Path To Liberation, Limited Time (Chap 15)

Synopsis: There's only One Day Left Before the Take Off. Daryl and Masato are having trouble to make progress. Will they make it in time or will they be forced to sit out?

In the previous story, Eden & Alec are training with each other. Due to Eden confessing how she sees her friend, Gavrail was able to evolve. Meanwhile elsewhere, the two aces are also able to evolve.

Anime Opening: UsseewaDuring the day, Gwen and Natalie battle outside the cafeteria. Gwen launches her final assault while being possessed by Amaterasu.Amaterasu: Susanoo, Go Finish Natalie Off.Susanoo: With Pleasure. (Attacks Natalie)Natalie: (After being hit) Ahh...Natalie's Flag is destroyed and Amaterasu release her possession.Natalie: Aww man, I know you two evolved but you got to take it easy sometimes.Gwen: We'll be facing tough opponents soon. If that's all you got then it's guaranteed you will lose.Natalie: That's harsh.....Anyways, have you seen Daryl and Masato anywhere?At the stage, Vile Ranma is about to finish Masato Off.Vile Ranma: Ralface, Wipe Masato Out.Ralface Roars Loud and Slash Masato with his claw.....Masato: Ergh....Masato's flag is destroyed and Vile Ranma returns to his usual form. He felt very angry and displeased.Ranma: This is Pathetic, Masato. You asked me to train you and this is the result I get? Three Matches already and you still couldn't win.Ranma then focus his attention towards a defeated Daryl on the ground. Ranma: You as well Daryl. Honestly you both are just all talk no brawl. Evolve easily my foot.Daryl: Chill Out Man. It's just that.....Ranma: (Interrupts) EXCUSES. I told you. Actions Speaks Louder Than Words. I see No Action at all.???: What's going on?Ranma focus his attention towards Gwen & Natalie as they enter the stage.Ranma: Just some idiots being Loud Hyenas and Noisy Crows.Agito & Cross: That's Harsh...Masato: We're really trying our best here.Ranma: Says the one who can't beat me after 3 matches. You know what, I should have told Commisioner to cut you guys out.Daryl: But.....Ranma: No Buts. (Point the other direction) Leave.Gwen: Wait. (As everyone heard that) We'll take them on.Natalie: (Surprised) EH?After a brief scene transition...Natalie: (Felt Awkward) Why did I get dragged into this?Gwen: Come On.All: Raise The Flag.Daryl: Star Dragon World.Natalie: Legend World.Masato: Ancient WorldGwen: Katana WorldMeanwhile, Ranma is spectating from the stands while crossing his arms....Ranma: (Sigh) I doubt anything will change.....???: Oh you guys are fighting?Vile Ranma: Light. I didn't hear you coming.Light: Apologies. Just finished my work and yeah, I'm here to train.Vile Ranma: You came at a bad timing to be honest.Light: Huh?Vile Ranma: Either way, the order is Masato, Natalie, Daryl and then Gwen. Looks Like Masato already has Harahara on the field and equipped Wildaxe.Masato: Harahara, Attack Gwen.Gwen's Life: 10 -> 8Masato's Life: 10 -> 12Masato: My turn is over.Natalie: Draw. Charge and Draw. Projection Shell "Beowulf" to the center.Beowulf: (Appears) Huzzah.Natalie: Attack Harahara.Beowulf: Roger that.Harahara is hit....Harahara: But I wanna fight some more. (Destroyed)Beowulf: Due to my effect, you receive 2 damage.Masato's Life: 12 -> 10Natalie: My turn is over.Daryl: Draw. Charge and Draw. I buddycall Skyseer Noble Dragon, Cross Illisrese Astrologia to the center.Cross appears in the center.Daryl: Cast, Proclaim: Steer the Stars. (Activates effect) Cross, Attack Beowulf.Cross: Leave it to me. (Attacks and destroys Beowulf)Daryl: My turn is over.Gwen: Draw. Charge And Draw. Equip. Kagura-Emblem of Self Sacrifice. (An Emblem of Amaterasu appears on Gwen's Right hand)All are quite surprised.Masato: A new item?Gwen: I activate it's ability. Posses Now. Ameno Wakahiko.Ameno appears and possess Gwen.Ameno: Hello.Daryl: She can possess during her turn?Ameno: With Emblem's effect, it along with myself cannot be affected by the opponent. I can also possess during the opponent's turn too if necessary. Now then.....Komaji to the left and Komaichi to the right.Komaji and Komaichi are summoned respectively.Ameno: I draw a card and gain 2 life. All of my cards gain 1 extra critical. Komaji, Attack Cross.Cross lost a soul card.Ameno: Komaichi, Attack