Path to Liberation, Clash of Legends (Chap 14)

Synopsis: At Saint Order Academy, Eden trains before finding his friend. Along the way, she confesses how she felt about Hou Ren and her opponent is none other than...

In the previous story, Gwen was able to help Amaterasu evolve. It was thanks to Light & Vile Ranma's harsh comments that made her confess her feelings. Meanwhile, an old friend considers saving his friend...

Anime Opening: UsseewaAt Saint Order Academy, Eden is currently having a match against one of her bodyguards.Eden: My judgement shall be bestowed upon you. Execute Impact. JUDGEMENT HOLY RAIN.The Bodyguard is defeated while Eden wins. Eden then help get the bodyguard back on his feet. The next bodyguard show up before her. Gavrail was feeling concern.Gavrail: (Thought) At this rate, even though Eden is winning, we would be getting nowhere. Miss Eden... (Thought End)Both Players: Raise The Flag.At the city of Ankh Kingdom, Prince Alexander Ankh is observing the match between Hou Ren and Ms Shafi in his throne room. Feeling very focused and concern along the way, the young prince comment about how Hou Ren fights.Ankh: He really has changed a lot. To think he would use cards from different world under one singular flag is impressive.Voltic Ra appears beside him.Voltic Ra: Not to mention there's Gargantua Dragon. Able to achieve new powers and break through the chains of infection. How is that possible?Ankh: I do not know, but never mind that. He has left the country because he felt like he is a joke. Why would my rival and my dearest Friend think like that?Voltic Ra: A hero and A traitor. Two things he described himself before his disappearance. Interesting. What do you wish to do?Alec: I thought about it for a while, but I'm planning to go to Los Angeles and find him.Voltic Ra: Oh?Alec: He saved the world once from Kei Jigunji partially because of me and he even helped me most of the times together. It's my turn now.Votic Ra: Prince Alec....I shall assist you. Though, how are you sure that he is in Los Angeles?Alec: I have my ways. GUARDS. Prepare the private jet.Alec's Guards appear and they bow to the young Prince before prepping the jet…Alec: We need to make a pitstop first.Voltic Ra: Where?Back at Saint Order Academy, Eden has finally finished fighting with her last bodyguard. However as usual, wins without any better achievements. Moreover, Eden is exhausted and faints to the ground.Gavrail: Miss Eden (Catches her mid-air) As I feared, you fought too much. Now Look at you, you're exhausted.Eden: Nonsense.....I can.....still.....fight.Gavrail: No, you cannot. As your Buddy, I order you to get rest right now.Eden was about to speak when suddenly another bodyguard appear on a screen.Bodyguard: Miss Eden, I'm sorry to interrupt but it seems we have a special visitor.Gavrail: Who?At a dining hall of the Academy, it's revealed that Alec has came to visit her. They both sit on opposite sides at a very long table before staring at each other with determined eyes.Alec: I apologize for dropping in so sudden.Eden: No worries your highness.Alec: Please, call me Alec. For now, I'm just a regular visitor.Eden: Of course....Alec.Alec: That being said, I want to have a talk with you...Eden: (In a curious Mood) What is it?Alec: It's regarding a friend. I watched your match in the playoffs and you are highly skilled. One match caught my interest.Eden: You don't mean?Alec Smiled.Eden: However, if I may, what does this have to do with now?Alec: You and I are quite similar. Like you, I was desperate on crushing Hou Ren himself. But something about him makes him enjoyable and made my wish fade away. He is quite.... unconventional.Eden: Is that so?Alec: However, due to a recent event, he's no longer the same person we see him.Eden: True. A hero and A traitor huh? I had no idea he has been suffering a lot in his life. Why didn't he tell me.Alec: I was wondering that as well. Your bodyguard told me that you are training?Eden was surprised that he knows about it.Eden: Yes, but Gavrail ordered me to rest because I fought too many times.Alec looked displeased and gets up.Alec: I see...I was going to train with you. But I guess it's not happening. Farewell.Eden proceeds to stop him.Eden: WAIT...Let's buddyfight.Back to the Stage.....Alec: Victory shall be blessed upon those who are worthy. Luminize, Legend of Triple God.Eden: Step forth. Keepers of regulation. Luminize. Elysium Order!Both: Raise the flag.Eden: Legend World.Alec: Legend World.

