Path to Liberation, Hidden Truths (Chap 11)

Synopsis: As the tag fight goes on, Scott and Jordan's hatred has consumed them to see their foes suffer. However…..

In the previous story, CCP destroyed parts of Disneyland and it's up to the ex-vigilantes to stop them. A tag fight occurred and Scott revealed his new buddy. Meanwhile, Hou Ren's former friends met up with Tasuku for an unknown reason…..

Anime Opening: UsseewaThe Tag Match continues with the escaped fugitives continuing being horrifying jesters. Hatred has consumed them as they want to see the knights suffer so badly. Meanwhile, the dark knight remains calm while the young leader prepares for the worst.Scott: Ahhh, this is truly exciting. Today's the day I demolish Hou Ren for what he did. I want to see him cry on his knees after this. KID IBUKI ATTACK HOU REN NOW.Kid Ibuki: I thought you never asked.The attack is nullified as Hou Ren casts Deity Green Dragon shield.Hou Ren's Life: 2 -> 5Daniel: Wait how did Hou Ren cast that spell when Gardog's out?Sensei Ren: In a tag fight, you can use your teammate's cards to boost you up. Since Lost Ren has the required attributes.....Trickstar: He's able to activate Deity Green Dragon shield with ease.Scott: Kid Kuma, get him.Hou Ren's Life: 5 -> 4Scott: My turn.Hou Ren's Life: 4 -> 3Scott: What's Wrong Houtism. You gonna cry? I cast, Oni's Finale, Dance of Assassination. Kid Ibuki gets to attack again.Tim: Since when Scott is Like this?Alex: Who knows.Kid Ibuki: Hahahaha, I can feel your suffering, your pain and your fear. I can taste it all. Hahahaha. You're Mine, Little Hou Ren.Kid Ibuki Attacks for one Last Time.Shiloh & Bros: HOU REN.Hou Ren look down with shade covering his eyes. Suddenly, a Black Dragon Shield appears in front of him, stopping the attack. Making Kid Ibuki very surprised.Scott: What?As Hou Ren hold out his spell, his forehead is covered with shadow, revealing that he stopped it. He felt very displeased.Hou Ren: Is that all you got Scott? Honestly Man, I'm disappointed.Scott Looks a-bit Terrified.Hou Ren: (Menacing Voice) When I first saw you, I thought we can be friends. Then all of the sudden, you turn against me for something I did not do. Then there's all of you kidnapping my classmates and framed me. HAVEN'T I SUFFERED ENOUGH?Scott:'s obvious isn't it. I found diamonds in your House. Chris and the rest agreed. Lost Ren is also displeased.Lost Ren:(Displeased) Wow, after so many times, You still think Hou Ren stole your diamonds. Don't make us Laugh, douchebag.Hou Ren: If I had stolen your diamonds, I would have said it out loud you know. Actually, you know what. Lost Ren Do It Now.Lost Ren takes a breath and said a few words. He lit up his very two eyes and held up is two right fingers before his face.Lost Ren: Mights Of Great Fright, reveal all debris. Unfold Hidden Truths Right Before Me.Lost Ren shoots a spell right at CCP from his fingertips. They felt nothing upon them. Everyone looked clueless but Chris and the rest Laughed.Chris: Hahahaha Whats that gonna do lol. Oooh Im scared.Alex: Yeah, who would have thought Lost Ren had a sense of humour.Hou Ren: (Shaded forehead) Tell Me Chris. If I remember correctly, you were the first one to enter my new House when I finished building it.

A flashback reveals what happened in the past.

Hou Ren: You took a look at my stuff in the chests and then you even said you plan to get a flint and steel. I thought you're gonna set my house on fire and you said it's a joke.

Chris: Yeah And?

Lost Ren: No one else entered the house but you and Hou Ren. When Scott told Hou Ren he got no diamonds, He fully understands and decide to not to take them.Scott: Liar, it's you. Don't try to fool us.Hou Ren: Let me finish. I also saw you took a look at Scott's chest. The exact same chest where Scott's diamonds were before going into my house. I could be wrong but were you the one that stole them?Chris: Now is definitely a bold face (A truth spirit of Chris kicked in) of Truth. Yes I'm the one who stole Scott's diamonds because you didn't build a basement. (Truth spirit leaves, Chris is back to normal)Everyone was shocked at what Chris had said, especially Chris and Scott.Scott: Wait Chris? What did you.....Chris: What the heck. That wasn't me I swear. (another truth spirit kick in) Yeah I lied, I stole Scott's diamonds. (Truth Spirit Leaves) (Shocked) Wait what, why am I saying the truth?Scott: (Shocked) Wait wait wait, so all this time..... YOU'RE THE ONE WHO STOLE MY DIAMONDS?Jordan, Tim & Alex: Damnnnnnnnnnnnnn...Scott: (Regret) What have I done? (just realized) ... Wait Hou, how did you know its Chris to begin with?Lost Ren: Just a little gift of mine. It force the person to tell the truth no matter how much they resist.Elijah: Dang....That's Impressive.Hou Ren: Also, I just remember what I saw, that's it.Chris: You tricked me, I can't believe you Houtism.Hou Ren: (Sigh) Yep, I have autism. Draw, charge and draw. I buddycall to the right.The Real Garga enters.Garga: All are powerless before my blade.Hou Ren: Trickcat to the right.Trickcat: (Appears) Surprise.Trickstar: (Excited) Eyyy, there's my Garcat.Hou Ren: Trickcat's effect. Looking at the top 5 cards of my deck. I add a spell among them to my hand while send the rest back on top of my deck in any order.

