Path To Liberation, Unfinished Symphony (Chap 10)

Synopsis: Shiloh & Bros took Hou Ren, Garga and the Gar Trio to Disneyland for the first time. As they were having fun however, CCP Crashes the party midway and destroyed parts of Disneyland.

Anime Opening: Usseewa

Destruction. Devastation. Dilemma. Three Words describes the current situation. Fire and smokes spreading like wildfire. The sky turned emotionless grey. Just one day when a group of citizens want to create happy memories, a bunch of escaped souls came in and crashed the party. Luckily, a group of vigilantes arrived and stop the fugitives from causing further damage.

Chris: Well well well, if it isn't the Draknights. Or should I say, the schizophrenia team.

Lost Ren: You haven't changed one bit I see. Destroying parts of Disneyland? Really?

Scott: Yea yea yea, says the ones who can't handle the basement jokes.

Magician Ren: And says the one that kidnapped Hou Ren's classmates once.

Scott: It was fun. The look on his face of depression. Womp Womp.

Garga: So be it. It's time you pay.

Lost Ren: Think fast. (Throws Hou Ren his deck)

Hou Ren: (Catches his deck) Thanks. Sensei. Magician. Evacuate S&B out. 

Magician & Sensei Nods.

Elijah: And Miss the Chance to watch you fight? Nah man, we're staying.

Judah: Yeah, we been waiting to see you buddyfight in person.

Hou Ren: But.....oh fine....(To Magician) Magician.

Magician Ren: On It. (Snaps his Right Finger)

A magical barrier is being create around Shiloh and Bros, leaving them surprised and curious.

Magician Ren: All set.

Elijah: Woah!!!

Magician Ren: This barrier should be able to keep you safe from any harm. Its gonna be messy so I got no choice.

Shiloh: You didn't need to but okay.

Chris: He really is trapping kids. Why don't we make this interesting, a 2 on 2 tag fight.

Hou Ren: (To Lost Ren) You in?

Lost Ren: By All Means.

Gar trio: Then we'll head back to your deck. (Proceeds to turn into cards and return to Hou Ren's Deck.)

Chris: Yo Jordan, Scott, you both want to take them down?

Jordan: Yeah why not. Let me eat this nincompoop.

Scott: I'm gonna enjoy this.

Lost Ren: Instead of the usual fight field, I got a better Idea.

Lost Ren lit up his dark lightning from his palms while his face turn dark.

Lost Ren: This world only deserves despair. Let it be crushed to oblivion. Corrupted Crystallized (Shoots the lightning towards the sky) PRISON.

The Lightning blast itself towards the sky and a vortex opened and shoots out giant purple shards around everyone, including Shiloh And Bros. It forms a field around them as the atmosphere turned purple.

Jordan: What in the world?

Hou Ren: Only Draknights posses it. A fight field that punishes dangerous opponents.

Scott: Flattering, but you don't got a chance against us.

Jordan: Cause you're a stupid manchild. I'm the strongest than Mr goody two shoes over there, Luminize, Brawlers Revolution.

Scott: Like A Dangerous Skeleton, I rise back once more. Luminize, Dance Of The Undead.

Hou Ren: A deity's dragon brigade descends. Come On. Let's change our destiny here and now. Luminize, Dradeity's.....PATH TO LIBERATION.

Lost Ren: A blinding darkness blanketing all light. Fall from grace before my sight. Dark Luminize, Lostknights Revolution.

S&B: Buddy...fight.

All: Raise the flag.

Jordan: Danger World.

Scott: Katana World.

Lost Ren: Darkness Dragon World.

Hou Ren: Dragon EIN.

Tim: So, it's true, He changed his flag.

Chris: Stupid Basement. You're so scared so that you change your world.

Hou Ren: (Unfazed) Oh yeah?

Meanwhile, at the Buddy Police Headquarters, Light brings a group of classmates in as they walked through the hallways of Justice.

Daryl: I don't understand. Why are we at Buddy Police HQ. Are we getting arrested?

Light: No, but that someone I talk about wants to see you. 

They stop at a door and Light enters the code required on the side of the door to open it.

Light: Commissioner, I brought them.

???: At last, we finally meet.

Natalie: Tasuku Ryuenji?

Gwen: But why? With all due respect, Commissioner. Why meet us?

Tasuku: Take A Seat. If you are wondering about your lessons at school, don't worry. I have contacted your teachers about this.