10 minutes have passed.

Eden: My turn is over.Match Stats:Eden = 5 hand, 7 life, 4 gauge (P.S Eden has "Angel Wings" equipped)Alec = 4, hand, 9 life, 1 gaugeAlec: Tell Me, What is it that you see in him?Eden: Well.....

In a flashback, it shows the times Eden and Hou Ren together.

Eden: When I first met him, he's quite a happy go lucky guy. He's quite dumbfounded, since he sees Ranma as a friend even after leaving him. I wanted to crush him because of his different beliefs.

Alec: Interesting.Eden: However, he somehow made me see things in a lighter way. Thus, I've changed. But now.....(feeling sad) He's like my past self. Only, darker and opposite.Alec: Good point.Eden: I don't want him to be like that.Alec: (Surprised) Huh?Eden: I really don't. Seeing him like this is just....wrong.Alec: Then what do you wish to do?Eden: I don't know...But I want to save him. I want to show him that I'm here for him. And I'll start by defeating you.Alec: If you insist. Draw. Charge and Draw. Eden. I didn't show you this before but since all three of my buddies are on the field, I have a new power in store.Eden: What do you mean?Alec suddenly transforms into a new form. While his appearance remains the same, his hair becomes slightly longer. His Sceptre of Mathaf was destroyed. His golden aura glowed bright.Alec: This the proof of a true king. RELEASE, FUTURE FORCE...DGX.Eden & Gavrail felt extremely surprised.Gavrail: How the...This is like.....Eden: (Remembers Hou Ren's Power) It's like his future force. But I thought.....Alec: Guess again. It's a shame he didn't get to experience it firsthand but oh well. Nonetheless, be prepared to lose.Eden: Come On.Alec: Voltic Ra. Make her fall on her knees.Voltic Ra: As you wish. (Attacks)Eden's Life: 7 -> 4Eden: Time To Advent. Buddycall.Gavrail: (Appears in full form) I've been waiting for this. All shall be judged through my power.Voltic Ra: So it seems. Double attack. (Attacks)Gavrail lost one soul card.Voltic Ra: Penetrate.Eden: (Takes Damage) Ahhhh.Eden's Life: 5 -> 2Eden: I cast, Archangel's Blessing. I took more than 4 damage so I regain 6 life.Alec: Healing won't save you. Triple attack.Eden: I cast, Saint Enhancement. I take 2 damage and increase Gavrail's defense by 10000.Alec: In other words, Gavrail has 18000 defense.Eden: I cast, Saint Thunderstorm. I rest Magma and Freeza Horus.Both: What?Magma and Freeza Horus are forced to rest.Eden: And two damage to the fighter.Alec's Life: 9 -> 7Alec: Impressive. But my Future Force has 21000 power. Meaning I can.....(Strikes Gavrail) Surpass Your Buddy.Gavrail: I failed. May the deities protect Eden. (Destroyed)Eden: GAVRAIL!! Wait how did....Alec: My item can attack even If I have a Monster in the center. Double attack.Eden's Life: 4 -> 2Alec: I'm gonna be honest Eden. I'm dissapointed that you displayed this kind of passion towards me. Is this really gonna be you when you face him?Eden: I.....Alec: (Close his eyes in disappointment) Fine, if this is who you are.....(Eyes Open Wide) Triple attack. (Attacks) Eden: I cast, Highest Authority. I take 1 damage and nullify the attack. (Blocks the attack) Gavrail goes to my hand.Alec: (Impressed) That's More Like It. My turn is over.As Alec ends his turn, Eden starts to smile with confidence around her. Her bravery shines bright as she is prepared to defeat his opponent.Alec: Why are you smiling?Eden: Just feeling a bit confident that's all. You're right, I need a wakeup call for this. And I'm just getting started.Suddenly, Gavrail's card began to glow bright, catching both fighter's attention.Eden: Gavrail? Are you okay?Gavrail: It's Happening. Your compassion. Your courage. Your Confidence. I can feel it all. Because of that, I'm beginning to evolve.Eden: But I.....Alec: So it has begun...