Josiah: Deck Manipulation?

Hou Ren: Now I cast, Gar Oracle. (Draw 2 cards)

Hou Ren's Life: 5 -> 7Hou Ren: (Equips his item) I equip Wielder of Mages, Gar Staff. I also set Combat Deity Hall.Judah: Man look at them.Elijah: I know. Magic, Dungeon and finally Dragon World. Thats a total of 3 worlds.Hou Ren: I cast, Lostknight Whirlpool. At a Cost of 1 gauge and 1 hand card, I send cards to your dropzone equal to the total critical of my cards. Plus, Garga is on the field. 16 cards.Scott & Jordan: 16?Jordan & Scott's Drop Zone: over 30 cardsHou Ren: And every time I cast a spell, Gar Staff destroys one of the opponent's gauge.Jordan's Gauge: 2.Hou Ren: Garga, attack Jordan.Garga: As you wish.Jordan: I cast, Scowling Complainers! (Nullify the attack)Hou Ren: Deal with Kid Ibuki instead.Scott: Not so fast.....Shuten Demonic Deity.....(Proceeds to perform in ritualish method) KID IBUKI.....OVERKILL. (Overkill symbol reveals) I pay 1 gauge and for this turn, Kid Ibuki cannot be destroyed by attacks.Shiloh & Bros: HUH?Garga's attack is a dud.Garga: I failed....Hou Ren: It's okay Garga. Trickcat, attack Kid Ibuki right now.Scott: This guy must be deaf.Trickcat: Care for some explosions?Trickcat's effect reveals the top card of the deck. Its a spell card. Hou Ren increases his hand and Gauge by one while also deals 2 damage to Scott.Scott's Life: 9Scott & Kid Ibuki: HOW?Hou Ren: Buddy, It's called Effect Damage.Daniel: Oh Snap. 200 IQ PLAY.Scott: Damn it... I cast Art of shadow stitching.Scott loses another gauge while defending.Hou Ren: I'll deal with Jordan instead.Jordan: I cast, Phoenix Wall.Hou Ren: Okay Garga, it's time. Change to Sonic Mode. Go.Garga: Ahhhhhhh, (Transform to Sonic Mode) Sonic Mode.Hou Ren then draws 2 cards and gain 2 life.Hou Ren: I drew it. I cast, Gar Heilen.Hou Ren's gauge increase by 4.Daniel: Why did Hou Ren increase his gauge now?Jordan: PFFT, It's not like you increased your life. Nice Try Loser.Hou Ren suddenly had shade covering in his eyes.Hou Ren: You know. You really need to shut up. I cast.....Ultimate Silencer: Lostknight World End.Suddenly the battlefield change into a dark and misty fog. Everyone covered themselves with their arms. After a while it disappeared.Jordan: Thats it? Man You scared me for a sec....wait a minute.Jordan checked his life points.Jordan: WHAAAAT, IM AT 1 LIFE. HOW?Scott also noticed his Life is at 1.Scott: WAIT WHAT, ME TOO. WHAT IN THE WORLD.Lost Ren: You fell for it. You have over 30 cards in the dropzone. Your life points become 1 instead. Plus, it requires 4 gauge.Everyone is very shocked.All but Hou Ren and Lost Ren: NOO WAY.Hou Ren: And I'm gonna finish you off without attacking. Final Phase. (Summons His Impact)Shiloh: Could it be?Elijah: It is.Shiloh and Bros: (Excited) IT'S DEITY GARGANTUA PUNISHER.Hou Ren and Garga: Thats right. Impact, DEITY....GARGANTUA.....PUNISHER.Jordan: NOOOO WAYYYYY.Punisher Hits Jordan Hard.....Jordan's Life: 0.Jordan is defeated as his flag is destroyed.Jordan: NO..... NO.....I DIDNT EVEN GET TO DO ANYTHING. YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS YOU AUTISTIC LOSER.Hou Ren: (Sigh and turn To Lost Ren) Its your turn next.Lost Ren: Draw, charge and Draw. I'm sorry Scott.Scott: You don't mean....Chris: Oh no.....Lost Ren: I cast. VOID SLASHER. (Slash 3 damage towards Scott)Scott receives 3 damage.Scott: AHHHHHHH.Scott is defeated as his flag is also destroyed.Chris: How did they...Hou Ren: Our goal isn't to defeat you through sheer attacks. It was to buy time for us to send cards to your drop zone.Lost Ren: When the time is right, We were able to instantly finish you off.Elijah: Now that's teamwork.Judah: (Happy Tears) It's beautiful man.....

