Path To Liberation, Miracle Wings (Chap 3)

Synopsis: Ms Shafi's buddy has evolved and it has left Hou Ren rendered useless. However.....

Halfway during the match between the two, the two contestants are fuelled with determination. One possessing willpower and help from friends. The other filled with hatred and disgust for the other. Truly a moment but the young king is cornered.

Ion: It's truly a fight of the centuries, both players have their buddies evolved. Funny thing is, Hou Ren's cards are infected and this means he would have a hard time to defend. I feel like Ms Shafi's gonna win again.

Shafi: Hou Ren. You may have impressed me with your new abilities but this fight is mine.

Hou Ren: This fight isn't over yet. I'm still in the game you know.

Shafi: Arrogance will be your downfall. Immobilizer, show him your new power.

Immobilizer strikes in.

Shafi: Immobilizer effect, I discard a card from my hand, for this turn, your card's cannot be cured even after the end of your turn. It's called Omega Infection.

Hou Ren: No way.

Ion: He can't cure them?

Shafi: At the same time, if all cards are infected, I gain a life for each infected card.

Hou Ren: I cast, Fire Dragon Shield. (Reduced damage to 0)

Shafi: Double attack.

Hou Ren: I cast, Black Dragon Shield. (Damage reduced to 0 and Hou ren gains a life.)

Shafi: Triple attack.

Hou Ren: Sacrifice, I need your help. (Summons Sacrifice)

Sacrifice Gardragon: (Appears in front of Hou Ren) Leave it to me.

Sacrifice Becomes A form of a Shield and the attack is nullified.

Shafi: I might as well finish you of personally. (Starts Attacking) Due to the gauntlet's effect, for every card infected, I draw a card.

Hou Ren: I cast, Dragon Wall of the Distant Sea. (Stops the attack)

Shafi: Just why won't you stay down? Double attack.

Hou Ren: It's because I'm not giving up. I cast, Enemy wall.

Shafi's top two cards are discarded and they are both Monsters, this means the attack is nullified. Everyone was shocked that Hou Ren took No Damage at all.

Ion & Pauline: No Damage!?

Cross & Agito: AT ALL?

Shafi: (Thought) How did he survive? Doesn't matter, he's cornered. I'll finish him off next turn. This Game Is Mine.(Thought).

Stats So Far: (Hou Ren = 10 Life, 0 hand, 1 gauge) (Shafi: 8 Life, 6 hand, 1 gauge)

Anime opening: Usseewa.

The Match Continues and Ms Shafi begins taunting Hou Ren. She was feeling resentful towards the latter.

Shafi: Game Over, Hou Ren. Your defeat is guaranteed.

Jasraj: Yeah Go Ms Shafi, show him who's boss.

The entire crowd but The Draknights and Ms Pauline cheer for Ms Shafi. The crowd goes wild nonstop. It was so noisy like being in a fish market. Even the reporters are cheering.

Hou Ren: (Thought in despair) She's right. My options are sealed. Is this it for me? (Thought)

Hou Ren look at his team, then the infected Garga and Nincat. He then closed his eyes and turn serious and more determined.

Hou Ren: (Thought) No, it's not over yet. I promised myself that I won't give up. I will liberate myself no matter what. And I will always...(Thought)

His eyes began to blaze with lightning as he taps his deck. His aura glows bright and strong. Powerful Lightning surrounds him making everyone so shocked.

Hou Ren: (Draws a card) KEEP MY PROMISES TILL THE END. I cast, Rise and Fall of Dragons. I increase my gauge by 4.

He increased his gauge to 5.

Blaze Ren: Why did Hou Ren increase his gauge now?

Agent Ren: Moreover, He's out of hand cards again.

Jasraj: What an idiot. (Laughs)

Everyone else started laughing but the knights. Lost Ren immediately strangle Jasraj's Neck using his powers for a few seconds.

Lost Ren: What a skank. (Looking back at the fight) I see what he's doing. Show them your New Power.

Hou Ren taps his dropzone and it suddenly glowed gold. It was so bright that it blinds everyone. As he holds out a card from the dropzone slowly, the earth began to rumble around everyone.

Hou Ren: I wish today I lose to you, but that's something the old me would have said. Hang tight Guys. Help is on the way.

Ms Shafi: Whatever it is, you're bluffing.

Hou Ren: We'll see. (Threw the card up high) Transcend NOW.

The card becomes a golden portal itself.

Hou Ren: A deity that exceeds all other deities. Transcend Once More And Liberate This World From Madness. Deity of Salvation, GARGANTUA LIBERATOR.

The portal shoots out a golden ray of light towards the infected Garga. Curing it from the infection and transformed him into his new form. Golden Lightning surrounds him and his body now sparkled as the sun.

His armour includes sheer titanium and gold platings. Many weapons are floating behind him and his chest crystal becomes gold.

