Path to Liberation, Wasteland (Chap 6)

Synopsis: The Draknights decide to explore more of California. However, at the same time, they must also find a new home for themselves. Moreover, trouble strikes forth.....

In the previous story, the knights land in California in order to restart their peaceful lives. Hou Ren even met his idols and got their signatures. Meanwhile, A few people planned to get their son back.

Anime Opening: Usseewa

The Sun Shines Bright in the sky as it shuns above a hotel in California. The sky is so bright blue and the birds are tweeting as they sing their song. In a hotel room, A calm Sensei Ren woke up and got himself ready for the day. Trickstar Ren then woke up 5 minutes later.

Trickstar: (Yawn)...You're up early.

Sensei: Yeah I can't sleep. I might as well get ready.

Trickstar: I suppose.

5 minutes later, the two walk out of their room in new clothes. Both are surprised as they notice their leader and his buddy waiting outside while sitting on a couch.

Garga: Oh, I didn't know you guys woke up early as well.

Sensei Ren: I can't sleep so....

Trickstar: And I like my orange drips.

The three look at Trickstar Annoyingly.

Trickstar: What?

Sensei: So what are we doing today?

Hou Ren: For now, let's go have breakfast and then later we survey for a new house or mansion to live in.

Trickstar: I see. Made sense since we can't stay in a hotel forever.

Garga: True.

Hou Ren: Okay, let's go wake the rest. I heard today's breakfast is an All-you-can-eat buffet.

Trickstar: Yum, more food.

Later in the city, the knights explore more of LA. They take pictures, try out amazing food, buy some items, and live the best lives they can to the least. Happiness is what they feel around them.

Agent: (Drinks some Iced Caffe Latte) This is good.

Kaizer: (Same order) Yeah Totally.

Rockstar: (Holds a new electric guitar) Check out this new guitar I got.

Sensei: How much did that cost?

Rockstar: 200 bucks.

Blaze: TWO HUNDRED? Dude, Spend Your Money Wisely For Crying Out Loud.

Rockstar: Would you get off my back? We're rich.

Meanwhile, Lost Ren, Garga & Hou Ren are surveying for a new house through Hou Ren's phone.

Hou Ren: How about this one?

Garga: No, too narrow.

Hou Ren: (Swipe Screen) This One?

Lost Ren: No. Too Old Fashioned.

Hou Ren: Aww.....(Swipe Screen) How Bout this?

Garga: I like the Garage but...

Lost Ren: It's not going to fit all of us in.

Hou Ren: Damn....I guess a mansion it is.

Lost Ren: You couldn't have thought of that before?

Hou Ren: I was trying to save money.

Suddenly an explosion occurs near them with a loud bang and this made the people nearby scream and flee. Multiple buildings nearby are getting destroyed. The knights got jumpscared.

Trickstar: What was that?

Garga: Some Random Explosion.....

The Knights head to where the explosion occurs. What Before them was Ladis The Tyrant rampaging across the city. Citizens are seen fleeing from the scene. Screams and cries are being heard one after another. The Knights are shocked.

Sensei: Ladis The Tyrant? But.....Why?

Hou Ren: Whatever the reason, it's destroying the city. We need to jump in.

All(but Agent & Lost Ren): Right.

Agent: Wait Hou Ren. Are you sure you wanna stop him? I mean....we shouldn't be on the scene.

Lost Ren: I agree. You could get yourself killed. And if you get caught then all of this hard work, Path To Liberation, would all be for nothing.

Hou Ren: (Thought for a while) It's a risk I'm willing to take.

The knights are quite surprised.

Hou Ren: Honestly, I don't want to step in. But if you guys want to live in a city that's gonna be in ruins then okay. I might as well stop him alone and save innocent souls.

Garga: Hou Ren.....Your right, those people need help. I'm going too.

Agent Ren looks at Hou Ren for a while and closes his eyes.

Agent Ren: Me too, forgive my blindness. (Opens his eyes) Let's do it.

Lost Ren nods.

Hou Ren: Mythical swordsmen, Deal with that illegal monster. Sensei Ren, stay behind. Move all citizens to safety. The rest of you, do the same thing.

All: Right.

Hou Ren: One More thing, go Incognito. LET'S GO.

The Knights immediately split up and do their assignment. Sensei Ren and the remaining knights evacuate all nearby citizens to safety. Meanwhile, Ladis is rampaging even more before a fire blast was shot at the Monster by Blaze Ren with him pointing out his fist at the latter.

Blaze Ren: Hey ugly, over here.

The rest of the team appears after Blaze Ren and starts attacking the tyrant.

Lost Ren: Blaze Ren.

Blaze Ren: You read my mind.

Lost Ren: DARK!!!!

Blaze Ren: FIRE!!!!

Both: DEFENSE!!!!!

They both shot a long range of Massive Dark Fire and Regular Fire each at the Tyrant. The flames swirl around each other, creating a dragon so powerful that it blasts half of Ladis's heads and knocks it down to the ground.

