Path To Liberation, Doubts Of A Maiden (Chap 13)

Synopsis: Gwen and her friends decide to train before heading to LA. Along the way, Gwen has a few questions. Ranma & Light appears before her and test her.....

Back in Singapore, Ranma is observing Hou Ren's fight against Ms Shafi in his room. As he spectates, Ranma is feeling worried about the way his best friend has changed.

Ranma: You've changed.....(Takes a look at his picture with Hou Ren) Where are you man?

????: I can help you.

An entity appears behind him. The entity has a demonic face while powerful smoke rides around him. That entity is Vanity Husk Destroyer.

Ranma: Destroyer.....Show me where he is.

Anime Opening: Usseewa

At school, as the foyer and then the cafeteria was shown, Daryl, Masato, Natalie and Gwen are at the Buddyfight stage along with their Buddies. All of them are feeling serious as they prepare to train.

Daryl: Time to train everyone. We're heading to LA in a week. It's up to us to bring our friend back.

Natalie: Daryl, no offence but the way you said is like you are trying to force Hou Ren to come back to us.

Masato: That's kind of harsh.

Daryl: I know, but obviously if we talk instead, he would've refuse. Plus his brothers are there defending him. We need to fight in order to get him back.

Natalie: But then again he's also quite an attention seeker so.....

Gwen: I wonder why Hou Ren is desperate about getting noticed before he is like well more serious than before.

???: It's because he is afraid.

Ranma Kakogawa & Light Kurouzu approaches them.

Daryl: Ranma.

Masato: And Light.

Gwen: What do you mean afraid.

Light: We'll answer that. But I have a message from Tasuku. He says since he's busy, he sent me to help you guys in preparation.

Ranma: And I want to see for myself if you all have what it takes to fight him. Prove it to me that you all are.

All of them stare at both with intensity. The four of them are prepared to do what's what as they nod in agreement.

Light: Seems like you all have agreed. Very well. I'll fight first. Who shall be my first opponent?

Natalie: I'll do it.

Ranma: Alright then who shall be my opponent?

Gwen: I'll do it. I want some answers.

Later at the buddyfight stage, Light prepares to Face Natalie.

Light: Alright Natalie, I have to warn you though. I went under my Father's tutelage and I'm not the same person you expect me to be.

Natalie: Right.

Ranma: Okay. Buddy...Fight.

Both: Raise the flag.

Natalie: Legend World.

Light: Darkness Dragon World.

While the battle progress through, At Saint Order Academy, Eden and Gavrail are observing Hou Ren's match with Ms Shafi. The two are quite surprised to see their rival is using a new flag. While at it, they felt concern due to their friend's changed behaviour.

Eden: I honestly could not believe it. He was using a new flag and was able to fight at a whole different level.

Gavrail: And there's his behaviour. Completely changed. He seems...Just Like You.

Eden: I know what you mean. He's like my past self....only.....brazen. And darker.

Gavrail: I had no idea he was feeling so troubled at his current life. Poor thing.

Eden: (Determined) Still, He helped me once, and I need to help him back.

Gavrail: But how can we do that? He dissapeared without leaving a trace.

Eden: For now, all we can do is train. It's possible that we need to battle him. (More determined) I couldn't bear to see him like this. Hou Ren...I will save you.

Gavrail: Miss Eden.....

The Match then concedes with the Legend World Flag destroyed. Natalie was quite shocked as she drops down on her knees. Everyone but Ranma are quite shocked.

Natalie: How the.....

Masato: Incredible.....

Light: I told you didn't I? I have grown stronger.

Ranma: So that's your new strength...(Impressed) Not bad. Okay. Looks Like I'm Next.

Gwen: Amaterasu.

Amaterasu arrive while feeling prepared.

Gwen: We have a battle to attend to.

Ranma and Gwen step onto the stage. Ranma transforms into his Vile Form, becoming Vile Ranma once again. His expression becomes true to his name once again. Gwen and Amaterasu watch it in stern.

Gwen: Purge Evil. Purify The Unclean. Luminize. Blessed Heavenly Light!

Vile Ranma: Reveal the Gateway To The Lost Dimension. Awaken, Warriors Of Lost. Luminize....Dimension Gate Rebirth.

All: Buddy.....Fight.

Both: Raise the Flag.

Vile Ranma: Dragon World.

Gwen: Katana World.

Vile Ranma: I have the first move. Draw. Charge And Draw. Ire to the center.

Ire has been summoned.

Vile Ranma: Ire, Attack the Fighter. (Activates skill)

Gwen's Life: 10 -> 8

Vile Ranma: My turn is over.

After a brief transition.....

Light: Now it's Vile Ranma's Turn Again. He already released his Lost World Flag and summoned Ralface to the right and Agoniagyll to the center.

Masato: Meanwhile, Gwen has equipped Kagura Bell Of Worship. Possesed By Ameno Wakahiko. And summoned Komachi to the left.

Vile Ranma: Ralface, dispose of Komachi right now.

Ralface attacks and destroys Komachi.

Komachi: I failed....(Destroyed)

Vile Ranma: Agoniagyll, attack the fighter.