Garga: I am Gargantua Liberator, HERE AND READY TO FIGHT...I will walk alongside my buddy and help fulfill his wish to the utmost. For I am a deity who liberates this world from chaos. (Howl as loud as before)

Ms Shafi: (Shocked) What is this!? I never seen Garga like this before.

Hou Ren: There's more where that came from. GARGA.

Garga: My friends, now is the time to be (glow himself) LIBERATED.

After a Brief Flash....

Nincat: (Cured from Infection) I'm free.

The other cards are also set free.

Hou Ren: So is my item.

Garga: And your set spell.

Ms Shafi: BUT..... BUT HOW!? THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE. You set your units free?

The entire crowd were shocked and whispered. Wondering what just happened.

Daryl & Cross: How did he do that?

Masato & Agito: He destroyed the infection just like that?

Gwen and the other girls: Amazing.....

Principal: No... impossible. Just How?

Ms Pauline was at a loss for words as she saw the glorious moment right before her very eyes.

Hou Ren: I told you before, I'm coming at you at full force. You always think you can abuse me all you want. Nah Man..... Nah. I WILL LIBERATE ME AND MY FRIENDS NO MATTER WHAT. I WILL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO DO THAT YOU HEAR ME?

Hou Ren's Aura glow even brighter and stronger.

Lost Ren: (Amazed) Incredible... GO HOUREN.

Hou Ren: Huh? Lost Ren?



Kaiser Ren: If you LOSE right now, I won't forgive you, you understand!?

Hou Ren nods before looking back at Garga and Nincat.

Hou Ren: Let's go.

Garga: Yes.

Nincat: Lead the way, your majesty.

Hou Ren: Garga, Show Me More Of Your New Power.

Garga: RIGHT. (Attacks) When I attack, all of Hou Ren's cards will have their power and critical enhanced.

Nincat's Power and Critical: 22000, 4.

Gar-Lost Blade: 27000, 4

Liberator: 40000, 4

Ms Shafi: So what. I cast, Virus Gem. (Attack Nullified and reduced Liberator's critical)

Somehow, one of Ms Shafi's hand cards is discarded. Leaving everyone in surprise.

Ms Shafi: Wait what.

Hou Ren: You see, that's another thing about Gargantua Liberator. (Points at Ms Shafi) If I had cured my cards this turn, the opponent must discard a card every time they defend. Otherwise, His attacks cannot be countered.

Ms Shafi & Pauline & Ion: No way.

Garga: Double Attack.

The effect repeats again.

Ms Shafi: I cast, virus renewal. (Blocks again)

Ms Shafi lost another hand card.

Hou Ren: Fine then. NINCAT.

Nincat: I'M ALL CHARGED UP WITH A CRITICAL OF 6. (Throws Kunais)

Shafi: I cast, Mars barrier. (Blocks Kunais)

Nincat: Aww man.

Hou Ren: Don't worry Nincat, leave this to me. (Jumps forward and attack) Gar-Lost Blade's effect. Sorry Nincat.

Nincat: Good luck. (Destroyed)

Lost Ren: Since Nincat has 6 critical, 6 gauge will be destroyed.

Sensei Ren: Yes, but that's not possible, so 6 damage instead.

Ion and Shafi: Ehhh?

Shafi's life: 12 -> 6.

Hou Ren: Bonus, I draw one card. OPEN WIDE.

Shafi: I cast, Virus infection: Gauge Drop. (Attack nullified and destroy two of Hou Ren's gauge)

Agent Ren: Oh no, Hou Ren's at 1 gauge.

Blaze Ren: He can't cast his impact or revert Garga.

Hou Ren: I don't care. Double attack. (Attacks)

Shafi: I cast Earth barrier. (Blocks the attack) Give up Hou Ren, you can't cast your impact or call your buddy. I win.

As Hou Ren is still trying to break the barrier with his sword, he looked determined and his eyes become even more sharp.

Hou Ren: You.....really.....don't know how to listen do you?

Shafi: What?

Hou Ren: I think it's time I bring out my last Ace up on my sleeve. I CAST.

The spell suddenly is covered with lightning around it.

Hou Ren: 'Hou Ren's Finale, Piercing Through Heavens', I nullify your spell. (Pays 1 gauge & 1 life)

Hou Ren moves away and his sword is charged with dark lightning. He is feeling so hateful as he zooms in with his sword and pierced the barrier in one shot. The barrier shatters to massive debris, leaving his opponent in shock.

Ms Shafi: HUH!!!!!!

As Ms Shafi stares in fear, the shards were seen flying past both fighters. Everyone's completely shocked. However, Hou Ren's eyes are so blazed as it's filled with lightning.

Hou Ren: (Points the sword) You should have known. If you had kept your ears and eyes open, all of this would be averted. (Swung his sword towards the fighter) You fought well, but your TIME IS UP!!!!!!!

