeared on the right.

Hou Ren: (Preparing himself) Ready?

Garga & Nincat: Yes.

Ms Shafi: I equip virus gauntlet and I cast, Hacking Siege. This forces all opponent soul cards to be dropped and if I had a virus card on the field I could instantly infect all of the opponent's cards.

Hou Ren: What?

All of Hou Ren Cards are infected as they are locked in a green virus orb.

Hou Ren: With one single spell and then this?

Ion: Unbelievable, all of Hou Ren's cards are infected instantly. I guess Hou Ren's gonna lose after all.

Trickstar: (Felt annoyed) Do your job properly.

Sensei: (Felt annoyed) Yeah, what kind of commentator pick sides?

Shafi: That's not all, for every card infected, I draw a card. This means 4 cards in total.

Magician Ren: But I don't think it's just that. Look.

Shafi: Finally, I drew my trump card. I call to the right.

Hou Ren: What the...

Suddenly, Immobilizer is transforming. Its color changed to black, becoming deadlier. It Became Something More Than a Machine and Something Less Than Artificial Intelligence with no sentience. A monstrosity to be exact.

Shafi: May I present: Omega Infector, Immobilizer. Size 3, 20000 power, 5000 defense and critical of 3. It has soulguard, triple attack and more.

Hou Ren: Her buddy has evolved too? It's huge.

Shafi: You haven't seen anything yet. I'm just warming up earlier.

Hou Ren: Evolved or not. I'm not gonna lose. I will win this.

Ion: What a showdown between the two fighters. This is going to be wild and you definitely should not change the channel folks. Will it be Hou Ren or Ms Shafi? Let's find out.

Anime ending: Horizontal Oath by Cosmic CoaSTAR


Hou Ren: I can't believe my cards are sealed again. Don't worry, I can still win. Next time, "Miracle Wings". Join us for a Buddyfight.

Story Ends.