All of the classmates and Light Sat Down on a sofa that's located on the side of the Office.

Tasuku: You all did not know this but both Hou Ren and Light are official members of the Buddy Police.

Classmates: What!?

Light: Keep it down guys.

Masato: Sorry.

Tasuku: I was very surprised when Hou Ren wish to be a member. I was reluctant, but I trained him. However, I know there's more than one reason to join us.

Gwen: As in?

Tasuku: When I first saw him, He was carefree. But now.... he's ...more of a lone adult.

Daryl: Interesting? ....By the way, why did Light join the Buddy Police?

Light: If you must know, my dad is responsible for putting me here. Believing I need to be whip into shape.

Daryl: Oh.

Tasuku: Hou Ren and Garga are quite the duo. Mainly, it's Hou Ren who's being reckless even if it's for right reasons.

Gwen: Well, he is something, despite his bad behaviour.

Masato: Even though I don't see him often, he is a man of many talents.

Daryl: Quick question Commissioner, when you said lone adult. What do you mean?

Tasuku: It's quite complicated, but whenever he's on duty, it's like.... he's entering his angst-phase. Sometimes, he needs to cool down and enjoy his youth, but he deny it all.

All of Hou Ren's classmates are a bit worried.

Tasuku: Combining all of his incidents along with his reckless and lone behaviour.....he seems to have gone through a lot. Trauma. Hate. Betrayal. I felt sorry for him.

Gwen: Hou Ren.....I didn't know.....

Tasuku: Regardless. Because of that, this led us to why I asked you all to come here. We all know he left, correct?

Daryl: Yes, but what does this have to do with us?

Commissioner: (Stares at them seriously) Do you want to save him?

At Hou Ren's house back in MYS, the young king's mother was crying on her bed while reading his son's letter. She missed her son dearly.

The Letter Reads as Followed.


Dear Mom and Dad and to all of my fellow peers,

If you're reading this, I'm gone for good. If you both are thinking this is an outright lie or a joke, then you'll be sorry to hear that you're mistaken. All of you may be wondering why. Allow me to explain.

There's a lot to write here but I'm going to keep it straight. I've been an annoyance nonstop. Right or wrong, I kept getting stomped on nonetheless.

Knowing my parents, if I share this to them, they would always retaliate and ask why do you always think negative and get upset. Blame me 1. Support 0. My teachers? My Friends. They wouldn't listen to me because I'm a liar and a joke. I felt like the entire world is against me.

Nonetheless, I'm sure what I said is a waste of time. I've been chasing an illusion. I hope my life would turn better, but I was wrong. I suffer deep down endlessly. Bottling up my emotions. And therefore, I need to leave.

So I stand before all of you. I'm very sorry for being an annoyance. Since I only know how to cause trouble and the world wants me out, then I must leave right? This way, people can be happy and don't have to worry about me disrupting lives.

Please don't come and find me. Goodbye forever.

Hou Ren.

Hou Ren's Mother: (Thought while crying) Hou Ren, I'm...sorry. I didn't mean to make you think you're a bad son. Please....Come Home. (Thought)

Hou Ren's Father Walk in and comforts Hou Ren's Mother. Like her, his heart is guilt ridden. Suddenly, Hou Ren's Mother's phone rang, leaving the two in surprise.

Hou Ren's Mother: (pick up her phone) Yes, who is it?

While this is happening, the tag match continues. It was time skipped in fact with Lost Ren proceeding with his turn.

Lost Ren: Garga, deal with Scott now.

Garga attacks lands and Scott receives 3 damage.

Scott's Life: 7

Lost Ren: Double attack, this time kick Gustares out.

Jordan: Fat chance loser, I cast Invincible knuckle.

Jordan's gauge: 3 -> 2

The attack is nullified and Lost Ren receives 1 damage while Jordan receives 1 life.

Jordan's Life: 10

Lost Ren's Life: 11 -> 10

Lost Ren: Lost Cat, attack Scott.

Scott: I call Tsukiusagi to the center.

Lost Cat destroyed Tsukiusagi and did not damage Scott.

Scott's gauge: 2.

Lost Ren: Fine, I'll deal with you myself. (destroys Gustares with his scythe) Penetrate.

Jordan's Life: 10 -> 7

Lost Ren: Let's Dance. Change to Gargantua Lostknight.