Ameno: No use. My ability activates. I'll diminish your power. (Pays 1 gauge and draws a card)

Vile Ranma: Not enough. Agoniagyll still has 12000 power.

Ameno: I cast, Ceremonial, Execution of Divine Punishment. I'll diminish your power even more.

Vile Ranma: My turn is over.

Ameno then release his possession.

Gwen: My turn.

Vile Ranma: Gwen.

Gwen then stop for a moment as Ranma called her out.

Vile Ranma: Earlier you asked why Hou Ren was desperate for attention. Are you sure you want to know that?

Gwen: What do you mean?

Vile Ranma: You ask that like you still care for him as a friend. I hardly doubt that.

Gwen: Yes I do. I mean....

Vile Ranma: Oh yeah? If you do then why did you denounce him as a liar? I'm aware he saved you all once but instead of a thank you, you all accused him of setting him up. Really?

Gwen: We didn't know he was telling the truth back then. We didn't know he.....

Vile Ranma: (Interrupts) Words have consequences. You guys made it clear that he's meaningless to you.

Light: A real friend would have understood truth and reason and consider his feelings. You guys however, did not.

Gwen: We were wrong. We want to make amends.

Agito: What she said.

Vile Ranma: Actions Speak Louder Than Words. Begin your turn.

Gwen: Oh.....Draw. Charge and Draw. Amaterasu.

Amaterasu: Understood. Buddy Posses. (Posses Gwen) My Buddy may be responsible for what she had done, but she is no liar.

Vile Ranma: (Enraged) May Be? She literally is. If she had paid attention to him often, she would have know that Hou Ren is afraid and insecure.

Masato & Daryl: Huh?

Light: That's right. Deep down, Hou Ren was very afraid of being alone forever. He was suffering from low self-esteem because you all ignore him and never took him seriously.

Vile Ranma: Adding the bad labelling and betrayal, he experienced more than just severe Trauma. He was heartbroken. How did I know this? He told me so.


Past Ranma: Why do you even care so much of this stuff? I mean it doesn't matter right?

Past Hou Ren: Yeah but.....I feel like I can never earn respect at all. I just don't want to be forgotten and just want to be taken seriously. Am I just....nothing? LIKE, WHAT AM I?

Past Ranma: Woah...calm down man.

Past Hou Ren: What do you mean calm down? You were once the same man. Don't point fingers at me.

Past Ranma: Hou Ren...

(Flashback End)

Daryl: Why didn't he tell us this?

Light: You guys hate him so why bother telling you? You didn't even bother standing up for him when he was mistreated by Ms Shafi.

Vile Ranma: Deep down, he bottled up his emotions. He was so guilt ridden for everything and felt that everything is against him.

Hearing this, they were guilt ridden.....

Amaterasu: Unreal.....

Vile Ranma: You know what. I'm sure this is pointless. HURRY UP AND FINISH YOUR TURN.

Amaterasu: (Feeling guilty) I....I mean We.....Fine. Komaichi to the right. Komachi to the left.

Both monsters are summoned respectively.

Amaterasu: Komachi's effect. Increase critical by 1. And with my ability, I gain 8000 power and double attack.

Vile Ranma: I cast, Dragotrap. Amaterasu cannot attack.

Vile Ranma's gauge & Life: 2, 5

Amaterasu: What? Komachi. Get Agoniaghyll.

Agoniaghyll is destroyed.

Vile Ranma's Life: 5 -> 8

Amaterasu: Komaichi, attack the fighter.

Vile Ranma: I cast, Blue Dragon Shield. (Increase gauge by 1)

Amaterasu: What?

Daryl: No damage?

Vile Ranma: Useless. Useless. USELESS. I thought you are better than this but you know what I had my hopes wrong. My turn. Draw. Charge and Draw. Equip.....Vile Demonic Swords, Lostless Saber.

Vile Ranma's Life & gauge: 7, 3

Masato: A new item?

Vile Ranma: Now tremble in fear. Quake in Terror and be consumed by Despair. I Buddycall Vile Demonic Dragon, Vanity Husk Destroyer REB to the right.

Destroyer emerges to the right in his new form. Making everyone very surprised.

Light: Destroyer Evolved?

Vile Ranma: That's right. Destroyer and I trained and as a result, he evolved. Destroyer, wipe the fighter to pieces. Show them your new power.

Destroyer: I shall grant that wish. Dimension Door, Origin Slayer.

Destroyer somehow wipeout Komachi and Komaichi...

Gwen: How The? Two Targets?

Vile Ranma: Destroyer can send two of the opponent's cards to the dropzone. Cool Huh?

Destroyer lands his attack.

Gwen's Life: 8 -> 5

Destroyer: Double attack.

Destroyer fires a very powerful blast at Amaterasu and instantly removes her possession.....

Amaterasu & Gwen: AHHHH.

Amaterasu perishes and Gwen receives 3 more damage.

Gwen: What the?

Masato: (Shocked) How did the Possession got removed?

