Path To Liberation, Feud And Fight (Chap 8)

Synopsis: A battle occurs as Lost Ren & Sensei Ren receives some urgent news. Meanwhile, Hou Ren and S&B surveys the mansion.

Lost Ren is in his hotel room meditating on his bed. What he saw is a horrible sight where a few familiars escaped prison. An unknown silhouette was even noticed. When Lost Ren wakes up, he was stern.

Lost Ren: So be it.

Anime Opening: Usseewa

The Sun shines bright in the gorgeous blue sky as a few people walks in and arrives at an unknown location.

Hou Ren: (Check his phone before checking back at the location) This is the Place.

Judah: It's So Big.

Shiloh: Of course. Mansions are meant to be big.

???: Hello. You all must be the people who called for the ad.

An Unknown Young Man approaches them while wearing a dark blue suit and a white shirt with a tie.

Hou Ren: Yes. And You Are?

???: Where are my manners? I'm Samuel. I'm the realtor of this Mansion right here.

Hou Ren: I see.

Samuel: And you have a Buddy Monster I see?

Garga: Yes. My Name Is Deity Gargantua Dragon.

Samuel: Wait a sec.....The Deity Gargantua Dragon? Like the Real Thing? Does this mean.....

S&B: Uh Oh...

Hou Ren: (Facepalm) Darn It, Garga.

Garga: (Feeling Embarrassed) Oops.....

Samuel: Oh my goodness. I'm such a big fan. Your matches are magnificent.

All: (React in awkward) Huh?

Samuel: Of course. I won't tell anyone you're here. I'm very surprised that you want to view this place.

Hou Ren: Uh huh....Anyways, can we have the tour?

Samuel: Understood. One moment please.

Samuel unlocks the doors to the mansion. When everyone enters the building, they were filled in aww as they react. The floors of the living room were glistening as a shiny mirror. The lights shine bright like the sun. The furniture is adjusted properly.

All: Woah...

Samuel: I can see your surprised. Five bedrooms, eight bathrooms and so much more.

Elijah: Dang....How big is this house?

Samuel: Approximately 8,900 square feet.

Hou Ren: How much does it cost?

Samuel: If I'm not mistaken, it's 32 million.

Hou Ren: We'll take it.

Samuel: Are you sure?

Garga: Of course. Did we forget to mention that we won a lotto last night?

Samuel: (Very Surprised) You DID?

Shiloh: (Walks in) Of course.

A flashback reveals that during yesterday's dinner at a restaurant, the knights along with S&B were watching TV. It was displaying the lottery live and S&B had their ticket. It just so happens that they won the lot as they react in Joy.

Shiloh: We were at a restaurant yesterday and the TV was displaying the winnings live. We had the ticket and turns out, we hit the jackpot.

Flashback ends.

Hou Ren: And the reward is 100 million Dollars.

Samuel: (Surprisingly Excited) Seriously? Congratulations.

Hou Ren: Don't thank me. Thank her. (Look at Shiloh) She's the real hero.

Shiloh: (Blushed) Your welcome.

Hou Ren: So can we start the paperwork?

Samuel: I'm afraid we need to do that tomorrow. I don't have the papers with me.

Hou Ren: Oh. Okay.

Samuel: I will be off now. I will bring the papers tomorrow morning. (Walks away)

Shiloh: (Shook his hand) Congrats.

Hou Ren blushed awkwardly as his hand was touched.

Shiloh: (Curious) You okay?

Garga: Uh....He's fine. You have our thanks, Shiloh.

Shiloh: No prob. That being said, it's going according to plan.

In another flashback, at the hotel, after getting the lottery the group discussed on something.

Past Hou Ren: So first we gonna go check out the place.

Past Elijah: And then once you done the paperwork then we can all go to Disneyland.

Past Judah: Wait, won't they have to move their stuff in?

Past Sensei: Oh yeah true....And we also need to check out.