Garga changed to Gargantua Lostknight and Lost Ren sends 10 cards from the opponent's decks to the drop zone.

Jordan's Drop Zone: 16 cards

Scott's Drop Zone: 15 cards.

Lost Ren: Deal with Scott at once. Use Lostcat as Sacrifice.

LostCat is disposed with a blast from Lostknight and Garga strikes in. Due to its effect, the opponent's cards power, defense and critical reduced to 0. Because Scott has 15 cards in the drop zone, Scott cannot defend. Scott then receives 6 damage due to both attacks hit.

Scott's Life: 1

Lost Ren: Soul Steal. (Increase gauge by 3) Garga, Revert.

Garga reverts and attacks but Scott casted twice to nullify both attacks.

Scott's hand: 3.

Lost Ren: You've gotten lucky. My turn is over.

LostCat is revived due to Lostknight's Reinforcement's effect.

Micah: Aww Man, So close. If Lost Ren's attack land, they would have won.

Daniel: This is a tag fight remember? They must defeat both fighters to win.

Shiloh looked at the two knights sternly.

Scott: Okay Okay, not bad Lost Ren. But as for that (points at Hou Ren) manchild over there, he's so weak and I bet he's gonna cry.

Hou Ren seemed unfazed but inside he is heartbroken.

Scott: I draw, charge and Draw. Get this Hou Ren. This is revenge for stealing my diamonds. I call Kid Ibaraki to the right.

The Draknights are surprised after they hear Kid Ibaraki's name.

Sensei Ren: Wait what, Kid Ibaraki? What happened to your skull warriors?

Scott: Oh that, that was just a diversion to throw you off. Kid Ibaraki's effect. I send the top 5 cards of my deck to it's soul face down.

Scott's Gauge: 1

Garga (Real): That monster has Ambush.....

Shiloh: What's Ambush?

Sensei Ren: Wait and see.

Scott then cast Clear serenity to increase his gauge by 3.

Scott: I equip....Hidden Dark Arms, Yobigatana. I'll start by disposing that hideous mut over there. (Slice Gardog)

Gardog: I'm sorry Hou Ren. (Destroyed)

Scott: Yobigatana's effect. (Activates Effect) Kid Ibaraki, strike at Hou Ren.

Kid Ibaraki strikes at Hou Ren, causing 3 damage.

Hou Ren's Life: 8 -> 5

Scott: I cast, Oni's Joker. At a cost of 2 gauge and 1 life, I destroy Kid Ibaraki and deal damage equal to the destroyed Monster's Critical.

Lost Ren: Copycat.

Hou Ren receives 3 damage. As he takes damage, he felt saddenned and hurt. However, he didn't show it as his face remains unfazed.

Hou Ren's Life: 2

Shiloh & Bros: Hou Ren !!!!!!

Chris: Hehehehe, Kill him now Scott.

Scott: Kid Ibaraki is destroyed and the 6 soul cards went flying Boi. Hahahaha. Time for some fireworks.

Lost Ren & Garga: Brace yourself.

Hou Ren watched in a terrified but serious manner.

Scott: The 6 soul cards have been sent to the drop zone. The first three cards are watchful eyes. Due to its effect, I gain 9 life.

Magician & Elijah: That Many?

Scott's Life: 10.

Scott: The next card is Under the Table. I gain 3 gauge.

Scott's Gauge: 1 -> 4.

Scott: There's More where that came from. AMBUSH. I call blue fiend Kid Kuma to the right.

Kid Kuma: How you doing.

Scott: Kid Kuma's effect, reduce Gar-Lost Scythe's power by 3000 and the critical by 1. And finally, the Last Card. (Laugh Psychopathically) AMBUSH. I buddycall Shuten Demonic Deity, Kid Ibuki to the center.

Kid Ibuki Enters Play and Scott regains 1 life.

Scott's Life: 11.

Hou Ren: That's his new buddy huh?

Trickstar: Let me guess, your former buddy is useless to you.

Kid Ibuki: You got the hint. Yes, I'm stronger, and I can't wait to see you suffer. Hahahahaha.

Hou Ren: Come and Get me If you Can. This fight isn't over yet.

Kid Ibuki grins evilly. Story ends with the fighters facing off.

Anime Ending: Horizontal Oath

Story End.


Hou Ren: You know when they say the people who are closest to you hurts you most. Let's see how Chris feels about it. Next time, "Hidden Truths". Join Us For A Buddyfight.