Path to Liberation, A Taste Of Freedom (Chap 5)

Synopsis: With the Draknights out of the scene, things suddenly went downhill. Meanwhile, the knights landed somewhere known as the 'Land of Freedom'.In the previous Story, the knights attempt to leave the school, but a few idiots did not get the message. A fight was begun and the knights were quite cornered. But in the end, the knights successfully escaped.Anime opening: UsseewaThe Sunlight shines above the glorious city of Los Angeles California. Everyone is so peaceful as they chat with each other. Buildings have shimmered brightly as sparkly diamonds. At a dumpster area, A portal appears above like 3 feet in the air and the Draknights come out of it.Draknights: AHHHH. (Falls onto the ground)Trickstar: (Gets back up) Ow, where are we?Hou Ren: My friends, welcome to LOS Angeles, California.They walk out and before them are the glorious streets of California. They gaze upon the city in awe. The city itself sparkles like a shiny diamond. It beams with sheer light. The people are all friendly with each other.Lost Ren: Incredible.Rockstar: Check out dem drips.Garga: Very Impressive. I don't think even my sword can catch its beauty.Agent: Yeah....(Realized) WAIT! How Come right now is morning? We're in a different time zone.Hou Ren: I fast-forwarded the time when I used the portal card. I mean literally if I didn't then it would be 10 P.M. already.Blaze: By the looks of things, now it's two days already but like evening time while Malaysia is like already tomorrow but in the morning.Sensei: Still, we're practically fugitives on the run. We need money to survive and new identities.Hou Ren: No problem with that.Hou Ren then uses the Mirage Crystal to create a briefcase full of 10 million dollars.Lost Ren: (Sigh) I thought this might happen. Don't get too addictive.Hou Ren: I know, I know. I'll control myself. Now let's get some new clothes and then get some dinner.All: Okay.At Hou Ren's school. Or rather, Former School to be exact. Hou Ren's Parents, Ms Pauline and the principal are at the admin office.Hou Ren's Mother: I just couldn't believe it. I mean our son leaving? I thought he was lying but he really is gone when he wrote this letter.Hou Ren's Mother reveals his Letter. Ms Pauline reads the letter for a moment before handing it back to the latter. She felt extremely guilty.Pauline: I'm sorry, it's our fault too. If only we knew and investigated what had really happened, all of this would have been averted like Hou Ren said.Principal: The boy has grown incredibly powerful. Surpassing our most powerful teacher. Mastering Dragon EIN. Even single-handedly made us see the error of our ways.Hou Ren's Father: But his behavior changed. I can feel his sadness and anger combined. (Grip his left hand tightly) What have I done...Following this, Pauline remembers the harsh words Hou Ren said to her. She felt incredibly guilty and sad as she tightens her left wrist.Pauline: Normally I should be stopping him but he's right. I let my emotions cloud my judgement. I never thought I say this but, those words he said, I deserve them.Principal: Don't blame yourself. I'm part of it as well. If we had handled it without any fuss, the school wouldn't lost its reputation and most students wouldn't have left.Pauline: Hou Ren.... I'm sorry...I always thought you had a senseless mind. But really this whole time.... you're extraordinary.Hou Ren's Mother: Regardless, right now all we can do is pray that he is alright and we need to find a way to convince him to come back if he is found.Hou Ren's Father: Agreed. (Hold his wife's hand) We Lost someone in our life once and we cannot lose it again.Hou Ren's Mother holds his hand while closing her eyes and crying. Ms Pauline and the principal still felt guilty.Pauline: (Thought) So that's what he meant by "don't have to deal with my attitude soon enough" (Sigh)Later at the Buddy Police HQ, The Powerful Commissioner is reading a newspaper at his office. The lights are half light up and He felt stern as he read what's on the headline.Tasuku: (As He Reads Article) "Draknights No More. Sudden Disappearance After Dealing with an Unfair Vixen".???: Commissioner.Light Kurouzu enters the room.Tasuku: Light? Update.Light: They are still in 20%. Hou Ren covered his tracks well. It's gonna take a long while to find him.Tasuku: I see. I felt sorry for him.....Light: The entire school back then looks down on him greatly. Citizens even discriminate against the knights even when they do good.Tasuku: And because of that, he felt like he's a lost cause. And therefore, he chose to leave. Many citizens finally see him as a good person. But as a side effect, he becomes very...dark.Light: He must have been so heartbroken. But he could have asked us for help.Tasuku: Yes. But even with our statement supporting him, majority of people would still prefer to look on the downside than the