Blaze Ren: We're the best.

However, the tyrant just absorbs some of nearby energy and the destroyed heads are revived.

Blaze Ren: Are you kidding me!?

Hou Ren & Lost Ren: YOU'LL BE SORRY.

Blaze Ren, Hou Ren and Lost Ren charge their lightning through their palms and shoot it at maximum capacity. As the tyrant tries to withstand the blast, Kaizer Ren & Garga slices most of the heads with their swords. The tyrant once again does the same action and revives its heads.

Garga: Somehow it revives by absorbing more energy.

Ladis fires rainbow beams from its mouths. It's so powerful as a rainbow's wrath.

Hou Ren: Take Cover. Shock Barrier.

Hou Ren activates his shock barrier and blocks the attack, however the attack is quite strong.

Hou Ren: I.....can't.....hold it.

Garga: Stay Strong, Hou Ren.

Suddenly, Ladis was slashed from behind, which made its attack to stop. It was Sensei Ren.

Blaze Ren: Sensei!

More attacks incoming. Trickstar fires his explosive dynamites while Agent Ren shoots through his pistols. Rockstar And Magician uses a bunch of spells to restrain the tyrant.

Agent Ren: We finished evacuating the citizens and now we're back to help.

Hou Ren: In that case, CHARGE.

Everyone attacks Ladis The Tyrant. Ladis is having a hard time defending herself considering the Draknights are attacking from different sides. Somehow it still holds its ground and it absorbs even more energy and grows even bigger and stronger. It is massively wild as the earth rumbles and shatters.

Agent Ren: That's just great. He's gonna eat everything eventually.

Lost Ren electrocutes corrupted lightning at the tyrant. However, the latter absorbs the attack and fires the lightning back. The Lightning Somehow Hits Agent Ren and knocks him down.

Agent Ren: Ahh.....

Lost Ren: AGENT REN!? (Teleports to check up on him) Great. Why did get in my way you fool?

Agent Ren: (Sarcastic) Oh Gee Sure, I guess I'll take that as "Agent Ren, I'm so sorry. Are you alright?". Newsflash dude, I'm fine. Now move aside. (Push Lost Ren aside)

Lost Ren: TCH. Way To React.

The fight is still ongoing...

Blaze Ren: Anybody else got any bright ideas?

Hou Ren: The more we attack, the more energy he absorbs and revives. (Suddenly realized) That's It.

Kaizer: What's it?

Hou Ren: Let's see how much power this guy can take shall we?

Lost Ren: How?

Hou Ren: I have this new Ace in store, but it requires all of our strength. It will create an attack that not only carries our power, but it will be 10x more powerful instead. However, should this impact fail, we will lose our strength.

While the team thinks about it, a few familiar people are walking near the situation. Shiloh somehow recognizes Hou Ren's identity despite the hoodie being up.

Daniel: What's going on?

Shiloh: (Thought) Is that.....Hou Ren..... (Thought)

Hou Ren: Well?

Lost Ren: Let's do it.

Agent Ren: Yeah.

Everyone else agrees as they nod.

Hou Ren: Alright. Let's do this. AHHHHHHHH.

The card then flies up to the sky while the Team sends their powers to charge the card up. The card then becomes energy for Hou Ren as his right arm becomes scarred with rainbow colors and creates a giant ball of energy. A beautiful sight so to speak. However, as Hou Ren prepares to attack, he feels injured due to the energy overtaking him.

Hou Ren: Ugh....

Garga: Hou Ren, are you....okay?

Hou Ren: Erghhh, it's nothing.

Lost Ren: Doesn't seem like nothing to me. You're gonna kill yourself.

Hou Ren then make his statement. His tone is quite in a manner filled with guilt and sadness. It's as if he decided to make his last moment.

Hou Ren: I don't care. Let me say it, even if I die right now.....I'm just glad I have all of you by my side.

Sensei: No.....


The ball of Energy charges at the target, it then becomes a giant rainbow phoenix. Hitting at the tyrant's chest, the power was too much for Ladis to handle. Therefore, Ladis screams and explodes. Everyone's shocked but the knights are exhausted due to loss of energy.

Hou Ren: on the ground)

Garga: Hou Ren!!!!! (Checks on Hou Ren) Oh dear...

Lost Ren: Yeah.....He sure is reckless.....(Fades away)

The rest of Hou Ren's brothers fade away as well. The Gar Trio return to their card forms and Garga carries Hou Ren in his arms while looking up at the sky, despite the lack of strength.

Garga: Oh my goodness.....

However, the exhaustion was cut short as Garga notice Shiloh & Bros watching and he's shocked to see them. Chills were run through his spine.

Shiloh: I always wondered that it's you James. Or should I say, Hou Ren?

Garga looks at them in a tired and guilty expression.

Anime Ending: Horizontal Oath.

Story End.


Garga: Garga here. We managed to stop the monster but we got caught. What are we going to do? Next time, "Dire Destiny". Join us for a Buddyfight.