Masato.Masato's Life: 10 -> 7Ameno: My turn. (Summons A Bow and prepares arrow) Fire. (Fires arrow)Masato: Cast, Undying Linkdragon Order.Ameno: My turn is over. Well, I'll be back anyways. (Release Possession)Masato: For Share. Draw. Charge and Draw. Cast, Linkdragon Order Links. (Activates Effect) Mazuru to center. And buddycall Thunderpeak Linkaxe, Agito to the right.Masato's Life: 8 -> 9Agito: (Appears) I swear I will evolve no matter what. Not just for our sake, but for Hou Ren's Sake too.Masato: Cast, Divine Dragon Creation. (Draw 2 cards) Agito's effect. Harahara from the dropzone to the left. Joy, sadness and strength. Now's the time to unite as one.Linkdragon Order: DRAGON SHARE!!!!!All of Masato's cards glow together. Ranma however has his eyes set as a sharp eagle.Masato: Agito. Attack Natalie.Agito: Okay. (Attacks Natalie)Natalie's Life: 10 -> 8Agito: Double attack.Natalie: Cast. Holy Grail.Masato: Harahara.Harahara: Roger that. (Attack)Natalie's Life: 8 -> 6Masato: Double attack.Natalie: Cast, Power of Mythology.Masato: I'm not stopping here.Ranma: Mazaru and Masato attacks but Gwen intercepts them.Light: However, Natalie's cornered as she's down to 5 life and 2 hand cards. And Masato currently has 23 Life and his turn ends.Ranma: (Sigh) If you ask me, it's the same result over again.Natalie: My turn. Draw, Charge and Draw. Buddycall to the right.Siegfried enters play.Siegfried: Always a pleasure to serve.Natalie: Due to his effect, I equip Balmung. (Equips Heroical Armor, Balmung) I cast, The Open Door of Fate. (Gained resources) Time to bring out my ace. Messiah Arms, SiegSabre.Siegfried and Balmung went into it's soul. SiegSabre is being summoned and equipped.Natalie: I'll start by destroying Mazuru. (Attacks) Siegsabre's ability activates. (Strikes)Mazuru & Harahara: We're Sorry, Masato. (Destroyed)Masato's Life: 23 -> 18Natalie: Double attack. Sorry Agito.Agito: (Being Hit) Really? (Destroyed)Masato's Life: 18 -> 13Natalie: Balmung's ability activates. (Pays 1 life and attacks again)Masato's Life: 13 -> 8Natalie: I cast, Swordful Blessing. I gain 5 life. My turn is now over.Ranma: Looks Like it's nearly even.Light: Yep. But now it Daryl's Turn.Gwen: Tell me something you two. Is what Ranma said true? Are you just putting on a brave face but you can't evolve at all?Masato: Well...we.....Ranma: (Interrupts) Of course. He's a lying a traitor.Natalie: Ranma.....Ranma: It's the truth. They can't evolve and they can't be honest with themselves. Admit, you both said you felt partially responsible but you never mean it do you?The two of them are feeling guilty as their expression turn in an instant.Cross: Come On Guys. The Jig is Up.Daryl: Okay fine. We're upset that he ratted Ms Shafi Out. Like if he hadn't done that, none of this would have happen.Masato: Plus, we don't like his behaviour. Like the guy doesn't deserve any friends at all.Natalie: So you don't feel guilty at all?Daryl: No...(felt a bit down) that is until we found out about it.Masato: After that very match, he opened our very eyes to the truth. We didn't show it before because we were just trying to…..hide the guilt.Gwen: So in the end you're saying that you felt guilty this whole time but instead you're in Denial?Both: Yep.....Light: So the cat's out of the bag.....Cross: Daryl, I don't want to say this out loud but right now you both are cowards. A true fighter should be owning up to his mistakes.Agito: (From the Dropzone) Cross is right. Like you're the Ace of Sports and Study. You both should know better.Daryl: Okay Okay we get it. Look, we really mean what we said and we really felt responsible. Right now it holding us back but not anymore.Ranma: (Holds up Destroyer's card) Please tell me that's a lie.Destroyer: I sense No Falsehood in their words.Masato: We just want to go there right in front of his face and apologize. We want to show him that we're here for him.Daryl: We don't want to make him feel alone. We're friends. We'll do whatever it takes by any means necessary.Suddenly, King Agito's card and even Cross begin to glow bright. They both yell out as their body and eyes glows bright.Daryl: Wait Cross, ARE YOU?Cross & Agito: It is.Cross: This Power...Agito: ...Is Incredible!!!!Ranma: Impossible….Light: So it seems.