(Smiled)Gavrail: Don't Use Me Now. Use it when the time is right.Eden: I understand. Draw. Charge And Draw. Cast, Angelic Revive. A card from my dropzone to my hand and I gain 4 life. Empyreal Corps, Lykris to the center.Lykris is summoned.Eden: My turn is over.Lykris is returned to the hand.Alec: That's It?Eden: You'll see eventually.Alec: If you say so. Draw. Charge and Draw. Voltic Ra.Voltic Ra: As you wish. (Attacks)Eden's Life: 7 -> 4Eden: Lykris, Advent.Eden's Life: 4 -> 8Voltic Ra: Double attack. (Destroys Lykris) Penetrate.Eden's Life: 8 -> 5Alec: Triple Attack.Eden's Life: 5 -> 2Eden: It's time. (Holding out a card) Advent Now. My New Power. Upright Archangel, Gavriel REB.The card glows bright and descends to Eden's Center. Gavrail appears and her new form is very exquisite. Her Wings are now bigger and her armour now with red white and blue platings too. Alec & Eden are very surprised.Eden: Woah Gavrail....Look at you.Gavrail: I felt.....Incredible.Alec: So that's Your New Power. OKAY. Show Me What You Can Do.Eden: When appeared by advent, I draw 2 cards. If I took 4 or more damage, I move a card from my dropzone to my hand. (activates ability)Alec: But I still have attacks incoming. Magma Horus.Magma attacks....Eden: I cast, Highest Authority. (Takes 1 damage) Lykris to my hand and Advent.Eden's Life: 1 -> 5Alec: Magma's Double attack.Eden: I cast, Sacred Holy Grail. I take 2 damage and nullify the attack. Since you had attacked 5 times, Your attack phase is over.Alec: (Surprised) What?Eden: Final Phase, Execute.Alec is even more surprised.Eden: Gavrail.Gavrail: (Nodded) Judgement. (Open arms and glowed bright)Eden: When my Final Phase is executed, I gain 6 life while the opponent receives 6 damage. And if I had advent this turn, I gain 6 gauge.Gavrail's Light shuns on Prince Alec and he receives a massive amount of Damage.Alec: Ahhhhhhh.....Alec's Life: 9 -> 3Eden: Cast.....(Pays 2 gauge) Judgement Holy Rain.Eden's 6 wings are summoned behind her and the feathers flapped and creates a swirling strike towards her opponent.Alec: Ahhhhhh....Voltic: My Prince!!!!!Alec's flag is destroyed and he close his eyes while smiling as he gets knocked down.Alec: (Thought) Touche, Eden. Touche..... (Thought)Soon after that, the sunset arrives. The two are outside the gates and shake hands.Alec: I never thought I say this but.....Congratulations.Eden: Thank you. You too, Gavrail. Congrats on Evolving.Gavrail: Likewise, Miss Eden.Alec: I hope you both use your newfound power wisely. And with that said, we can finally proceed with the next phase.Eden: (Curious mood) Next phase?Alec: I know where he is. And I need your help.Eden's curiosity turns into determination as her expression becomes stern and prepared. Later at another school's fighting stage, two familiar monsters evolved too as they gain massive power around them. Daryl: At last....Masato: You've Evolved....Agito: This Power.....Cross: ...Is Incredible!!!!!Ranma, Gwen and Light are staring at it while feeling impressed with the results.Ranma: Looks like things are getting interesting.Gwen: It sure is....(Thought) Wait for us...Okay (Thought End)Anime Ending: Horizontal Oath.Story End.


Daryl: My name is Daryl. In the next story, it's our turn to make Agito & Cross evolve. It's not gonna be easy. Next time, "Limited Time". Join us for a Buddyfight.