Vile Ranma: Your Kagura Bell prevents dropping souls but it doesn't prevent removal of cards isn't it? (Jumps and Attacks with his item) Lostless Saber's effect. I draw a card and I remove one of the opponent cards at random.

Gwen: Say what?

Vile Ranma: The one on the far left.

Gwen is forced to discard one of the chosen cards.

Gwen's Life: 5 -> 3

Vile Ranma: (Attacks) Just admit. You never cared for him Deep Down.

Gwen: That's Not True. I cast, Demon Way, Kasumienran.

Vile Ranma: Tch. Ralface.

Gwen's Life: 4 -> 1

Vile Ranma: My turn is over.

Everyone is very surprised over Vile Ranma's strength.

Daryl: Intense. Gwen is absolutely cornered.

Gwen was feeling very cornered. Her forehead was covered in shadow.

Gwen: You're right. I did not care for him until now. I was so blinded by what happened and I just.... betrayed him. I'm such a horrible friend.

Vile Ranma: Not surprising.

Gwen: Even still, I'm still willing show him my love for him. And If I have to be honest.....I do like him.....a-lot.

Everyone was surprised.

Daryl, Light, Masato & Vile Ranma: You're joking right?

Gwen: AS IF. I was in denial at first, but lately I keep seeing him in my mind, even in my dreams. I just keep thinking of him I don't know why.

Everyone remain surprised.

Gwen: I just don't want to admit I have feelings for Hou Ren, but I can't. (In tears) Right now, I want to give him a piece of my mind and confess how I really feel about him. I love him.

Suddenly, Amaterasu's card in Gwen's hand has suddenly glow. Everyone was surprised.

Gwen: What in the..... Amaterasu, you're glowing?

Amaterasu's card suddenly changed.

Amaterasu: At last, you finally did it. Because you were able to confess how you actually feel about your friend, your feelings, your reasons and your honesty allowed me to evolve.

Gwen: I did what?

Amaterasu: Don't just stand there. Use Me.

Gwen was hesitant before becoming more confident and decide to use her new power.

Gwen: BUDDY POSSES. COME, Three Brights of the Sun, Amaterasu "Wisteria Dance" REB.

Amaterasu EMERGES in her new form. Leaving everyone in aw. Her form becomes more radiant and stronger. Her suns shine bright. Mirrors were polished and wrapped around her. Making her more than a deity. She proceeds to possess Gwen.

Amaterasu: Now it's my time to shine. I'm a size 3 monster with 10000 power and defense a critical of 3. I also have penetrate and double attack.

Vile Ranma: I never expect your buddy to evolve.....But you still won't beat me.

Amaterasu: We'll See. I activate my ability. (Draws 2 cards and gain 2 gauge) For this turn, All electrodeities gain 10000 power and critical increases by 1. And if I'm possessing a fighter, my attacks cannot be nullified when attacking alone.

Vile Ranma: No use. Dragotrap.

Amaterasu: I cast, Cross Manner. I nullify your spell.

Vile Ranma: What?

Amaterasu: Let's See How much you can deal with me. (Attacks) HA.

Amaterasu attacks as she lets her spirit out for the attack. It was quite strong and Vile Ranma can sense her strength.

Vile Ranma: What immense power.

Amaterasu: Double attack.

Vile Ranma: I cast, Fire Dragon Shield. (Reduced Damage) You have no attacks left.

Amaterasu: I cast, Electrodeity Festival. I can attack again.

Vile Ranma & Light: (Surprised) Wha?

Masato & Daryl: That means....

Agito & Cross: Gwen Wins.

Amaterasu proceeds with her last attack and...

Vile Ranma: (Takes the Damage) Ahhhhh.....

Vile Ranma's flag is destroyed.

Masato: For Share. Gwen Wins.

Everyone was surprised and happy to see that Gwen won. Vile Ranma felt glad as he close his eyes. Light clap his hands calmly. Amaterasu release her possession and came out in full form.

Vile Ranma: (Thought) I deserve that....don't I (Thought)

Gwen: I DID IT.

Amaterasu: You Sure Did.

Gwen: How did it felt to evolve, Big Sis?

Amaterasu: It felt amazing.

Daryl and the rest rush forward while cheering and grab Gwen and congratulate her. They then heard some clapping. It was from Ranma once he transformed back to his original self.

Ranma: I take back every harsh comment I said. You did well.

Gwen: No Ranma. I do deserve those comments. I want to fix this. Together.

Ranma: I can see that. Congrats on evolving, Amaterasu.

Amaterasu: Thank you.

Ranma: (Turned Serious) But Nonetheless, You haven't see my full power yet. And Masato, Daryl, you both are next.

Daryl: Ey come on, we got this in the bag.

Masato: Yeah what he said.

Cross: Don't get ahead of yourselves. Time is off the essence.

Agito: But I do admire your confidence.

Everyone Laugh and Ranma look up to the sky.

Ranma: (Thought) Hou Ren. We're on our way. (Thought End)

Anime Ending: Horizontal Oath

Story End.


Eden: My name is Eden. On the next story, it's my turn to evolve. And Prince Alec is here. Next time, "Clash of Legends". Join us for a Buddyfight.