other. Speaking of which, Where's Ms Shafi?Light: She also disappeared. She deleted all of her socials. And everything else. Finding her would also take some time. Moreover...How did he and his brothers disappear? I mean Lost Ren can't teleport very far.Tasuku: There's a hunch that he created something that allows him to teleport very far away. But to where? I don't know.Light: You're not going to arrest him are you?Tasuku: Of course not. I just want him to come home. I want to help him. But we can't do this alone.Light looks at the Commissioner with a serious expression. Back To LA. The knights are having dinner at a Japanese restaurant. On top of that, they are wearing new clothes.Trickstar: These new clothes are comfortable. The food is exquisite as well. Especially this tuna sushi right here. (Holds up a Tuna Sushi with his chopstick and eats it)Sensei: I agree, Trickstar. You can also feel the breeze.Blaze: You said it. The best part is that we don't have to worry about money because well, we all know why.Trickstar: You know when you think about it right? It kind of feels like we are bad guys.Rockstar: I beg to differ. They HATE us, even when we do good. So we might as well leave.Garga: It's good thing we never killed them, as our morals comes first. But still, we had no choice but to resort to self defence when we're attacked.Kaizer Ren: True. Enough is Enough. All of this is possible thanks to Hou Ren himself.Garcat: Yeah, to Hou Ren leading us to a life of freedom. (Lifts up their glass of orange juice)Hou Ren: Thanks, Garcat. Honestly, I thought I would be doing this alone. But I'm proud to say I'm proven wrong. To all of us experiencing a life full of happiness.All: Cheers. (Did the same)All of them drink their orange juice. Suddenly some people arrive through the restaurant entrance. Rockstar spots them while drinking.Rockstar Ren: (Stops drinking) Wait. Guys, Look there. At the entrance.The knights turn their attention to the entrance.Hou Ren: (Happily Surprised) I don't believe it. It's my favorite content creators, Shiloh & Bros.Garga: Of course. I forgot. They live here in LA.Blaze Ren: (Teasing) And we all know Hou Ren has a crush on Shiloh.Hou Ren: (Blushing angrily) DID NOT, we'll talk about this later. (Back to Normal) But first, I'm gonna get their Autograph.As Hou Ren gets up.....Lost Ren: Wait. Hou Ren. Cover yourself.Hou Ren: Oh right. (Wears a cap)Hou Ren walked to the group.Hou Ren: (Nervous but excited) Hi, I'm....James. Let me say it, I'm a huge fan of your videos, and well... Can I have your Autograph?Elijah: Haha, yeah sure. Always happy to meet a fan. Do you have a pen and where do I sign it?James: Here (Hands over a black sharpee) You can sign on my hoodie.The Draknights felt absolutely confused as a lost camel.Sensei: Where'd that come from?Magician: He's full of surprises.Elijah signs the back of James's white Hoodie, followed by Daniel, Judah, Micah, Josiah, Mary and finally Shiloh herself.Judah: That being said, you don't really have to cover yourself.Shiloh: Also, you looked kinda familiar.James: (Puzzled) What do you mean.....Elijah: Uhhhh, ignore her. Anyways, we love to keep chatting but we gotta get to our table so...James: Oh Um, My apologies. right....this way.....don't mind me.James went back to his table in a funny and yet weird manner.Micah: That was weird...Shiloh: He's kinda funny.Elijah: Whateves.They walk to their table.Lost Ren: (Disapproved but in a happy way) You're Horrible. Can't you like call yourself Lee or something?Hou Ren: Ey Easy for you to say, it's better to like instantly say a fake name.Sensei Ren: I envy you, Hou. You got famous signatures on the back of your hoodie and I must admit, it goes well with what you are wearing.Hou Ren: I know, talk about lucky. But uh Blaze Ren, you really...Blaze Ren: What? Can't I say the truth?All but Blaze Ren: NOT IN PUBLIC.Blaze Ren: Oh.....well, either way, I'm right.Garga: Okay enough guys, let's pay the bill and head back to our Hotel.Hou Ren: Got it. (Walks up to the counter) Hi, I like to pay our bill, please. It's table 10.Cashier: Sure, here's the bill. (Hands the bill to Hou Ren)Hou Ren hands over the cash required and the bill is dealt with.Hou Ren: Okay, let's go.The Draknights left the restaurant. Meanwhile, Shiloh is having her meal while thinking about what happened with James.Shiloh: (Thought) I could have sworn I know him from somewhere. That James guy, why can't I stop thinking about him? (Thought end) Huh?Shiloh noticed there was a picture on a seat at Hou Ren's Table. She then walks to it.Elijah: Heeey Shiloh, where are you going?Shiloh: Just a sec.She looks at the picture and gasped.Shiloh: I knew it!!!!Story End.Anime Ending: Horizontal Oath.Preview:Hou Ren: Something tells me tomorrow is going to be a good day. But I also need to find a roof over my head. Wait is that? Next time, "Wasteland". Join Us For A Buddyfight.