Ms Shafi was slashed from the top.

Ms Shafi: AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

The Star Dragon World flag is destroyed.

Ion: (Feeling Terrified) Game over.... The winner is.... Hou Ren.

The crowd cheered loud while some are at a loss for words.

Ion: What a stunning upset. First Ms Shafi overpowered him, but then suddenly the tables have turned. This is really out of this world.

Daryl: (Stunned) I don't believe it. Hou Ren defeated Ms Shafi for the first time.

Gwen: Not just that, he was able to break the infection like it was nothing to him.

Ms Pauline: Hou Ren, just how strong have you and Garga become.....

At Hou Ren's playing area.

Hou Ren: I did it. (Feeling Cheerful) I did IT. (Hands Held Up High Excited and Jump) I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!

Draknights (minus Lost Ren): YEAH.

Lost Ren: I never doubted you for a second. Well done, Brother.

Blaze Ren: He really is a man alright.

Sensei Ren: What a true buddyfighter, and a true Draknight.

Garga: I have no words to say but to express my gratitude. I'm proud of you, Hou Ren.

Hou Ren: I should be crediting you. It was your new power that helped me.

Garga: No. You are the victor Hou Ren. It was your wish for your freedom so strong that it allowed me to acquire this new power. You didn't even succumb to defeat. The cards were able to respond to your feelings and led you to victory.

???: That's right.

The knights jumped down from the spectator section.

Lost Ren: I must admit, the way you fought is completely unorthodox. Still, you showed me that you're a man of your word. Therefore, on behalf of the team, you have our deepest loyalty.

The knights, including Garga, bowed down before Hou Ren. Hou ren was quite surprised.

Hou Ren: My friends. All of you. Get up. I don't see you as my subjects, or my allies. I see you my true family. (Expression turned hateful) That being said, if anyone should be bowing, it's her.

Hou Ren point at the defeated Ms Shafi, catching the knight's attention.

Lost Ren: Lead the way, most excellent one.

Hou Ren: Follow me.

They follow their leader as he walk forward. Suddenly, Ms Pauline stops them.

Pauline: What are you trying to pull?

Hou Ren: (Blasts her with Lightning) Move aside. 

Now Pauline gets knocked down and yells. The students are shocked. The knights continue to walk forward and look at the latter. The defeated vixen look back at him while feeling humiliated.

Hou Ren: You can trap me in a bird's cage all you want, but I was able to carve my own miracle and flap my wings once again. You however, (holding out the camera) shall not.

The footages are shown on a screen. The footages shows her mistreating Hou Ren in five different class in 1 week each. She was even caught talking bad secretly. She was even responsible for causing an unfair backlash from several citizens by convincing the entire world that he's a threat via social media and in person.

Shafi: No....NO!!!

Daryl & Masato: He did it.....

Everyone was horrified including Ms Pauline. The Principal walks up to Ms Shafi.

Principal: Is this true, Roohi. You've been mistreating a student behind all of our backs? Do you have any idea how much damage you bought upon this school?

Ms Shafi: I can explain. I didn't actually mean it. Besides I even caught him playing games....

Hou Ren immediately slap her face ruthlessly while having his forehead shadowed. Pauline and Garga were shocked while Hou Ren was feeling hateful.

Hou Ren: You've said enough. GET OUT.

Ms Shafi stares at him while shaking in fear. 

Hou Ren: I said GET OUT. (About to kick her)

Garga stops him by holding him back.

Garga: No Hou Ren don't. She suffered enough.

Hou Ren's rage slowly becomes calm.

Hou Ren: Fine.

Principal: I don't usually agree but Hou Ren's right. You're fired.

Ms Shafi: No please, I need this job. Please, give me one more chance.

Principal: Security, take her out now.

Security took the yelling Ms Shafi away. The teachers & the principal look at Hou Ren while the latter look back at them disapprovingly. 

Hou Ren: Well?

Principal: I' sorry. We all are.

Pauline: Me too. I'm so sorry...for everything.

Principal: On behalf of HIS, I assure you, this will never happen again.

Hou Ren: (Look away) Yeah, it won't alright. Well, when I'm gone that is.

The teachers and the principal are feeling clueless.

Ms Pauline: What are you saying?

Hou Ren immediately snatch Ion's Microphone from her hand.

Ion: Hey Hou Ren, what are you.....

Hou Ren: (Speaking through the Mic) I have an announcement to make. Me and the Draknights, are leaving HIS. FOR GOOD.

Everyone but the knights are absolutely shocked.

Story End.

Anime ending: Horizontal Oath by Cosmic CoaSTAR

Hou Ren: I'm glad I was able to win the fight. But I still felt unsafe and I lost my trust. Wait what the....Next time, "Inescapable". Join us for a Buddyfight.