Path To Liberation, Inescappable (Chap 4)

Synopsis: Even After Hou Ren Won the Match, He feels he has no place at all. Therefore, he and the knights decide to leave. However, some idiots chose to...In the previous story, Ms Shafi unleashed her new power but she was no match the moment Gargantua Liberator arrived. Hou Ren finally awakened everyone's eyes to the truth and Shafi was banished for her crimes. Despite the win, the knights announce their de-ranked moment...Anime Opening: UsseewaWith the Aftermath of the match, Abrupt Silence flows through the stage. Once again, whispers are everywhere as they discuss what was Hou Ren's statement earlier.Ms Pauline: (Walk forwards slowly) What do you mean you are leaving? This got to be a joke, right?As Ms Pauline tries to comfort and tap Hou Ren's shoulder, He ruthlessly slaps her hand while feeling disgusted. She was shocked. Hou Ren's eyes suddenly went from confidence to demonic.Hou Ren: You always think everything I say is a joke. How dare you got the nerve the gloat after the way you treated me? Ms Pauline: No I mean...Hou Ren: Zip It. Just admit. I'm not good friend. I'm not a good student. I'm always a lousy joke. You said I'm a liar who comes up with excuses. You really need to wake up.The entire crowd along with the teachers are shocked by Hou Ren's words.Ruth: Hou, We...Hou Ren: We what? You thought that I'm always going to be a villain? Well you want to know who's the real villain? You all are. After all, You all are so arrogant that it blinded you from the truth. You ears must be blocked so that my own words are meaningless.Garga: My Buddy...Hou Ren: Let me say it, I keep looking at myself, and you want to know what I saw? I see myself being a curse. Why? Because no matter what I do or where I go, I always made people upset. Enough is enough. I might as well leave you scumbags alone.Hearing this, everyone feels heartbroken and worried. Trickstar: I agree. Even when we save lives, people are so ungrateful. No matter what, all of us keep getting stomped on. Blaze: Literally everyday, My anger keeps fueling up when this kind of thing occurs. You folks really had to throw stuff at us and make us look like the bad guy. Agent: So be it. Consider our place here REVOKED. Go find yourself a new student or a friend for all I care.Hou Ren: You with us Garga?Garga: Of course. I too had my own resentment on those who treated us badly.Hou Ren: (To the teachers) Then consider ourselves no more. Goodbye Forever.Everyone feels devastated after he made his statement. As Hou Ren turns around and leaves, Ms Pauline tries to catch up and stop him.Ms Pauline: Hou Ren wait...Lost Ren and Sensei Ren step up and stop her.Lost Ren: Back Off. He made his choice.Ms Pauline: But...Sensei: Silence. You wanted this deep down. We're only granting your wish.Ms Pauline feels sad and surprised while the two brothers turn around and follow Hou Ren. The remaining knights do so as well. And Garga. They then stop for a moment.Hou Ren: If you're wondering why I fought earlier, I just want to show my new power that's it. I'm still gonna reveal the truth regardless. I guess I'm a hero and a traitor at the same time.With that statement, they leave the stage, everyone is even more devastated.Ms Ruth: No...Later outside the Men's Bathroom, Hou Ren came out in his true clothes. An unbuttoned white shirt with the collar and sleeves pulled up. He also wears a black Argentina soccer shirt and jeans. His wrist wraps are also seen alongside his red shoes.He packs his stuff in his classroom and tosses aside his school uniform. He comes outside with his stuff and meets with Garga.Garga: Ready to go?Hou Ren: (Close his eyes) Yeah.Both Garga and Hou Ren walk to their team. They are waiting at the school Foyer. As they arrive, they are looking at their leader sternly.Sensei Ren: You know there's no turning back right?Hou Ren: I know. But I already made up my mind. And that's that.Lost Ren watches Hou Ren sternly.Hou Ren: Still like I said. You don't have to tag along.Trickstar Ren: Are you kidding, there's no way we're letting you leave us behind.Rockstar Ren: Yeah, we're bros for life.Everyone else nods including Lost Ren.Hou Ren: (Smiled) Then Let's go through the gate.As everyone walks to the school gates, Trickstar wonders one thing.Trickstar Ren: Why can't we use the portal card?Magician Ren: Because the portal card is far too dangerous and can only be used FOR faraway places.Kaizer: Besides we can just walk home, there's no need to teleport.Blaze Ren: Exercise is good.Lost Ren: Only when you're safe.The moment they reach near the gate, the gates all of a sudden shut off in their face.Hou Ren: What the?Jasraj immediately rushes in before them and snatches Kaizer Ren away from the team, holding him hostage. Not to mention, Hou Ren's deck from his pocket as well.Kaizer Ren: Ah!!Suddenly, a shutstone cage came from below and trap them inside leaving the knights shocked.Garga: KAIZER.Trickstar: Jasraj YOU LITTLE...