Daryl & Masato's deck glow bright, blinding both party's attention. Daryl draws a card and notice in shock as he sees what he got.

Daryl: So that's your new power...(Determined) Here goes. Charge and Draw. I equip Kals Alnasl. (Does So) I cast, Proclaim Battle Supplies. (Gained 2 gauge) Call to center, Deity Of Knowledge and Hope, Godcross Astrologia. (Pays 3 gauge)Cross appears in the center in his new form, leaving everyone surprised. His new form includes even more accessories on his body. His wings become even more radiant as they flap at large. Cross: Behold my Evolved Brilliance.Daryl: You look amazing, Cross.Cross: I can feel power surging through me. I'm a size 2 Monster with 8000 power and defense and a critical of 2. I have Triple Attack and soulguard.Natalie: Quadruple Attack!?Daryl: Fret to the left. And Seer Dragon Pale to the right.Both: At your will.Natalie: Why two of them?Daryl: Shine Bright, Diamond of the Sky.Daryl & Cross: Galaxy Dragod Formation Activate.A diamond is created and linking between all of Daryl's glowing cards.Daryl: For this turn, my cards gain another 10000 power and defense. Penetrate, Counterattack is guaranteed and my cards cannot be force to rest. And their critical is increased by 1.Gwen: Say what? Amaterasu.Amaterasu: Right. (Possess Gwen) Ability activates. Another 2 life and 10000 defense.Daryl: Cross.Cross: Right. (Attacks)Gwen's Life: 10 -> 7Cross: Double attack.Amaterasu: I cast, Art Of Shadow Stiching. Cross cannot attack further.Daryl: In that case, Fret, Pale and I will do a triple Link attack.Amaterasu: Cast, Ceremonial, Water Mirror.Gwen's Life: 7 -> 9Daryl: I cast, Notify, Double Enhancement. Since Enhancement Tactic is in my dropzone, another 6000 power for Alnasl.Amaterasu: That means.....Daryl shoots his arrow and manages to hit Amaterasu.Gwen's Life: 9 -> 5Daryl: Final Phase. (Pays 3 gauge and holds out his Impact) Cast. Tri Star Decision.Cross prepares his Stance and his last arrow. Meanwhile, Daryl creates an illuminating bow with an arrow prepared.Daryl: Impact.....Tri Star Decision.Both fire their bow at Amaterasu and..... Gwen's flag is down. Light, Ranma and Natalie are surprised.Masato: (Excited) For Share. One Down One To Go.Amaterasu: (Check on Her Buddy) Are you alright?Gwen: Never Better. It was fun.Masato: For share. Draw. Charge and Draw. I cast, Give it your all. (Activates effect) Successive cast. Linkdragon Order Links. Divine Dragon Creation. Time to shine. Deity Of Enthusiasm And Bonds, GodAgito To The Center.Masato place Harahara, Mazuru, Johaku and Agito into GodAgito's soul. GodAgito descends in his new form and his form is similar to Emperor Agito. Only Larger, Stronger, And even more Chains and Colour. His Horns are even sharper than before. Once again, Everyone's surprised.GodAgito: Incredible Power Flows Within Me.Masato: (Excited)For Share.GodAgito: I'm A Size 3 with 10000 power and defense and a critical of 2. I have soulguard, Triple attack and Penetrate.Masato: Agito's effect. I discard the top 3 cards of my deck and place as many Dragon Share Cards Into his soul. Kaina. Jisen. Wings. Step Forth.Light: Now GodAgito has 7 cards in the soul.Masato: Ready Everyone?Linkdragon Order: YEAH.All: Spiral Dragod Share!!!!!!!GodAgito Glows and Lightning Surrounds him, Powering Him Up.