Past Hou Ren: I know. First we check out the place and then we do the paperwork if possible. And then once we finished, I'll alert the knights to check out and move our stuff in. After that, Me and Garga can join you guys.

Past Josiah: Uh How are you gonna move your stuff at fast rate?

Past Garga: Don't worry, we got this. Just book the tickets and trust us.

Past Micah: You sure?

Past Trickstar: We got this. (Thumbs Up)

S&B thought for awhile and then decided to agree.

Past Elijah: Okay then.

Flashback end.

Garga: (Thought) Gods Of Heavenly Blessing, May this home shield us from danger. (Thought)

Meanwhile, At The Hotel, Lost Ren is staring through the window in his room. He was feeling stern. He then heard a knock on his door. It revealed to be Sensei Ren.

Sensei: We need to Talk.

The two stare at the window together with their hands behind them.

Sensei: You saw it. Didn't you?

Lost Ren: What if I did?

Sensei: We need to do something.

Lost Ren: No Chance.

Sensei: But what if that vision was real?

Lost Ren: Here's the thing. I couldn't care less. Now Leave.

Sensei: Fine. I challenge you to a match.

At a Buddyfight stage, Sensei and Lost Ren are preparing to face each other.

Sensei: A deity dragon's ninja troopers at your beck and call. Come on. Be swift like the wind itself. Luminize, Neo Draninja.

Lost Ren: A blinding darkness blanketing all light. Fall from grace before my sight. Dark Luminize, Lostknights Revolution.

Both: Raise the Flag.

Sensei: Katana World.

Lost Ren: Darkness Dragon World.

Sensei: (Holds A Card) Nincat to the center.

Nincat: (Appears) Let's do this, Cat. Nin.

Sensei: (Activates effect) Since Fuuton Sweeping Whirlwind was discarded, I draw one more. I cast, Wind Burst. I destroy one of your gauge.

Lost Ren's gauge: 2 -> 1

Sensei: Since Nincat is on the field, I destroy one more.

Lost Ren's gauge: 1 -> 0

Sensei: Nincat, attack the fighter.

Lost Ren's Life: 10 -> 8

Sensei: My turn is over.

Lost Ren: I cast, Black Drain. (Activates effect) I gain 1 gauge. I (equips his item) equip Gar-Lost Blade. Lostcat to the left.

Lostcat: I'll tear you all limb from limb.

Lost Ren: Lostcat's effect. (Activates effect) I cast, Devil Stigma.

Lostcat is destroyed and Lost Ren gains 2 gauge and 1 life.

Lost Ren: With Lostcat's effect, I draw a card and send 5 cards to your dropzone.

Sensei: Figures.

Lost Ren: I buddycall to the right.

Lost Ren's Life: 8 -> 9

Lost Ren: I cast, Lostknight's Oracle. I draw 2 cards and gain 2 life. Since you have 5 cards in your dropzone, 2 damage to you.

Sensei's Life: 10 -> 8

Lost Ren: I'll dispose that feline first. (Slashed Nincat)

Nincat: I still have ways to go. (Destroyed)

Lost Ren: Double attack.

Sensei's Life: 8 -> 6

Lost Ren: Garga. Slaughter him.

Sensei: I cast, Art of Body Replacement.

Lost Ren: Double attack.

Sensei: I cast, Decoy Token. (Summoned a replicate to the center) I change Garga's target to it.

Garga destroys the decoy.

Sensei: Since there's three Ninja Arts in the dropzone, I draw a card.

Lost Ren: My turn is now over.

Sensei: Tell me something Lost Ren. I know you had hate inside your heart, but is this really you?

Lost Ren: What do you mean?

Sensei: If I know you well, I'd say you're still have a heart. Still, you really don't want to stop them?

Lost Ren: Here's the thing. I don't need you to butt into my business or my personal feelings. Also, Do I need to remind you of our oath?

Sensei: Oath?

Lost Ren: We made a sworn vow that we will never return to Malaysia. Why bother returning when we know the result? 

Sensei: Yeah but...

