Path To Liberation, A Wild Rush (Chapter 9)

Synopsis: A brand-new mansion is bought for Draknights. The young leader also got invited for a special day. Meanwhile back In Malaysia...

In the previous story, Hou Ren & Shiloh & Bros went to survey a new mansion. They also won the lot and earn a grand sum on money. Meanwhile, Sensei & Lost Ren are disputing on whether to investigate the vision, with them deciding to investigate together in the end.

Anime Opening: Usseewa

Right Infront of the Same Mansion, Samuel hands the key to Hou Ren's New Mansion to the new owner himself. The two of them then shake hands.

Samuel: Congratulations On Your New House.

Hou Ren: Thank you. I'm so grateful for this.

Samuel: No Problem. Alright, I'm off now. Contact me if you need anything else new.

Hou Ren: Sure thing.

The young Realtor walks away. Hou Ren & Garga check out their new mansion as they open the doors.

Hou Ren: Woo. Our New Home Garga. This is so cool.

The Young King began to dance in Joy. Garga reacts like a calm and happy father while seeing his beloved friend dance.

Garga: He's joyous as ever... Still, our stuff is back at the hotel. Let's check out.

Hou Ren: (Realized and Stops Dancing) Oh Right. Could you give me a second first?

Garga: Sure.

Hou Ren dial his phone to contact Elijah. The latter pick up.

Hou Ren: Yo Eli.

Elijah: Hey, what's up. Did you manage to get it?

Hou Ren: I sure have. I'm gonna need to grab my stuff first before joining you guys.

Elijah: No Problem. Take Your Time. And Congrats on your new place.

Hou Ren: Thanks. Okay, I'll see you later. (Ends Call) Okay Garga, duty calls.

Garga: (Thumbs Up) You got it.

A Dark Screen was then shown with the title "Meanwhile A Day Earlier".

At Hou Ren's former school cafeteria, it's currently Lunch time. Gwen's sitting at a table while looking at the school's hillside. A hallucination of Hou Ren is sitting on top of the hill while looking what's ahead of him. The hallucination looks at Gwen and said Hi before fading away slowly. Gwen felt sad before the rest of her friends arrive.

Natalie: Gwen are you ok? You've been staring at the hill all day.

Gwen: Yeah, yeah I'm fine. I'm just staring blank.

Nikhita: Ok that's weird, but you can talk to us.

Kaisern: Hey check out this spicy Aglio Olio I got. (Takes a bite out of it, then suddenly his mouth spits out Fire) SPICYYYYYYY!!!!!!

All of the students laughed but Gwen.

Masato: That's what you get for eating Aglio Olio man. This one is like 5 times spicier than the original.

Daryl: Yep. (Look at Gwen) Gwen are you okay?

Gwen: I'm fine don't worry. 

But everyone looks at her suspiciously, thus forcing her to drop the act in sadness.

Gwen: Okay, I'm not fine.

Liz: It's alright (tap on her right shoulder), What's wrong?

Transition time...

Daryl: That's new.....But I thought you don't have a crush on him.

Gwen: I DON'T...I just don't know why...

Masato: Though now that you mentioned it, things quiet down after he left. Normally, we would be seeing him joining us for lunch or running around the hill.

Gwen: I miss him...I just...never mind. 

Daryl: You as well huh? You guys remember that battle the other day?

Masato: You mean at the gates? Yeah. I can't believe we got overwhelmed easily. Guess we shouldn't have done so, since they have powers and all.

Natalie: I still wonder how are they so strong. But as always, knowing him, he would keep his secrets. I just don't understand why he has to keep them.

Gwen: Still, a part of me thinks that we are forcing him to spill out. It's like we're peer pressuring him. 

Daryl: And because we treated him badly based on what have we done? That's it, I'm going to find him. I need to speak to his face and make things right with him.

Masato: Daryl, I know you're the Ace of study, but how do we find him when we don't know where he is?

Everyone else nod in agreement.

???: Maybe I can help?

Light appears in front of them.

All: Light?

Gwen: What are you doing here?

Light: I was just passing by. Besides, I need you to come with me to see someone.

The students look at Light, puzzled and confused.

Later Back at LA's current time, Hou Ren & Garga are running towards Shiloh & Bros as they wait in front of the entrance.

Shiloh: Wait guys, there he is.

Elijah: (Waving) Yo Hou Ren, over here.

Hou Ren: (Stops and felt exhausted) Sorry....I'm late. Literally....moving....back and very tiring.

Josiah: Bruh.

Judah: Its okay man, you're just in time. Here's your ticket. (Hands the ticket)

Hou Ren: (Takes the ticket) Thanks, Big Man.

Judah: (Felt astonished and excited) Did you just call me Big Man?

Hou Ren: Out of everyone else, you're the biggest man becuz you got a Big Ego.

Shiloh: Pfff, He got you there.

Judah: (Teasing Mood) Hey what do you mean by Big Ego ey?

Hou Ren: You tend to talk big in the vids. Especially towards Britney.

Shiloh & Bros & Garga laughed.

Judah: (Being a child) SHE'S Sus what do you mean?

Hou Ren: Aight. Aight. Let's go to Disneyland guys.

All: YEAH.

Everyone is having fun at Disneyland. Joyous smiles and cheerful laughs are being heard as they go on different rides, trying amazing food, playing different games and of course, take a-lot of pictures of themselves together. Happy memories are made so to speak. Later, they land next to Savi's Workshop.

