Path to Liberation, Dire Destiny (Chap 7)

Synopsis: Hou Ren somehow got caught by the one and only Shiloh & Bros. With his identity leaked, what will he do?

The Aftermath was quite a repaired devastation as the buildings of a Los Angeles city were nearly destroyed by an Illegal Monster. Silence fills the atmosphere as Garga was in very shock when he sees what his Buddy admires most stood before him as he carries his unconscious body.

Elijah: This whole time...It was him?

Shiloh: I better call the cops.

Garga: (Stops Her) NO Don't...Please.

Suddenly, they heard a noise. A struggling one as it's from the young king as he slowly moves stress and wakes up from his unconsciousness. He is quite wounded.

Hou Ren: Ergghh.....Ergh...

Garga: You're awake.

Hou Ren: Yeah.....Please Shiloh, Don't.

Shiloh: Why?

Hou Ren: I'll explain everything..... Just Please Don't Call The Cops.

Anime Opening: Usseewa

Evening arrives and the atmosphere moves to the Hotel. Garga helps Hou Ren shoulder by shoulder and opens the door. Everyone is very shocked as they react to the room. It's a Presidential Suite. Lights and the environment were shimmering like diamond royalty.

Judah: Woah What? A Presidential Suite.

Hou Ren: You'd be much surprised. Take A Seat.

Shiloh & Bros then sat down on a couch near them. Garga proceeds to prepare a cup of hot water for Hou Ren. He drinks it and sits on a chair in front of them. Despite being drained of strength, He decides to ask them one thing.

Hou Ren: How did you know it's me?

Shiloh: Well....the way you and your brothers fought, along with you sacrificing your life earlier to stop that Monster... Okay, your hood was down and you dropped this.

Shiloh hands the photograph of Hou Ren and his brothers together, leaving the latter in surprise.

Hou Ren: That photo.....where did you find it?

Judah: You kinda left it in at your table the other day.

Hou Ren: Oh....

Daniel: No wonder Shiloh said you looked familiar.

Elijah: Why are you here, Hou Ren?

The young king is feeling very reluctant as he grips his right wrist in desperation.

Hou Ren: I never thought I had to explain this but....(sigh) Let me start from the beginning.

Flashback to events that occurred a few months ago.

Hou Ren: They say good things don't last forever, even after you made incredible strides. I got reprimanded, looked down upon,, I don't even know how to start.

Shiloh: Okay?

Hou Ren: I know I made a lot of mistakes but does this really have to happen? I got insulted badly. My parents said I'm not their son. I even got mistreated on top of that. My friends? My Teachers? No one but Garga's on my side.

Elijah: Dang.

Magician: (Appears) Feeling so alone, he created us as his new companions. Henceforth, the Draknights are born. All of us have different personalities, but we do share a good bond with each other.

Judah: Well You're Sus.

Elijah: Judah...

Judah: What?

Trickstar: (Appears) When we're born, all of us are gifted with unnatural powers. We use these powers to save lives and many more.

Garga: But despite our heroics, (shakes his head) people consider us as a threat. Even before the knights are born, when Me & Hou saved his classmates once, instead of a thank you, we were accused of setting it all up instead.

Daniel: Why would you be considered a threat when you saved them?

Hou Ren: Ask them. Those fools just love judging us that they suddenly gone blind. Resolve the drama? NOPE. Eventually, the world just want abracadabra Draknights disappear.

Magician: Hou, you're being dramatic. But yes, he's right. 

Josiah: That's rough.

Hou Ren: Tell me about it. This goes on every day. When is it going to stop?

Judah: Uh Tuesday?

Elijah: Judah...

Judah: OK Yeah.

Hou Ren: Enough is enough. The odds are against us. Fault or no fault. And believe me, I am a terrible people pleaser.

Elijah: Two wrongs don't make a right they say. And Yeah you shouldn't please people nowadays.

As Hou Ren nods in agreement, his face becomes extremely seriously sharp as an eagle.

Hou Ren: So I conducted a final plan. A plan that ends all of this ridiculous drama. It took me 5 weeks but eventually, I got the job done.

Shiloh: How though?

Hou Ren: Let's just say, I had to catch a rat.

Shiloh: You mean Your Computer Science Teacher?

Hou Ren: Yes....uh wait....How did you know?

Elijah: We saw it on the news yesterday. It went viral.

Hou Ren: Oh. Either way, you want to know why her specifically? She convinced a third of the school faculty that I'm a threat. Students overheard and believed what she said and end up everyone is against me. 

Magician: To be precise, She poisoned the entire world. She's the ringleader behind the unfair backlash from many citizens. One by one, even Hou Ren's parents are convinced that their own son is a threat. 

Elijah: That's not fair. Teachers are supposed to guide. Not to stab them in the back.