Lost Ren: You know it, Sensei. The moment we step in, we'll be setting off a bomb. And when the bomb ticks off, it explodes and we will get busted. 

Sensei: Even still, I know there's more than one reason you declined.

Lost Ren: Hmm?

Sensei: Lost Ren. You know that I'm also a Silent Slayer Like You. In fact, I don't even need to use my truth searing ability on you. 

Lost Ren: Then why is it your business?

Sensei: Simple. I'm your brother. And Brothers always stick together.

Lost Ren then felt a bit surprised as he heard it.

Sensei: (Smirked) Draw. Charge And Draw. Nindog to the left.

Nindog: (Appears) You howl, I answer Dog.

Nindog's effect increases Sensei's hand.

Sensei: I cast, Art of Vanishing Clones. Two cards from the hand & dropzone returns to the deck.

Sensei proceeds to activate the effect.

Sensei: I then gain 2 life. I cast, Art Of Getting Fish. I move Garga and Gar-Katana to my hand. Naturally, I buddycall.

Sensei's Life: 8 -> 9

Sensei: Set spell. Temple Of Wind. Of course, I also equip Gar-Katana.

Lost Ren: I cast, Corrupted Snare. (Eyes Glowed Purple)

Suddenly, all of Sensei's Cards cannot attack.

Sensei: What the?

Lost Ren: Corrupted Snare ensures your cards cannot attack.

Sensei: Then I cast, Demon Way, Blood Sucking Bird. (Activates Effect) I cast, Windful Tornado. I discard a card from my hand and discard your Garga's soul by 1. Since my Garga's on the field, I also reduce all of your defense by 5000.

Lost Ren: You still can't attack, you know?

Sensei: Attacks aren't the only way to win. Since Sensei Ren's Hidden Strike was discarded, I steal 2 life, 2 gauge and 2 hand cards.

Lost Ren's Life: 8 -> 6

Sensei's Life: 10 -> 12

Sensei: Using Temple's effect. I return three ninja arts from the dropzone to the deck. Shuffling it and I draw one card. Finally I drew it. I cast, Battle Of Glory. (Paid 1 life) G-EVO activate. Come On.

Sensei's Garga becomes Thunder Deity Wind Demon Dragon.

Lost Ren: You....

Sensei: I just bypassed your tactic. I cast, Swiftplay. For this turn, Garga is allowed to attack all monsters on the opponent's field. And he get to deals 1 damage every time he attacks.

Lost Ren: I see.

Sensei: Garga. Attack the fighter.

As Sensei's Garga attacks, Lost Ren's Garga is out.

Sensei: You don't have to handle everything alone. That's what the Draknights are about.

Lost Ren: I cast, Midnight Shadow. (Nullifies the attack)

Sensei: Thunder Deity's effect. A replicate to the left. Dismissing Nindog.

A replicate is summoned on the left.

Sensei: Garga, attack again.

Lost Ren: I cast, Black Dragon Shield.

Lost Ren's Life: 4 -> 5

Sensei: Garga has triple attack. Another replicate to the center.

Lost Ren: I cast. Lost Ren's Shackles of Sin.

Suddenly, Sensei Ren's Garga is bound by corrupted chains. The entire environment turned grey as a 1920s film. Sensei Ren was even turned grey while Lost Ren remain in his usual colour.

Sensei: What in the?

Lost Ren: You attacked more than 3 times. Your turn is forced to end. Plus you have more than 10 cards in your dropzone. I also deal damage equal to Wind Demon's Critical.

Lost Ren creates corrupted lightning using his sword. Thus, dealing damage to the latter as the environment returned to normal.

Sensei Ren's Life: 12 -> 10

Sensei: Ergh....My turn is over. You know. I'm starting to think that you and Hou Ren are really similar.

Lost Ren: Aren't we all?

Sensei: Hou Ren tried to handle things his own way. The same thing you are doing right now. The two of you are quite stubborn.