Hou Ren: Hey you guys remember that time you made a video called 'If Nerf was like Video Games'?

Shiloh: Sure, what about it?

Hou Ren: I noticed your melee skills back then and I have an idea....

All of them but Hou Ren look clueless.

Hou Ren: I'm thinking we head to the workshop, create our own lightsabers and let's say I dunno?

Even more clueless....

Hou Ren: (Excited) Micah, I challenge you to a Lightsaber Duel!!!!! Let's see who's the real JEDI is....

Micah: (In a smirking mood) Oh hoh hoh, You're On Hou Ren.

Elijah: Hold it, I'm joining too.

Shiloh: Yeah Same.

Everyone else agreed but Garga and the Gar-Trio decided to sit back instead.

Hou Ren: I know, why don't we make this a video?

Daniel: Are you sure? I mean you shouldn't be on camera know.....

Shiloh and the rest agree.

Hou Ren: I'm aware, but if the video did not get uploaded and kept to ourselves then....

Shiloh: You have a point. Sure thing.

Elijah: (Holds out his camera) Good thing this camera I bought has a long-lasting battery effect.

Josiah: (Holds out his Camera Stand) I got this camera stand just in case as well.

Garcat: Then we'll handle the recordings.

Gardog, Garga and Garbird agree.

Hou Ren: Okay, let's say all of you versus me. The crafting requires a 100 bucks each and we need permission to film....I'll go handle this.

Elijah: No no no, we insist. You're the guest of honour.

Hou Ren: No no, I got this.

Elijah: No I got this.

Hou Ren: Please I insist.

Elijah: No I insist.

Hou Ren and Elijah are arguing over who should do the thing while Shiloh & Bros are laughing at them. Literally the two of them are rambling like 5-year-olds.

Garga: Youngsters these days.....

Eventually, they all crafted their lightsabers and got the permission to film. Hou Ren somehow got two sabers.

Judah: Hey no fair, how come you got two instead on One?

Hou Ren: You guys have the odds what. Besides who knows, you might still win.

Shiloh: I suppose. Alright Garcat, we're ready.

Garcat: Okay. 3....2.... 1....ACTION.

Shiloh and her brothers charge at Hou Ren with everything they got. The Young King dodge most of the attacks and manage to block them in the process.

Instead of fighting back, He moved swiftly and gracefully left and right and made them follow his movements and accidentally hit each other.

Shiloh: (Amazed) Woah.....

Micah: Bruh fight back man.

Hou Ren: I'm not even trying at this point.

Daniel tries to attack from behind but Hou Ren moved left a bit and therefore Daniel attacks Micah by accident.



Everyone charges at Hou Ren from different sides but he rushes past them and manage to tap all of them but Micah from behind. Hou Ren drops one of his lightsabers and both fought 1 on 1 and they are pretty much even. They are in balance as they duel in bliss. The two had their lightsabers clashed as they looked at each other with determination.

Hou Ren: You're good.

Micah: Well duh of course I am, now to finish you.

Hou Ren: I think not.

Micah swings his lightsaber from the side but Hou Ren manage to block it just in time and then disarmed Micah before fake piercing towards Micah's chest. Everyone was quite surprised.

Shiloh: Amazing.....Hou Ren wins.

Everyone else along with Gar Trio cheered and Garga just crossed his arms while closing his eyes feeling approved.

Garcat: Alright CUT. (Stops the recording)

Micah: NO FAIR, I should've won. (Whines even more)

Hou Ren: You hold your saber too lightly man...(picks up his other lightsaber)

Elijah: How were you able to handle all of us at once?

Garga: Training. I taught him swordsmanship.

Hou Ren: We then like fought many opponents and....well gain more experience.

Judah: So cool.

As all of them are smiling, suddenly Garga sense something bad incoming as his eyes widen in shock.

Garga: GET DOWN.

Garga manages moves everyone away before a rocket missile came out of nowhere and blasts the area where Hou Ren and S&B was once. Everyone's shocked.

Hou Ren: What The.....

More missiles incoming and destroy parts of the workshop and the rides nearby. Fires and smoke spreading like wildfire. Luckily No one was hurt but everyone else nearby scream and ran.

Shiloh: What's going on?

CCP suddenly appears before them. They were flying on Jetpacks while equipping their weapons. They look very menacing.

Scott: Long time no see, Basement.

Hou Ren and Garga are shocked.


Garga: I thought they're imprisoned. How did they escape?

Jordan: Shut up you autistic idiot. Now, we're getting our revenge. Prepare to die, you stupid Basement.

Garcat: For the LAST TIME Jordan, Hou Ren doesn't have a basement!!!!!! What part of it you couldn't understand?

Alex: That's what someone with a basement would say.

Garcat: (Enraged) Why you.....

Hou Ren: Garcat, stand down. (Towards CCP) Have you guys seriously lost it? What's wrong with you.

Chris: Do you have stupid. Stupid basement. Get em.

Before they can attack, a few explosives came out of nowhere and explodes right before them, disposing their jetpack in the process. Luckily, they have their armour on so no damage. A few magical shots were also launched and attacked them. Two familiar figures appeared via speed and slashed them using their swords.

Sensei: Surprise.

Hou Ren: Guys!!! You came!!!! What are you?

Lost Ren: Taking out the trash. We got work to do.

Anime Ending: Horizontal Oath.

Story End.


Garga: CCP just escaped prison and just crashed our day. We must stop them. Next time, "Unfinished Symphony". Join us for a Buddyfight.