Garga: You have a brilliant mind, Elijah. Yes. But apparently people are blind to see the truth thanks to her. The worst part is that even with us defeating another major villain, people are still not convinced.

Hou Ren: In the end, I have to reveal her true colours. Once I'd done that, One last match And success was mine. 

Josiah: If that's true, then why didn't you stay? And why did your brothers tag along?

Garga: Even though we succeeded, the trust was already broken. We have no say. No place at all.

Magician: As for the second part, Brothers stick together no matter what. We're family.

Shiloh & Bros: (Amazed) Ooooo.

Lost Ren: (Appeared) But just when we thought it's over, those idiots caged us in shutstone. They must be deaf to not hear the message. Kaizer was even being held hostage. How could they?

Micah: You're kidding.

Garga: It's a good thing we were able to escape.

Hou Ren: By fighting our way out, which was NOT planned.

Shiloh: Okay?

Hou Ren: (Sigh) Let me say it. I was facing 200% negativity. I endured but I lost the war. Even when I want to fix things, people just said "NO".

Hou Ren desperately places his hands together.

Hou Ren: So please. I beg of all of you. PLEASE, don't share this with anyone. We want no trouble. We're just trying to start over. Okay?

After hearing his desperation, Shiloh & her brothers felt sorry for what happened.....Shiloh was also feeling guilty.

Elijah: Don't worry, your secret's safe with us.

Shiloh: I'm sorry.....for nearly calling the cops.

Hou Ren: (Abit Glad) Don't worry. I just want to live my life that's it.

Judah: Aside from that, we've been huge fans of all your work. Like how you save people and your matches. You inspired us to start buddyfighting too.

Hou Ren: (Surprised but impressed) Is it? Wow. (Blushed while scratching the back of his head) I should be saying that to you. You guys.....are like my heroes.

Shiloh: (Blushed) No.....You're too kind.

Daniel: (Teasing) Oh and Bonus, Shiloh has a CrUsH on you.....

Shiloh: (Angrily Blushing while punching Daniel's right shoulder) NO I DON'T....(Blushing Even More) He's just kidding...He's just kidding...

Hou Ren: Relax Daniel...(Thought while being insecure) Does She?

Shiloh notices Hou Ren's insecurity.

Shiloh: Is everything okay?

Hou Ren: Yeah Yeah, Everything is fine.

Elijah: That's being said, what do you think of LA?

Magician Ren: It's not bad. We did some sightseeing, bought some new clothes, tried out some food, took pictures. But Uh.....We also need to find a place to stay know.

Elijah: Hmmmm.....(Realized) I could be wrong but I think this mansion might help.

Elijah then searches his phone and shows an Ad for a huge Mansion to Hou Ren. As he takes the phone, he looks at what's in the ad.

Hou Ren: Hmmmm, yeah this could work.

Josiah: Also, we have no plans for the week. Do you want to come to Disneyland with us?

Hou Ren: REALLY? Sign me up. I always wanted to go there. (Turn to his team and Garga) Wanna tag along?

Lost Ren: Pass, I have plans.

Kaizer Ren: Same.

Garga: I don't mind joining.

Hou Ren: Okay then. However, I think it's best that tomorrow I go have a look at that Mansion before joining you guys.

Elijah: Sure thing. Anyways, I'm hungry.

Shiloh: Yeah, Same.

Hou Ren: It's dinner time anyway. Let's go eat.

Everyone heads out of the Hotel Room and chit chat. Meanwhile, at the Buddy Police Prison, a few prisoners escaped.....

Prison Guard #1: Alert Alert, Some prisoners from cell 4, 7, 10, 9, 16 and 11 have escaped.


CCP appears before the explosion while retaining their prison clothes.

Chris: He he he, Houtism, get this, you'll pay for this, you stupid basement.

Jordan: Yeah Houggystyle, You are so done.

Scott: Let's deal with this Man Child then.

Sai: Yeah, I'm gonna make him suffer even more.

Alex: Yeah Let's Get Out Of here.

The 6 of them run towards the gate while also using their weapons to stun the guards and blast the entrance. They made it back to their base and tries to track Hou Ren down. Sadly, Hou Ren's info has been deleted, much to their surprise.

Chris: Wait what?

Tim: Scanner says he left, like what.

Alex: Blasted, that idiot knows we've escaped and knows we're coming.

Scott: No...check this out.

Scott then pulls up some recent news, revealing the newspaper article that signifies Hou Ren and his team's disappearance.

Alex: Wait what, he left on his own?

Sai: Damn.....Also what does it mean by the word vixen?

???: Me.

Chris: Aren't you?

A familiar person appears before them...

Anime Ending: Horizontal Oath.

Story End.


Sensei: While the gang explores the new mansion, me and Lost Ren have a few.... brotherhood issues. Next time, "Feud And Fight". Join us for a Buddyfight.