Hou Ren gives a thumbs up to his spectators.

Shiloh: (Thought while smiling) Way to go.(Thought)Jordan: Ughhh, you tricked us. You Only Win Because You were using the Dragon EIN flag, loser.Suddenly both Jordan and Scott's Deck Case are destroyed.Jordan: Our Deck Cases...Chris: What the heck.....Magician: Any Fighter defeated in this prison is bound to have their deck case destroyed.Trickstar: And that's not all.Suddenly, Giant Purple Crystal Shards are wrapped around Jordan and Scott.Jordan: What is this.Lost Ren: I just have one word. (Held out his right hand) JUDGEMENT.Massive Amount of Corrupted Lightning charge around the shards, heavily electrocuting Jordan And Scott. CCP watches in horror as the two scream in Pain. As for Shiloh and Bros, Magician Ren already blinded the barrier so they can't see.Jordan and Scott: AHHHHHHHHHH. PLEASE....STOP....AHHHHHou Ren: You ever wonder what pain feels like. Always judge me here and there. Yet you never experience what it's like to be stomped on again and again. This. Is Payback.The prison disappears and so did the barrier spell. Jordan and Scott are wounded and fall to the ground. The remaining CCP members are very afraid. Too afraid that such a thing exists. Too afraid that their former friend would resort to very violent and cruel tactics. Hou Ren and Lost Ren stares at them with deadly menacing eyes as if they are saying who's next.Chris: You'll pay for this, you stupid basement.As they run away, the LA Police arrive and stop Chris and his gang in their tracks, which left Hou Ren clueless.Hou Ren: Wait I don't remember calling them.Micah: Yeah that was me. I thought they might come in handy.Hou ren look at Micah curiously, then he is very impressed.Hou Ren: Nice one.As the police took Chris and his team away, Scott decides to say something to Hou Ren before he departs.Hou Ren: (Annoyed) Don't bother.Scott: No please, I want to apologize....Hou Ren: Lies. I thought I am a manchild to you?Scott: NO.....I'm sorry for mocking you...Hou Ren: Lies.Scott: I'm....also sorry for destroying parts of Disneyland.Hou Ren: Lies.Scott: Okay fine, I'm sorry for accusing you of stealing my diamonds, refusing to believe you, escaping prison, kidnapping your friends and burned down your house. Please.....forgive me.Hou Ren thought about it at first and decides to say a few words to Scott.Hou Ren:'re right. I am a manchild. I'm always so pathetic and unable to stand up for myself. But I'm not the same person you once knew. Right now, I'm not sure I can accept your apology...I don't know anymore.Scott: Please...I'll do anything.....The police drive them away. Hou ren then turns his attention to Shiloh and Bros.Hou Ren: (Sigh) I owe you guys an apology as well.Shiloh: (clueless) what do you mean.Hou Ren: For Dragging you all into the mess. (Bowed) I'm so sorry.Shiloh and her brothers looked at each other at first then smiled.Daniel: It's okay Man. We understand.Elijah: Moreover, the way you and Lost Ren fought was AWESOME.Judah: Yeah, I know right. Like how did you both able to work well together, like How How How?Hou Ren was quite surprised and he smiled and chuckled while Lost Ren and Garga smirked.Hou Ren: Simple.Lost Ren: Brotherhood.Magician: Okay never mind that, How are we going to deal with this mess? (Points at the Destroyed Parts Of Disneyland)Disneyland Manager: Don't worry, we'll handle this. And as a thank you, You all get this.The Manager then hands them a ticket to each of them, including Shiloh and Bros.Shiloh: What's this?Manager: Lifetime passes to Disneyland.All: ALL RIGHT!!!!!!Anime Ending: Horizontal Oath.Story End.


Hou Ren: We manage to defeat CCP and now it's time to Celebrate. Wait. Shiloh. What are you…..Next time, "Confessions". Join Us For A Buddyfight.