Lost Ren: In my defense, He's more of a naive child. Draw. Charge And Draw. Set spell. Lostknight Reinforcement. I cast, Abyss Symphony. (Draw 2 cards) Garga to the right.

Garga appears.

Lost Ren: I cast, Lostknight Revive. From the dropzone, Lostcat to the left again.

Lostcat is revived.

Lost Ren: Lost Cat's effect. (Activates effect) I cast, Lostknight's Sacrifice. I destroy LostCat again and I draw 2 cards. With Lostcat's effect....

Once again, Sensei's Dropzone increases.

Sensei: My Dropzone is piling up.

Lost Ren: To the left, LostDog.

LostDog: (Appears) Who dares to be slaughtered?

Lost Ren: I gain 2 gauge and the opponent must destroy 2 gauge.

Sensei: Tch. (Destroys 2 of his gauge)

Lost Ren: To the center, LostFox.

Sensei: A size 0?

Lost Ren: Garga. Destroy the replicate in the center.

Sensei: I cast, Art Of Shadow Stitching. Sorry but your attack is nullified and Garga cannot attack further.

Lost Ren: I'll send Lost Fox and Lost Dog on a link attack instead.

Both destroyed the replicate.

Lost Ren: I cast, Dreadful Lostknight. I increase all of my cards Critical by 3. Now to activate Gar-Lost Blade's effect. I destroy LostFox.

LostFox is destroyed.

Lost Ren: (Charges his sword with corrupted lightning) 5 damage to you.

Sensei's Life: 10 -> 5

Lost Ren: It's over for you. (Attacks)

Sensei: I cast. Demon way, Kasumienran.

Lost Ren: Double attack.

Sensei's Life: 6 -> 1

Lost Ren: Final Phase.

Sensei felt surprised.

Lost Ren: I cast. Deity Lost Punisher.

Lost Ren's Impact has been summoned as a darkened Gargantua Punisher arises.

Lost Ren: Impact...Deity.....Lost...Punisher.

Punisher dealt damage to Sensei Ren and as a result, Sensei Ren is defeated and his flag is destroyed. Later in the aftermath....

Sensei: I lost.....

Lost Ren then lends a hand.

Sensei: You came to gloat now?

Lost Ren: Do you need help or not?

Sensei grabs Lost Ren's hand.

Lost Ren: (Sigh) I hate it when you're right.

Sensei: What do you mean?

Lost Ren: I sure am stubborn sometimes.

Sensei: You mean?

Lost Ren: (Nodded) Let's stop them. Together.

Sensei was surprised but then he smiled.

Sensei: No going back on this one.

The two then join hands while smiling. They later heard some clapping.

????: Marvelous fight. Both of you.

Sensei: Magician?

Lost Ren: What are you doing here?

Magician: I was just passing by.

Lost Ren: There's something we need you to check.

Magician Ren's curiosity was piqued. The three of them are at Magician's room. Looking through his orb, the three were shocked to see that CCP has escaped prison.

Magician: Oh you son of a.....

Sensei: So our vision was right.

Lost Ren: Wonderful. Just wonderful. But who or what set them free.

Magician then swiped the orb and they were shocked to see that it was Ms Shafi's doing. Apparently, she hacked the jail's security systems using her technological thinking.

Sensei: Not her again.

Lost Ren: Oh my goodness...

Magician: (Swiped the orb) Well Lost Ren, we don't have to return to Malaysia. Because According to the orb, they are heading to LA's Disneyland tomorrow.

Lost Ren: Say what?

Sensei: And Hou Ren's going to be there.

???: We got to stop them.

They heard another voice. Trickstar enters the room.

Sensei: Trickstar.

Trickstar: I heard what happened. I'm coming too.

Lost Ren: Then it's settled. We got some escaped convicts to deal with. Draknight Style.

Anime Ending: Bokura no Turn.

Story End.


Hou Ren: Happy life means Happy Days. We're going to Disneyland. Or so we thought.... Next time, "A Wild Rush". Join us for a Buddyfight.