Masato: I cast. Linkdragon's Supremacy. (Draws a card) Agito's attacks cannot be blocked.

GodAgito: Here I come. (Attacks)GodAgito slashes Natalie.....Natalie's Life: 5 -> 2GodAgito: This will End You.Natalie: I cast, Swordful Slash. I reduce Agito's critical by 4.Daryl: This means Agito has 0 critical. Even if use cards to stand him up, it's no use.Masato: I wouldn't be so sure. Final Phase.Natalie is quite shocked.Masato: I cast. (Pays 2 gauge) Thunder Dragon Tornado.GodAgito Lightnings Up in a Tornado and Masato wields Two Lightning Axes. The Tornado moves Forward while creating gusts of wind towards Natalie.Masato: IMPACT. Thunder Dragon Tornado.The Tornado slashes Natalie here and there and as a result.....Natalie is defeated.Masato: FOR SHARE. We Won.GodAgito: ALRIGHT!!!!!Suddenly, everyone heard applauses around them. It's revealed that many teachers and students are watching the whole scenario. Light also clap his hands while Ranma close his eyes while crossing his arms and feeling impressed.Ranma: Okay. I take back what I said. They are certainly one of a kind.Light: Yep.Pauline: Wonderful Match, All Of You.Masato and Daryl felt proud with their achievement and they both shook hands. Agito and Cross came out of their cards.Agito: Woooo. We Did It.Cross: Indeed.Gwen: Nice work guys.Natalie: What she said.Later at the School's Cafeteria...Pauline: I must admit, the both of you evolving is one of the greatest things I'd ever seen.Daryl: Thanks Ms. Though, the credit should go to Ranma and Gwen. If it wasn't for their criticism, we wouldn't have made our accomplishment.Natalie: Uh? I'm part of it too.Gwen: You barely talk or said a thing.Natalie: Yes I did.Pauline: I guess you're all set for the mission then?Ranma: Not quite. We still need one last discussion. A strategy meeting.All: Agreed.Pauline: (Thought) It's so wonderful to see young minds at their fullest. Although...he is something too.....(Thought)The Six Fighters head to Subaru's House for discussion. Strategies and adjustments are made. Then outcomes the day of the take-off. Of Course, Eden and Alec join and the teachers send them off as the ship take off.

Meanwhile at the Mansion, Lost Ren, Magician and Sensei felt very disapproved as they watch them take off through Magician's Orb.

Lost Ren: So they're coming.Sensei: I can't believe this.Magician: Should we tell him?Lost Ren thought about it for a while as he looks at his picture of him with his brothers.....Lost Ren: No.....better keep this quiet.Sensei: But He'll find out eventually.Lost Ren: Then keep your mouth.

Magician: Either way, it made sense since we can't hide forever. But how are we going to tell him if he finds out.

Sensei Ren: Don't worry. Garga & I prepared a backup plan if it were to happen.

Lost Ren: Which is?

Sensei: You'll find out eventually.

Anime Ending: Horizontal Oath.

Story End.


Hou Ren: Ever since Me & Shiloh are dating, things are going super well. Or So I hope….Next time, "Day Of Disclosure". Join us for a Buddyfight.