(Tries to summon his crossbow but fails) I can't access my powers. What the heck?Magician Ren: It's this cage. It's made out of shutstone.Agent Ren: That rare Material that shuts down our powers?Jasraj: That's right, we're not letting you go anywhere.Suddenly all of Hou Ren's classmates arrive, along with the teachers. And the security guards. They are armed with armour and electric weapons. Monsters arrive too. Jasraj hands Hou Ren's deck to Pauline.Garga: What's the meaning of this!?Hou Ren: Ms Pauline, not to be rude, but WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?Ms Pauline: Don't you dare walk away from us, your parents paid for your education and you're staying here whether you like it or not.Blaze Ren: Okay Lost Ren, you spoke too soon.Lost Ren: Zip it.Ms Ruth: Surrender Now, Hou Ren.Hou Ren: Why?Ms Ruth: Because we're not letting you escape this school. You all belong here. You're not leaving until we say so.Hou Ren: (Face palms himself) Is this how a school should even act? Scolding me and looking down on me is one thing but holding us, especially Kaizer hostage too? Wow, this school needs help.Daryl: Just stop Hou.Masato: Yeah, do what Ms Said.Hou Ren: Shut Up. I don't care. I want nothing to do with any of you. End of Discussion.Ms Pauline: Enough. Right now you don't have a choice. Either you stay here right now or say goodbye to your brother and your deck.Jasraj proceeds to slowly strangle Kaizer Ren's neck. He is struggling.Sensei Ren: Kaizer!!! Let Him Go.Ms Ruth: Not until you surrender. Hou Ren, please stay. We need you. Don't leave.Lost Ren: Wow. I really have to give you guys an oscar....FOR TERRIBLE ACTING.Hou Ren looks at his classmates for a while, then the teachers then his brothers, then Garga.Hou Ren: Fine, We'll stay.Draknights: WHAT.Hou Ren: Can you release the cage?Ms Pauline activates the lever on a remote. The cage is disabled. Hou Ren suddenly smirks.Hou Ren: Hmph...made you look.Agent throws multiple EMP bombs around the students and teachers, rendering all of the electronics nearby useless. Sensei activates smoke bombs, which makes nearby people start coughing. Kaizer heavily stomps Jasraj's left foot. This makes Jasraj scream like a girl as Kaizer uses his strength to throw Jasraj off.Ms Pauline: Why you....get.....Before Pauline can continue, Trickstar pulls the deck towards Hou Ren using his grappling hook. Hou Ren catches his deck back while feeling disapproved.Ms Pauline: Give it to me right now. (Lunges in)Hou Ren immediately evades out of her way and Ms Pauline falls to the floor on her chin. He is massively enraged.Hou Ren: Do teachers like you have a brain at all? HOLDING MY FAMILY HOSTAGE AND MY FREEDOM? WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?Pauline: I.....I.....Hou Ren ruthlessly grabs her head. Pauline look into his demonic eyes in fear while the latter stares back with maximum hate. Hou Ren: DO THIS AGAIN AND I WILL SLICE YOU TO RIBBONS. (ruthlessly push her back)Hou Ren walks away while saying "GOSH". Pauline is incredibly scared. When the smoke clears, the monsters attack. However, Garga single-handedly destroys them.Garga: Don't underestimate me.The students try to grab the knights but Lost Ren electrifies them with dark lightning. The students yells as they're in pain and they get knocked down.Lost Ren: Pathetic.Blaze Ren surrounds the knights in a firewall. Hou & Kaizer jumps in before the wall is fully blocked. The enemies try to break through but cannot thanks to Magician Ren. When the firewall disappears, so did they.Pauline: Wait what?Teacher #2: They disappeared.Everyone is gazing upon the aftermath in horror. At Hou Ren's House Porch, A portal appears on the ground and the Draknights jump out of it. They are absolutely disgusted.Trickstar: Guess we do have to use the portal after all.Agent: What were they thinking? Like What?Hou Ren: You alright Kaizer?Kaizer: Yeah, I'm fine. Hou Ren: Okay. Come On.Everyone follows their leader to his room.Hou Ren: Listen up, double-check what you need and pack. I'll grab the Crystal and shut down the base. Clear?All: Clear.Everyone heads to the secret base. Hou Ren disables the Security Protocols and enters the room where the Mirage Crystal is and grabs it. Once done, Hou Ren quickly grabs his stuff and heads to the entrance. He takes one last look at it.Hou Ren: (Thought) I never had a choice do I? (Thought End)There's a button on the top left side of the Hallway. Hou Ren presses it and the base suddenly fades away slowly. Hou Ren quickly heads back up to the surface. Once Hou Ren reached back to his room, The base disappeared entirely.Lost Ren: Did you get it?Hou Ren: (Shows Crystal) Right here.Lost Ren nods in approval.Rockstar Ren: Bad news, Hou Ren. I looked outside of the car porch and your Mum is home.Hou Ren: (Worried) No...Garga: What are we going to do, Hou Ren?Hou Ren: We're out of options.Hou Ren pulls out his portal card once more and creates a portal.Hou Ren: Jump In.Everyone jumps in but Blaze Ren and Hou Ren.Blaze Ren: This better not be a trap this time.Hou Ren: Relax.Blaze Ren jumps in. Hou Ren was about to do the same but before he did, He take out a letter out of his pocket and toss it on his bed.Hou Ren: (Forehead Shadowed) I'm sorry...Hou Ren then jumps into the portal and the portal immediately closes.Anime Ending: Horizontal OathPreview:Hou Ren: At last, We're free. Able to live the life we want. This is surreal. Next time, "A Taste of Freedom". Join us for a BUDDYFIGHT.Story End.